
yǎn wō
  • orbit;eye socket;eyehole;socket of eyeball;orbita
眼窝 [yǎn wō]
  • [eyehole;orbit;eye socket] 眼球所在的凹陷的部分

眼窝[yǎn wō]
  1. 球形异体生物膜眼窝植入物的临床应用

    Clinical practice of spherical allogeneic biological membranous implant in the eye socket

  2. 先天性小眼球及隐眼的眼窝畸形矫治

    Treatment on congenital microphthalmia and eye socket deformity

  3. 他的两眼从眼窝里鼓出来。

    His eyes bulged in their sockets .

  4. 她的眼睛深陷在眼窝里。

    Her eyes were sunk deep into their sockets .

  5. 她眼圈发黑,眼窝深陷。

    Her eyes were sunken and black-ringed .

  6. 他的眼窝发黑。

    There were dark circles beneath his eyes .

  7. II期义眼座直接植入联合新鲜羊膜移植治疗眼窝内陷结膜囊狭窄

    Secondary hydroxyapatite orbital implantation with amnion graft for sunk socket with narrow conjunctival sac

  8. 羟基磷灰石(HA)眼座眼窝整形术式的改进临床报告

    Clinical evaluation of modified skills of hydroxyapatite implant in eye socket plastics

  9. B组16例采用单纯HA植入眼窝成形术,未行二期钻孔装钉术。

    In Group ⅱ had only ocular socket plasty with orbital implant of HA in 16 cases .

  10. 结论HA植入物眼窝成形及二期钻孔装钉术疗效明显优于未装钉者,是矫正眼窝凹陷和改善义眼活动度的理想手术方法。

    Conclusion The ocular socket plasty with orbital implant of HA and secondary fitting peg is better than only the ocular socket plasty with orbital implant of HA .

  11. 方法据病眼条件采用不同术式的HA植入眼窝成形术,并对其手术效果进行比较分析。

    Methods Various types of plastic operation of socket of eyeball for hydroxyapatite implantation could be performed according to different conditions of patients , the clinical effects were compared and analyzed .

  12. MargaretBowden因患癌症失去了左眼,包括大部分眼窝和周围面部组织。

    Margaret Bowden lost her left eye to cancer - including much of the socket and surrounding facial area .

  13. 结果:本组16例患者植入的HA义眼座体固定稳妥,眼窝成形饱满,安装义眼片后两眼外观基本对称,义眼具有一定的活动度。

    · RESULTS : The imbedded HA artificial eye mount was stably fixed and the socket of eyeball was fully formed . The appearances of 2 eyes were basically symmetrical and the artificial eyes had certain activities .

  14. 你可以沿着眼窝内侧加点highlighter,给它们一种精神焕发的样貌。

    You can add highlighter along the inner corners of your eyes to give them a radiant look .

  15. 异种脱细胞真皮基质在预防Frey综合征中的应用同种异体脱细胞真皮替代同种异体巩膜在眼窝填充中的实验研究

    Clinical research in the prevention of Frey syndrome by laying H-ADM. Experimental study of using acelluar dermal dermis instead of donor sclera in orbital implantation

  16. 方法:眼窝内植入义眼台后于眼台内注入醋酸地塞米松5mg(1ml),盐酸妥布霉素4万U(2ml)。

    Right after the hydroxyapatite implant was implanted into the orbit , 5 mg ( 1 ml ) dexamethasone and 40,000 units ( 2 ml ) tobramycin were injected into the pores of implant .

  17. 扫描显示,喜欢和他人相处的人平均来说,在大脑的两个区域,即眼窝前额皮质区(orbitofrontalcortex)和腹侧纹状体区(ventralstriatum),其灰色质密度相对较大。

    The scans revealed that people who most value the company of others have , on average , more dense grey matter in two areas of the brain known as the orbitofrontal cortex and the ventral striatum .

  18. 方法:对42例无眼球或眼球萎缩伴眼窝塌陷畸形的患者,行高密度多孔聚乙烯(MEDPOR)义眼座植入联合穹隆成形术。

    Methods : High-density porous polyethylene ( MEDPOR ) orbital implantation with fornical plastic surgery have been performed on 42 patients with anophthalmia or eye ball atrophy resulting in socket sinking deformity .

  19. 病人接受左眼眼窝剜除术并辅以放射线治疗。

    The patient received left eye exenteration with supplementary radiation post-operatively .

  20. 眼球摘除后,眼窝凹陷的患者14例。

    14 cases of socket depressed after the extraction of eyeball .

  21. 哼要是我能一箭射穿洛基的眼窝

    if I put an arrow through Loki 's eye socket ,

  22. 多术式羟基磷灰石义眼台Ⅰ期植入眼窝重建

    Multi-operative method for socket reconstruction after evisceration with hydroxyapatite orbital implants

  23. 真皮包埋羟基磷灰石二期眼窝内植入的观察

    Clinical observation of the secondary intraorbital autodermic embedding hydroxyapatite implant

  24. 她怕自己的眼珠子可能真的从眼窝里突出来。

    She feared her eyes might actually pop out of their sockets .

  25. 防止全眼窝再造术后皮片收缩的技术改进

    Preventive Measures for Postoperative Skin Graft Contraction in Total Eye Socket Reconstruction

  26. 他的右眼窝,颧骨和颞骨断裂。

    And fractured his right orbital , zygomatic , and temporal bones .

  27. 国产羟基磷灰石生物活性义眼座与眼窝成形术

    Domestic bioactive artificial eye stat of hydroxyapatite and ocular socket plastic surgery

  28. 刚好眉毛上方眼窝前额皮质处

    just over the eyebrows , in the orbitofrontal of cortex

  29. 同种异体硬脑膜包裹羟基磷灰石义眼座治疗眼窝凹陷

    Reconstruct Eye Socket with Hydroxyapatite Wrapped up in the Homologous Dura Mater

  30. 此手术方法简单,符合眼球生理运转功能,达到了眼窝整形与美容的要求及以假乱真的效果。

    The operation is simple and conforms to the physiological functioning of eyeball .