- eyestalk;eye stalk;ocular peduncle

[eye stalk] 在十足类甲壳动物中末端生有眼睛的可动的柄
The complexus of X - organ sinus gland is the main part of the neurosecretory system of eyestalk .
In this experimentation we constructed the cDNA library of E. sinensis eyestalk speciality expression with SSH successfully , and provide material to new gene .
A regulation mechanism of eyestalk-mandibular organ-ovary axis on MF biosynthesis was also discussed in this paper .
Studies on the Muscular System of Penaeus Chinensis ( O'SBECK ) . - II . Anatomy of the Muscles of Appendages 1
Through ultrasonic fragmentation , heat and centrifugation , the crude hormones liquid of Eriocheir sinensis ' optic ganglia was obtained , and also 13 samples after the further isolation by reversed phase chromatography ( RPC ) .
MIH is produced in the medulla terminalis of the X-organ ( MTXO ) and stored in the sinus gland of the eyestalk . It regulates molting by inhibiting the production of ecdysone by the Y-organ .
But at border of eyestalk there were pentagon and quadrangle .
eyes grow on stalks . Bodies become chemical guns .
The eye stalks are not weapons ,
Effect and regulation of eyestalk optic ganglia on ovarian development in precocious Chinese mitten crab , Eriocheir sinensis
Effects of eyestalk - ablated and injecting progesterone on the Chinese Mitten - Handed juvenile crab ovarian development
The effects of unilateral , double eyestalk-ablated and injecting progesterone on the juvenile crab ovarian development were studied .
The results show that hormone in the eyestalk of prawns can inhibit the progesterone effect on the ovary development of M.nipponesis .
These results will provide important information for researches on circadian clocks of vent crustaceans that live under constant-dark environments and lose their eyestalks .
The effect on testis development and the variation of amino acid content in Eriocheir sinensis by eyestalk ablation was studied in this paper .
Obvious effects were obtained while techniques of progesterone injection , laser radiation on the compound eye and ablation of eye stalk were adopted to induce maturation and spawning of the prawn .
In 1997 and 1998 , the over - wintering parent prawns were conducted to accelerate the gonad maturity and their eye stems were cut with the burning tweezers to promote their development .
The results showed that double eyestalk-ablated can effectively increase the weight and molting frequency of the juvenile crab , significantly improve the ovarian index , hepatopancreas index and ovary / hepatopancreas mass ratio , significantly incease the oocyte diameter ;
Some estimate that lobsters in the wild can live up to 50 years . Scientists estimate a lobster 's age by measuring levels of materials known to accumulate in its body over time , such as deposits of fat in its eyestalks or a pigment called eurolipofuscin in its brain .