
xiānɡ ɡān fú shè
  • coherent radiation
  1. Na原子中3S&4D双光子共振增强紫外相干辐射的观测和研究

    A study of 3S-4D two-photon resonance enhanced UV coherent radiation in sodium vapour

  2. He/K系统两步激励产生极紫外相干辐射机制中的斯托克斯及反斯托克斯竞争过程

    Stokes and Anti - Stokes Competition Processes of Producing XUV Coherent Radiation by Two-Step Excitation in He / K Mixture Vapour

  3. (IR)为红外受激辐射频率),产生了波长为272.2nm的紫外相干辐射,并对其激发和辐射特性进行了研究。

    The character of excitation and radiation is researched .

  4. X射线波段的相干辐射&X射线激光,由于其短波长、高强度、强相干等独特的优点,已经成为诊断稠密等离子体状态的一种工具。

    The X-ray laser is a useful tool in dense plasma diagnostics because of its short wavelength , high intensity and coherence .

  5. 胶体耦合下Josephson结阵相干辐射的功率特性

    The coherent radiation power characteristic of Josephson array under cavity coupling

  6. 本文研究由跃变磁场产生的绕轴高速旋转的电子束环(E层)产生毫米波相干辐射的特性。

    Properties of coherent radiation of millimeter wave generated by a intense rotating annular relativistic electron beam ( E-layer ) which is from a cusp magnetic field are investigated .

  7. 本文论述了利用β-BaB2O4晶体进行内腔连续波环形染料激光器倍频,获得了可调谐单频紫外相干辐射。

    The intracavity frequency-doubling in the CW tunable ring dye laser with β - BaB_2O_4 crystal to produce coherent tunable single frequency UV radiation is reported in this paper .

  8. 运用钾蒸汽中4s~5s的受激电子Raman散射效应,探测到在3610cm~(-1)~3780cm~(-1)红外区的可调谐相干辐射。

    Tunable coherent radiation between 3610 to 3780cm ~ ( - 1 ) of infrared region was detected in k vapor by the 4s ~ 5s stimulated electronic Raman Scattering effect .

  9. 利用受激拉曼散射(SRS)可产生新频率的相干辐射,扩展激光的频谱范围,因而在激光物理及其应用研究中具有十分重要的意义。

    Stimulated Raman scattering ( SRS ) can generate a new frequency of coherent radiation , and expands the spectrum of the laser , thus in laser physics and its applications research SRS is of great significance .

  10. 受激拉曼散射(SRS)作为一种受激散射过程,具有与激光辐射完全相同的特性,可以用于产生新的相干辐射资源,已成为激光波长变换的一种重要方法。

    Stimulated Raman scattering ( SRS ) is a stimulated-scattering process with some characteristics same to laser radiation , which can be used to generate new coherent radiation sources and has long been shown to be an important method to shift laser wavelength .

  11. 本文报告在钠蒸汽中,通过四波参量过程在327nm,328nm,330nm及333nm处得到紫外相干辐射及对它们光谱特性的研究结果。

    UV coherent radiation at 327 nm , 328 nm , 330 nm and 333 nm is generated by four-wave parametric process in sodium vapour . The spectral characteristics is examined .

  12. 太阳运动Ⅳ型射电爆发的相干辐射模型

    A Coherent Emission Model for Solar Moving Type ⅳ Radio Bursts

  13. 热电相干辐射探测器的现状及其展望

    The current role and future prospects of pyroelectric coherent radiation detectors

  14. 分枝和环状构型中的四能级原子的相干辐射

    Coherent radiation of four level atoms in branched and cyclic configurations

  15. 高亮度相干辐射的种类及其物理机制

    Classification of Coherent Radiation With High Brightness and Its Physical Mechanism

  16. 电子束短脉冲效应产生的相干辐射

    Coherent radiation generated by the short pulse effect of the electron beam

  17. 双原子模型体系拓展相干辐射的研究

    Extension of the coherent radiation by a double - atom model system

  18. 强流相对论电子束环产生的毫米波相干辐射

    Coherent radiation of millimeter wave generated by intense annular relativistic electron beam

  19. 钙蒸气中的紫外相干辐射特性研究

    The Character Research of UV Coherent Radiation in Ca Vapor

  20. 这两个光子一起发射出去,形成相干辐射。

    The two photons go off together as coherent radiation .

  21. 轴向和螺旋磁场中的自由电子相干辐射

    Free-electron coherent radiation in axial and helical magnetic fields

  22. 锂蒸气中紫外相干辐射和红外超喇曼散射的产生

    Generation of UV Coherence Radiation and IR Hyper Raman Scattering in Li Vapor

  23. 钠蒸汽中通过四波参量过程产生紫外相干辐射的光谱特性

    Spectral characteristics of UV coherent radiation generated by four-wave parametric process in sodium vapour

  24. 而在浅海分层介质中,能量集中辐射自然是与浅海传播算子相匹配的相干辐射。

    Coherent source is used to focus radiation energy in the shallow stratified medium .

  25. 具有高效率,可调谐及可能获得大功率相干辐射等一系列优点。

    It has the advantages of high effciency , wide tunability and high power .

  26. 相干辐射物理机制综述

    Review on Physical Mechanism in Coherent Radiation

  27. 非线性光学产生VUV/XUV相干辐射的发展和研究

    The development of the generation of coherent VUV / XUV radiation by nonlinear optical process

  28. 非相干辐射传播后的部分相干性

    Partial Coherence of the Post-propagated Incoherent Radiation

  29. 从理论上论证了非相干辐射在传播后可以成为部分相干场。

    Theoretically , ft has been confirmed that post-propagated incoherent radiation can become partially coherent .

  30. 强等离子体相干辐射放大

    Coherent Radiation Amplified in a Intense Plasma