
  1. 首先,相对世界美术而言,地域美术更具情感价值。

    First , compared with world fine arts , regional arts obtain more emotional value .

  2. 相对世界上现存很多国际性问题,我更认为这事件更务必要优先关注。

    Although our world experiences many problems , I think we should pay attention and make this our first priority .

  3. 他受过自我努力和意志力的训练,已经把自己从相对世界的物质感官中解脱出来。

    Exercising self-exertion and unshakable will-power , he had liberated himself from attachment to the sense-objects of the relative universe .

  4. 根据计算机视觉成像原理,利用三维点到二维点的投影关系,可以计算出摄像机相对世界坐标系的平移和旋转参数。

    Using the relationship of the projective transformation between 3d points and 2d points , the translation and the rotation angle can be computed .

  5. 你是一个更高与更低之间的信息通道,也是原型世界与相对世界的信息通道。

    You are a channel for information between the higher and the lower , between the realm of the archetype and the relative world .

  6. 多达布里要求罗摩克里希纳把头脑从所有相对世界的对象中撤离,包括神和女神,把注意力集中于绝对本体。

    Totapuri asked the disciple to withdraw his mind from all objects of relative world , including the gods and goddesses , and to concentrate on the Absolute .

  7. 故在此相对世界能觅到终极真理者必为大幸&此人实属幸运儿,全然蒙受天地鸿福之佑!

    Therefore , one must be fortunate enough to have found the ultimate Truth in the relative world . A lucky soul indeed , fully blessed by all the good fortunes !

  8. 在想象里,有幻想和现实对于相对的世界。

    Within the imagination , there is the fantasy and reality in the relative world .

  9. 对系统进行标定计算,指出标定参数等效焦距f,两摄像机光心的距离d,这些参数为系统内部参数,可以通过相对不同的世界坐标进行标定,即相对标定。

    These parameters is the internal parameters in the system , and can be calibrated through different world coordinates .

  10. 和学理世界相对的真实世界。

    The practical world as opposed to the academic world .

  11. 因为没有它的话,相对性的世界不会存在。

    For without it , the world of relativity would not exist .

  12. 作者在将玩具人格化的同时给玩具们保持了相对独立的世界。

    The author will give toys personified remain relatively independent of the world .

  13. 随着危机的缓和进入了相对平稳,世界经济也已趋于好转。

    As the crisis eased into the relatively stable world economy has become better .

  14. 相对稳定的世界秩序,并不容易适应新的强国登台。

    Relatively stable world orders do not easily adapt to the emergence of new powers .

  15. 西欧和北美的相对富裕在世界各地可谓家喻户晓。

    The comparative wealth of western Europe or North America is broadcast across the world .

  16. 您的相对论,世界上没人能看的懂,但是你已经成为了一个伟大的人。

    Your Theory of Relativity nobody in the world understands , but you have already became a great man .

  17. 社会契约论是作为同神律观念和宗教主教主权观念相对立的世界观而发展起来的。

    Social contract theory developed as an alternative world view rejecting notions of divine law and religious conceptions of sovereignty .

  18. 在这个我们不久就会变成相对少数的世界上,我们的目标必须是成为卓越的小众。

    In a world where we will soon be relatively few , our goal must be to become a niche of excellence .

  19. 在一个哪怕通胀压力只是相对较大的世界里,央行的作用也比近乎完美的价格稳定时期更为重要。

    In a world with even moderately stronger inflationary pressures , central banks matter more than during periods of near-perfect price stability .

  20. 实验证明这种方法可以提高自定位的精度,从而得到相对精确的世界模型。

    The simulation experience result shows that the method greatly improves the accuracy of robot self-location , thus obtain a relatively accurate world model .

  21. 虽然,我国政府高度重视电子商务的立法工作,但技术水平仍相对滞后于世界发达国家。

    Although the Chinese government attaches great importance to E-commerce legislation , but the technical level is still lagging behind developed countries in the world .

  22. 你完全袒露在这个世界面前,袒露在你自身的脆弱和不可谱面前,事实上,这是个相对无情的世界。

    they leave you exposed to the world and exposed to your own vulnerability and fallibility in face of , frankly , a fairly indifferent universe .

  23. 不同的经验模式是有着不同前提和限定的思,是受限定的观念世界,相对整全世界而言是抽象的。

    Different modes of experience are patterns of thinking with different presuppositions and modifications . They are arrested worlds of ideas , abstract compared with the concrete whole world .

  24. 这种情况下不需要标定摄像机在世界坐标系的位置,相对的对于世界坐标系的旋转矩阵和平移矩阵也不需要。

    In this instance , the location of camera in the world coordinates is unnecessary to calibrated , and the rotary matrix and horizontal movable matrix is needless too .

  25. 随着社会经济发展和科技的迅猛进步,现代人文世界日益萎缩,相对这种人文世界的危机,教育领域也出现了大量相同的情况。

    With the rapid development of economy and science , there is an increasing shrink of modern humane world , and in education field , the same situation also appears .

  26. 中国的汽车销售状况今年迄今为止一直是全球汽车业的一个相对亮点,世界其他国家的汽车工业目前都在苦苦应对严峻的经济形势。

    Chinese auto sales have proved to be a relative bright spot so far this year , even as the rest of global automobile industry struggles to cope with tough economic conditions .

  27. 精神世界是人所特有的一个极其复杂的世界,当然是由物质世界决定的,但作为一个相对独立的世界,有其特殊的规律和建设方式。

    Spiritual world isa unique and extremely complex world to man and it is decided by the material world , but as a relative independent world it hashis own special rules and constructions .

  28. 文明起源不是一次完成的历史事件,而是长达5000年的世界历史过程,一个相对独立的世界历史时代。

    The origin of civilization is not a historical event that was completed once and for all . Rather , it is a world historical process that had been going on for as long as 5000 years . It is a relatively independent world historical epoch that has three phases .

  29. 结果表明:血乳酸值超过3mM后,其值越高,他们的相对游速与世界级选手的差距越大;

    The results of the study showed that the higher the blood lactate level ( 3 mM ) was , the slower were the Chinese swimmers compared with world-class performers .

  30. 个人和公司用户更换XP系统速度过慢的原因是因为XP系统相对稳定,全世界使用XP系统的公司和个人用户约占30%。

    One reason many individuals and businesses have been slow to move on from XP is it 's relatively stable , thus made it roughly 30 % of companies , computers being used by businesses and consumers around the world are still running on XP .