
  • 【法】relative righrts
  1. 然而,自由竞争的后果是资产阶级社会进入垄断时期,财产权由此受到限制,承担起社会责任,成为相对权利。

    However , the consequences of free competition result the bourgeois society into monopoly period , which property was restricted and undertake the responsibility , being opposite rights .

  2. 实现平衡的方法是确立银行具备独立经营主体的相对权利,在建立隐私保护制度的价值取向上确定保护客户隐私是第一性的,例外才是第二性的。

    The approach to realize the balanced state is to give the relative rights of independent business entity to the bank . In terms of value orientation in the establishment of customer privacy protection system , customer privacy protection is always primary and the exception is the secondary .

  3. 行政相对方权利的语义分析

    A Linguistic Analysis on the Rights of the Administrative Private Party

  4. 行政相对方权利研究

    Research on the Rights of Administrative Related Party

  5. 抽象行政行为行政相对方权利属性和理论依据

    On the Attribute and Theoretical Basis of the Rights of Private Party in Abstract Administrative Process

  6. 第三部分具体分析强化点击合同相对方权利保护的路径。

    The third part of the concrete analysis to strengthen click in the protection of the right to contract the other path .

  7. 通过上述分析,使得阅读者能够了解为什么要强化点击合同相对方权利的保护。

    Through the above analysis , make readers can understand why should strengthen the click on each other right protection in the contract .

  8. 相信通过本文撰写,能够对强化点击合同相对方权利保护提供一定的帮助和参考。

    Believe that through this paper writing , to strengthen the contract can click on each other right protection in provide certain reference and help .

  9. 社会习俗包括相对的权利关系和社会距离,而心理动机主要指语用移情和语用离情。

    Relative power relation and social distance are two key parameters in the dimension of social conventions ; in terms of psychological motivations , pragmatic empathy and de-empathy are identified as two parameters .

  10. 虽然斯密对市场的建设性作用进行了阐释和辩护,但对于在市场经济运行良好的情况下仍可能存在的贫穷、没有文化和相对的权利缺失等问题,他还是感到深深地忧虑。

    Despite all Smith did to explain and defend the constructive role of the market , he was deeply concerned about the incidence of poverty , illiteracy and relative deprivation that might remain despite a well-functioning market economy .

  11. 行政相对人程序权利研究

    On the Procedural Right of Private Party in the Administrative Process

  12. 与地域性理论相对的是权利用尽理论。

    The principle of exhaustion is opposite with the principle of territoriality .

  13. 首先是行政相对人的权利机制。

    First , the right mechanism of private party .

  14. 试论治安案件中被处罚相对人的权利

    On the Right of the Counterpart of the Punished in Peace Order Case

  15. 相对性是权利的基本属性,所有的权利都是相对的,这是法学界也是人们对于权利属性的基本认识。

    Relativity is a Basic property of all rights , all the rights are relative .

  16. 强制缔约制度的完善有利于相对人的权利能充分得到实现。

    Mandatory contracting system , perfecting the relative rights of persons can be fully realized .

  17. 行政相对人的权利是本源的,而行政权则是派生的。

    The rights of administrative counterpart is original , while the executive power is derived .

  18. 目前的减刑假释裁定程序行政化特征明显,忽略了相对人的权利。

    The current commutation ruling on parole program administrative Feature , ignores the relative human rights .

  19. 城市管理综合执法的执法权力与执法相对人的权利平衡是建立在城市社会的整体利益基础上的,最终又回归于城市社会的整体利益。

    Urban management comprehensive law enforcement and the right of counterparts have something to do with city benefit .

  20. 另一方面行政自由裁量权的广泛行使又可能侵犯行政相对人的权利。

    On the other hand , its wide usage may infringe upon the rights of the administrative relevant persons .

  21. 行政听证是一项保障行政相对人申辩权利最重要、最关键的程序制度。

    Executive administrative hearing is a relative to protect the right to defend themselves the most important and critical process systems .

  22. 对保护相对人的权利和规范政府权力的行使来说既有理论意义,也有现实的需要。

    For protecting the human rights and setting norms for the exercise of government power exist theoretical meaning , also has practical needs .

  23. 文章比较了有关安全标准的几种学说,分析了与安全港保证义务相对应的权利问题。

    After comparing theories in respect of safety standards , the author analyzes the related rights as opposed to the undertaking of safe port .

  24. 表见代理的构成要件及其效力问题,直接关系到本人、无权代理人、相对人的权利、义务和责任。

    The effect and constituent prerequisite of the non-deny concerned oneself no right agent , the right , and responsibility of the relative person directly .

  25. 但是作为私法领域内一对相对应的权利,隐私权与知情权在保护与限制方面存在着多方面的冲突。

    But as the right of paraphrase correspondence , the right of privacy and the right to know between protecting and limiting aspects have various conflicts .

  26. 这些缺点限制了我国行政拘留制度作用的发挥,也不利于保护行政相对人的权利。

    These drawbacks above hindhard the function of he administrative detention , and which is not good for the protection of the rights of the administrative counterpart .

  27. 尽管美捷步在2009年时被亚马逊收购,它仍然拥有相对自主的权利,能够用和以往相同的方式去经营公司。

    Although it was acquired in2009 by Amazon , the online retailer retains relative autonomy and the right to run itself the same way as it did before .

  28. 城市规划行政应坚持权利本位,以维护和保障行政相对人的权利为根本目的。

    The city planning administration should insist on the " right standard ", take protecting and guaranteeing the right of the opposite person for administration as the ultimate goal .

  29. 因此,需要借鉴域外行政复议司法化的经验,通过复议程序功能所发挥的制约作用,保障行政相对人的权利。

    So we shall learn experiences of administrative reconsideration of justice in foreign countries to guarantee rights of the administrative counterpart by means of restrictive functions of reconsideration procedure .

  30. 最后,行政指导的监督救济机制不健全,行政指导在运作中普遍存在监督不力和对相对人的权利救济乏力的情况。

    At last , the system of supervision and relief of administrative guidance is soundless , now , the situation is that it is short of supervision and the relief is not enough .