
  • 网络Personal standard;individual-based;individual-centered
  1. 主要问题依然体现在知识分子价值观的特征之内,即个人本位至上,功利主义价值取向过重,诚信与道德关照缺失,肤浅的理解爱国主义。

    The main problems are also reflected in the characteristics of intellectual value view , namely , supermacy of the individual-based , utilitarian value orientation , lack of moral integrity care , shallow understanding of patriotism .

  2. 文章从共同体主义和自由主义比较的视角对共同体主义进行了解读,可把它们的争论细化为三大部分:个人本位与共同体本位、正义优先于善与善优先于正义、国家中立与国家积极有为。

    From the perspective of communitarian and liberal interpretation of their argument can be divided into three parts : individual-based and Community-based justice priority on good and good priority not just the country neutral and positive for the country .

  3. 综合社会本位和个人本位的人生态度;

    Combining the social and individual status to generate life attitude ;

  4. 三是个人本位与社会本位之间的调和性突出;

    Third , the consistence between individual standard and social standard .

  5. 个人本位比权利本住更为本原,称其为民为本位,则更确切。

    The individual standard is the source of the right standard .

  6. 个人本位标准,注重个人发展;美国中小学标准本位责任制实践研究

    On Practice of Standard-based Movement Accountability of K-12 Schools in the United States

  7. 生育健康的伦理学基础:个人本位还是社会本位

    Ethical Basis of Reproductive Health : Individual-Oriented or Society-Oriented

  8. 从历史的角度看教育中的个人本位与社会本位的演变

    An Analysis of Change of Individual Standard and Social Standard from Historical Eyes

  9. 我国公司发起人法律责任研究&从个人本位到社会本位的转换

    On Legal Responsibilities of Company Promoters : Transformation from Individual Standard to Social Standard

  10. 论儒学的社会本位与个人本位悖论及其影响

    On the Confucian Paradox between Social Principle and Individual Principle and its Social Influence

  11. 西方个人本位法变迁述论

    On the Vicissitude of Western Individualistic Law

  12. 从大学人的福祉出发,以人的全面发展为中心的个人本位是制度变革的终极关怀之所在;

    Individual-centered values is the ultimate concern ;

  13. 坚持个人本位就是肯定了市场经济中经济人的人格定位;

    The former means the Personality location of " economic man " in the market economy ;

  14. 略论公民本位&在集体本位向个人本位过渡阶段的实现

    On " Citizen-Centred Government " & A Realization between the Collectivism Stage and the Individualism Stage

  15. 个人本位刑法观:刑事和解的思想基础。

    ( a ) of the Penal Code individualism : the ideological foundation of the criminal settlement .

  16. 在个人本位与社会本位间探索第三条道路

    Searching for the " Third Way " between " Individual Based " and " Society Based "

  17. 教育史上长期存在着教育目的个人本位论与社会本位论之争。

    There has been a fierce debate between individual-oriented educational aim and society-oriented educational aim in history .

  18. 幼儿美术教育目标的价值取向从以社会本位向以社会本位和个人本位相结合转变;

    The emphasis of preschool art educational objective has been changed from society-orient to combination of society and person ;

  19. 另一方面主张在人我关系领域以自存为原初目的强调人格尊严的个人本位主义。

    The second is the advocating of individualism for the primitive purpose of existence and dignity in human relations .

  20. 受历史悠久的法治传统、个人本位的契约文化等的影响,西方家族企业强调的是契约式治理,即依赖于正式制度的治理。

    Influenced by the culture of law and contract , the family business in the west emphasizes contractual governance .

  21. 蒋梦麟个人本位的教育价值观,是从其个人本位的社会政治观引申而来的。

    Jiang Menglin s education values on individual centre are deduced from his social political views of individual standard .

  22. 竞争法是国家协调经济运行的法律体现,是社会本位法而不是政府本位法或个人本位法。

    Competition law embodies that country just balances the economy and it is society-centered law rather than government-centered or individual-centered .

  23. 随着立法由个人本位主义向社会本位主义的转变,公共利益的保护也被提到了议事日程。

    Along with the change from individualism to socialism , the protection of social public interest has been put on agenda .

  24. 笔者论证高校的知识本位定位、社会本位定位、个人本位定位中存在共同的基础&学生顾客价值。

    The paper demonstrates student customer value is the common basis in knowledge-based positioning , community-based positioning , and individuals-based positioning .

  25. 此时,所有权失去自由与活力,丧失了个人本位性而沦为国家社会的附属物;

    As a result , proprietorship lost its individual-based freedom and vigor , and fell to be an appendant to the state society .

  26. 我国公司法律文化重视秩序、等级以及集体本位,而西方公司法律文化强调自由、平等以及个人本位。

    Chinese legal culture emphasizes on order , hierarchy and the collection , but the Western emphasize on freedom , equality and individualism .

  27. 五四前后周作人人道主义思想的基本内涵为:个人本位的人道主义。

    The basic intension of Zhou Zuo-ren 's humanistic thought was before and after " the May 4th Movement ": Humanitarianism of personal standard .

  28. 惟现代民法从个人本位走向社会本位,公权力于民事主体行为有损社会公共利益时亦得直接介入。

    But the modern civil law tends to sociality and the public power will interfere in the personal actions when they damage the public interests .

  29. 20世纪以来,其在法律由个人本位向社会本位转换的思潮中重新焕发了勃勃生机。

    Since the 20th century , it becomes active again in the trend of thought that the core of law converts from individual to society .

  30. 最后从个人本位、社会本位、文化本位三个方面着眼,构建了三位一体选文标准观。

    Finally , it construct " trinity " criterion of the selected article , view from three aspects of personal standard , social orientation and cultural standard .