- 名similarity coefficient, coefficient of similarity

On Population Aesthetics economic coefficient ; The genetic distance and population resemble coefficient among lines were calculated .
Third , similarity coefficient showed DNA sequence similarity and difference extent among soils of different cropping years .
Two indexes mean correlation coefficients R and the first component contribution to explore the spectra similarity .
A method for computing genetic similarity based on microsoft excel
Using simple matching coefficient to estimate gene frequency and reckon the genetic similarities , the GS of group A and B was 97.85 % .
Putong peach had higher genetic similarity and frequency of gene exchange by dendrogram of RAPD bands .
According to DNA fingerprint pattern generated from DNA amplification , DNA similarity coefficient of fusant and parent strains was calculated and the dendrogram of genetic relationship was constructed .
The similar coefficients between two genus was 0.8325 through RAPD analysis . That showed there were a near relation between genus .
The genetic distance was 0.6502 and the genetic identify was 0.5219 between the transgenic plant population and control population .
Based on the ISSR band data , similarity indices and UPGMA dendrogram were analysed and developed .
The mean band similarity coefficient is 0.4539 in Angora goats , 0.4077 in F 2 , and 0.6111 in F 3 ;
RAPD analysis indicated that somatically compatible strains and strains having identical mating type factors were classified into a group firstly in a cluster dendrogram based on DNA similarity coefficient .
In RAPD analysis with 11 arbitrary 10-bp primers , the 11 isolates were clustered into 7 groups based on their similarities . The similarity coefficients are 0.23-0.93 among groups .
The similarity coefficient and the probability of band_sharing of DNA fingerprinting were less than 0.07 and probability of the identical DNA fingerprinting was less than 10 _22 among the different individuals of different inbred strains .
The similar coeffcients in population of Angora goat , F 2 . F 3 are 0.4539,0.4077, 0.6111 respectively ;
The 40 garlic cultivars can be classified into group A and group B at the similarity coefficient level of 0.58 by using 23 pairs of SRAP primers .
The genetic similarities of soybean germplasm were between 0.43 0.96 . SSR was used to study more on forty-eight ones from the Ninety-four soybean germplasm .
Based on the amplified results , genetic similarity was analyzed by UPGMA and dendrogram was constructed .
Through MATLAB simulation program software to achieve the blind source separation process , use the similarity coefficients and power spectral density separation before and after the comparison , that proved the feasibility of the algorithm .
The values of genetic identity ( GI ) and genetic distance ( GD ) of those populations were 0.7158 and 0.3425 on average , respectively .
Based on DNA bands , the similarity coefficient were calculated and their average value was 0.82 , ranging from 0.32 to 0.95 , which indicated that sibship was close and their genetic base was narrow among cultivars of watermelons .
Genetic similarity was analyzed for 42 progenies transferred with hormone genes , and a tree diagram and the SSR fingerprint was constructed based on the SSR markers .
The principles and methods of deconvolution and the similarity coefficient can be transplanted to the areas of structure and medicinal effects , as well as the XRD fingerprint database of Chinese herbs .
The genetic diversity of76 waxy barley landraces from different region of China was assessed by SSR markers , and cluster analysis was done based on genetic similarity coefficient .
According to 13 sources of different isoenzyme electrophoresis patterns , We use the method of the Dice coefficient to calculate their coefficient .
The clustering analysis of RAPD markers in Myrica rubra . The genetic distances among 30 accessions of Myrica rubra cultivars in Fujian Province for RAPD marks were between 0 and 1 .
UPGMA Cluster analysis showed that 56 single chromosomes can classify into 11 groups at the similarity coefficient of 0.76.3 .
The classification and relationship of Chinese wild species of grape were analysed with Nei 's standard genetic distance similar coefficient and fuzzy cluster analysis .
The similarity coefficient and the probability of band_sharing in different individuals of the identical inbred strain were more than 0.9 except less than 0.7 in SHR ( Ha ) and WKY ( Ha ) .
Pairwise similarity coefficients combining both RAPD and ISSR markers ranged between 0.881 and 0.979 , with an average of 0.933.Clustering of genotypes had some differences when RAPD-and ISSR-derived dendrograms were compared .