
  • 网络Direct Competitor
  1. 这台设备造型时尚,看上去像是苹果公司(Apple)的产品。百事公司把它当作可口可乐公司(Coca-Cola)Freestyle可乐售卖机的直接竞争对手。

    The machine , which is sleek and resembles an Apple ( AAPL ) product more than anything else , situates itself as a direct competitor to Coca-Cola 's ( KO ) Freestyle .

  2. 相反,美光将加快与台湾合作伙伴南亚科技(nanya)在研发方面的合作,从而成为台湾记忆体的直接竞争对手。

    Micron will instead become a direct competitor with Taiwan memory as it speeds up co-operation in research and development efforts with Nanya , its Taiwanese partner .

  3. 目前耐克利润率低于多数直接竞争对手,高于阿迪达斯(AdidasAG)和服装生产商UnderArmourInc.。

    Nike 's margins are now lower than most of its direct competitors , rival Adidas AG ADS.XE 0.00 % and apparel maker Under Armour Inc.

  4. 去年,直接竞争对手华为(Huawei)的智能手机销售量或许比中兴多出三分之一;但华为是非上市企业,为达到这一目标即便把利润削减一半,也不用担心会惹恼公众股东。

    Direct rival Huawei might have sold a third more smartphones than ZTE last year but it has no public shareholders to upset over halving profits to achieve that .

  5. 在被问到eBay是否是谷歌购物(GoogleShopping)直接竞争对手时,多纳霍表示:“没错……我们是(谷歌的)强劲商业对手。”

    Asked if eBay was a direct competitor of Google Shopping , Mr Donahoe said : " Yes   .   .   .   We are a strong commerce competitor [ of Google 's ] . "

  6. 结果就是,在目前的状态下,Cortana是个有希望的开端,但它远远没有其直接竞争对手Siri和GoogleNow那么有用,后两者在智能手机领域使用非常广泛。

    As a result , in its current state , Cortana is a promising start , but it 's far less useful than its direct rivals , Siri and Google 's Now , which are widely available on smartphones worldwide .

  7. 在任何重要的贸易市场中,默比尔和科诺柯都不是真正的直接竞争对手。

    Mobil and Conoco are not really direct competitors in any significant markets .

  8. 在城市业务发展中,农村商业银行的直接竞争对手涉及到国有股份制银行、中小股份制银行等各类强势金融机构。

    The direct competitors are state-owned joint-stock banks and medium and small joint-stock banks which are all stronger than rural commercial banks .

  9. 她在这个领域几乎没有直接竞争对手,而且这个音乐类型欢迎成功者,如果有必要的话也可以带上一丝勉强。

    She faced almost no direct competition there , and it 's a genre that embraces success , grudgingly if need be .

  10. 安卓支付是苹果支付的直接竞争对手,它和苹果支付的功能几乎完全一致,只是它在安卓手机上运行。

    It is a direct competitor to Apple Pay , and does almost exactly the same thing - except on Android phones .

  11. 事实是,从长期看美国钢铁更可能被替代产品伤害而不是它的直接竞争对手钢铁公司。

    S.Steel is more likely to be hurt in the long run by substitute products than by its immediate steel company rivals . U.

  12. 福特担心它可能会把这些技术移交给一个预计将成为其在欧洲和北美市场直接竞争对手的公司。

    Ford fears it could be handing over that technology to a company that is expected to become a direct competitor in Europe and North America .

  13. 不久前,我投资了一家服务业公司,令我苦恼的是几个部门的一些员工相继反水,都投入了一家直接竞争对手公司的怀抱。

    A while ago I invested in a service business , only to suffer a series of walkouts across several offices all defecting to a direct rival .

  14. 分析师称,华硕在笔记本电脑市场的扩张导致它与几家主要客户出现摩擦,华硕已被这些客户视为直接竞争对手。

    Analysts say Asustek 's growth in the notebook market has generated friction with some key customers , who now see the company as a direct competitor .

  15. 鲍尔默不是傻瓜,但他的战线拉得太长&比他的所有直接竞争对手都长得多。

    Mr Ballmer is no fool but he has set himself too broad a challenge – far greater in scope than any of his direct competitors face .

  16. 谷歌收购了摩托罗拉,但鲁宾坚持把它作为一个独立部门,即使摩托罗拉是三星的直接竞争对手,也没有得到特殊照顾。

    Google now owns Motorola , which Rubin insisted is kept as a separate structure and isn 't given preferential treatment , even though it is a direct competitor to Samsung .

  17. 这种想法似乎胜过了如下的担忧:未来将成为其它硬件制造商直接竞争对手兼合作伙伴的谷歌,可能给予摩托罗拉额外照顾。

    That line of thought appeared to outweigh fears that Google , which will become a direct competitor as well as a partner , could favour Motorola over other hardware manufacturers .

  18. 你尚未公开发表的数据具有敏感性,把它交给直接竞争对手有可能不合适。

    They will also appreciate that your unpublished data needs to be treated sensitively , and that it might not be appropriate to put that in the hands of a competitor working on the same thing .

  19. 当然是最直接的竞争对手。

    Couldn 't be any more direct competition .

  20. 这是因为,同事之间是直接的竞争对手关系,而老板则不是。

    That 's because your colleagues are direct competitors in ways that your boss is not .

  21. 这其中的原因在于,它们直接竞争的对手,是那种用汽油做燃料的汽车,而油价暴跌后这种车会变得更便宜。

    That is because they compete directly with rivals such as petrol-fuelled cars that are becoming cheaper to run as oil prices fall .

  22. 女:嗯,我知道我们最直接的竞争对手Harston's几年前也遇上了类似问题,

    Woman : Hmmm. .. I know that our closest competitor , Harston 's , had a similar problem a few years ago ,

  23. 苹果将于下周公布第三季度财报,每个关注苹果公司的人&无论是其最坚定的投资人,还是最直接的竞争对手,都会格外关注上季度苹果究竟卖出了多少台iPhone。

    So when Apple reports its 3rd quarter earnings next week , everybody who follows the company from its most steadfast investors to its fiercest competitors will be paying particular attention to how many iPhones it sold .

  24. 足球俱乐部也与多数其他业务不同,它们不能直接出售给竞争对手。

    Football clubs are also unlike most other businesses in that they cannot be sold to a direct competitor .

  25. 届时,国有银行将直接面对外国竞争对手,这些对手拥有更好的产品,而且迫切希望抢走它们盈利最多的业务。

    Next year , liberalisation will expose the banks to foreign competitors offering superior products and hungry to snap up their juiciest business .

  26. 位于美国的洲际交易所(IntercontinentalExchange)决定,将开始在伦敦从事原油期货交易,与纽约商品交易所展开直接竞争,并击败对手,这一决定可以说也面临同样的难题。

    The same can be said of the decision by the US-based InterContinental Exchange to start trading crude oil futures in London , in direct and successful competition with Nymex in New York .

  27. 脸谱网的这项新服务矛头直接对准了他的竞争对手&以高储存容量为名的谷歌Gmail邮件服务,意在争夺用户数量上展开一场“血腥的战争”。

    The service , perceived as a direct rival to Google 's Gmail , marks a new front in the ongoing and increasingly bitter battle between Facebook and Google to gain the loyalty of users .

  28. 此外,还将印度作为外商直接投资领域的竞争对手,与中国进行了比较。

    Furthermore , a comparison with India as a competitor for FDI is made .

  29. 你可以直接向你的竞争对手和其他领域学习。

    You can give yourself a head start by learning from competitors and other markets .

  30. 比较广告是指在广告中直接或间接提及竞争对手或竞争对手的产品或服务的广告。

    Comparative advertising is defined as advertising , direct or indirect reference to competitors or their products or services .