
  • 网络Direct issue;Direct Placement
  1. 我要在这里提名谁作为最性感吸血鬼?某片直接发行DVD的吸血鬼电影中出现的无名小卒吗?

    Who was I going to put down here , some nobody from the latest direct-to-DVD vampire movie ?

  2. “安邦共赢3号”之所以受到欢迎,是因为它保证3年后给付5.1%——CNBenefit的数据显示,这一收益率高于2.75%的3年期银行存款基准利率,也高于去年12月银行直接发行的理财产品3.99%的平均收益率。

    The popularity of Win-Win \# 3 is due to its guaranteed payout of 5.1 per cent after three years - higher than the benchmark three-year bank deposit rate of 2.75 per cent and the average 3.99 per cent yield on WMPs issued directly by banks in December , according to data from CN Benefit .

  3. 中国将有更多企业在美国资本市场直接发行证券。

    An increasing number of Chinese enterprises will directly issue securities in the American capital market .

  4. 对于发行公司来说,可转换债券提供了比直接发行债券或股票更加灵活、高效率的融资方式;

    To the company , issuing convertible bonds is a more effective and flexible way to finance .

  5. 问题在于,除了银行以外,内地组建的企业不允许直接发行点心债券。

    The problem is that , besides banks , mainland-incorporated companies are not allowed to issue dim sum bonds directly .

  6. 尽管合伙人制度没有直接发行两类股票那么透明,阿里巴巴并不能完全无视外部股东。

    Though the partnership approach is less transparent than just issuing two different classes of stock , the company cannot entirely ignore its external shareholders .

  7. 它不仅为开发人员提供了在云上构建应用程序的方法,借助它,还可以通过直接发行模型来向用户收取这些应用程序的使用费用。

    It offers developers a way to not only build application on the cloud , but to build applications that they can charge users money for through a direct distribution model .

  8. 中国在批准公司直接发行股票方面一向非常谨慎,主要受大陆股市死气沉沉的表现影响&2013年上证综指下跌了约8%。

    China has been wary of allowing companies to issue straight equity due to the moribund performance of the mainland stock market – the Shanghai Composite index fell nearly 8 per cent in 2013 .

  9. 在国外发达国家和地区,地方政府为满足地方经济与社会公共事业发展等公共支出需要,可以使用政府税收或者项目收益作为保障,通过直接发行债券的方式进行融资。

    In foreign developed countries and regions , in order to meet the needs of the local economy and society , the local government revenue or income of the project can be used as security , by directly issuing bonds financing .

  10. 众多的民营企业通过买壳、借壳上市或者直接发行等方式成为证券市场的一员,民营上市公司也逐渐成为证券市场上一类日益引人注目的主体。

    The numerous enterprises run by the local people become a member of the security market in the way that buy the shell , borrows the shell or issues directly . The private listed companies become a remarkable part in security market .

  11. DPO或直接公开发行将成为主要替代首发和反向并购中国公司上市的方式。

    DPO or Direct Public Offering will become the main alternative to IPO and reverse merger for Chinese companies .

  12. 从公司现有的股东手中收购股票,而不是直接从发行股票的公司购买。

    Purchase of stock in a company from a shareholder , rather than purchasing stock directly from the company .

  13. 进入20世纪90年代之后,互联网技术在证券市场的应用,彻底改变了证券交易的传统运作模式,网上证券交易主要包括证券商网上交易服务、网上证券直接公开发行以及另类交易系统等。

    In 1990 's , Internet has altered the traditional operation model of securities trading , which mainly includes the trading services on Internet , Internet DPO and alternative trading systems .

  14. 它宣布,将自行创立特殊工具,直接从发行商手中买入商业票据(非常短期的债券),这意味着,美联储实际上已进入向企业提供贷款的业务领域。

    News that it will now launch its own special vehicle to buy commercial paper ( very short-term bonds ) directly from issuers means that it has in effect entered the business of lending to companies .

  15. 其中直接到境外发行债券、股票无疑是最具吸引力的一种筹资方式。

    To directly issue bond and stock is no doubt a most attractive way to fund .

  16. 当存在估值差异时,直接出售或者发行过手型资产支持证券不能解决因估值差异过大而无法成交的现象。

    In the market with valuation differences , outright sale or pass-through securitization would face the problem of no trading .

  17. 本文的主要观点和内容:企业筹资方式是指企业筹措资金所采用的具体形式或手段,主要有:吸收直接投资、发行股票、发行债券、银行借款、融资租赁、商业信用等。

    The financing modes covers absorbing directly investment , issuing stock , borrowings from banks , leasehold and commercial crediting and so on .

  18. 发行库作为发行基金存储的重要载体,其安全性直接关系到发行基金合理供应和货币发行工作的正常开展。

    As an important carrier of the issued funds storage , the safety of the issuance vaults directly concerns normal conduction of rational supply of issued funds as well as currency issuing .

  19. 香港离岸人民币债券市场将继续保持快速增长趋势,离岸人民币债券收益率将上升,其二级市场有望得到快速发展,更多内地企业将直接赴港发行人民币债券,离岸人民币债券的定价机制将会得到完善。

    The scale of offshore RMB bond will rise , its secondary market is expected to be rapid development and more mainland enterprises will come to Hong Kong to issue RMB bonds . The pricing mechanism of RMB offshore bonds will be improved .

  20. 作为一个新生事物,地方政府债券会存在一系列的问题和风险,对其问题和风险的控制防范会直接影响此次发行的效果,并对以后其长效发行产生影响。

    As a new thing , there will be a series of problems and risks about local government bonds . The controlling and prevention of its problems and risks will have a direct impact on the effect of this issuing , and cause an important influence on its long-term release .

  21. 鉴于SY公司处在上市辅导期,所以在中远期融资方案的设计中考虑从资本市场上直接融资,通过发行股票和债券的方式筹措到未来公司所需资金。

    Since the SY Company is listing in the period of counseling , it might financing from the capital markets directly in the design of the long-term financing options , financing by Issuing stocks and bonds .

  22. 此外,贝莱德还在探索直接贷款给债券发行机构的机会。

    The group also is exploring lending money directly to bond issuers .

  23. 许多电影的发行被推迟了,还有一些电影直接以数字版本发行。

    Many film releases have been delayed , with others going straight to digital .

  24. 跨境上市的直接结果是证券发行人及其主要营业地与投资者分处不同的国家或法域。

    Cross-border listing makes securities issuers and investors and business in different countries or jurisdictions .

  25. 新的直接以欧洲美元发行的债券额

    New straight Eurodollar bond offerings

  26. 而彩票公益金的使用方向则直接取决于彩票发行的目的。

    The usage of the public welfare fund from lottery ticket sales directly depends on the purpose of lottery sales .

  27. 直接持有体制下,证券发行人直接发行纸质证券给投资者,发行人和投资者之间不存在任何证券中介机构。

    Under direct holding system , security issuer directly issues physical security to investors . There is not any security intermediary exists between the issuer and the investors .