
  • 网络Direct Marketing;direct response marketing
  1. 直复营销在JohnnieWalker品牌推广中的应用研究

    Direct Marketing Research in Johnnie Walker Brand Promotion in China

  2. 在此基础上对中国目前开展直复营销活动的大环境进行PEST分析,指出了有利因素和不利因素。

    A PEST analysis on the overall environment where China is developing direct marketing now is made in order to find out what factors are for it or against it .

  3. 新模式通过对比国际业内领跑者如TNT和国内直销行业的成功企业如贝塔斯曼,通过他们的业务开展和运行模式分析,将中国邮政在直复营销行业的开展模式进行优化。

    As a result of the comparison between the internal leader like TNT and domestic forerunner like Bertelsmann in service development and operation mode , the new mode optimizes the development mode of postal DM in China .

  4. 直复营销对顾客忠诚影响研究

    Research on the Influences of Direct Marketing on the Customer Loyalty

  5. 直复营销及其对我国保险企业发展的启示

    Direct marketing and its enlightenment to the development of insurance industry

  6. 直邮商函是直复营销的一种重要手段。

    Direct mail is an important tool of the direct marketing .

  7. 基于银行数据库的直复营销模式分析

    Analysis on the Directing Marketing Mode Based on Customer Database of Bank

  8. 直复营销与工商银行市场营销的变革

    Direct Marketing and Reform of Marketing Operation of ICBC

  9. 基于直复营销理论的商业地产信息网站经营模式研究

    Research on Commercial Real-estate Information Website Business Model Based on Direct Marketing Theory

  10. 直复营销新形式&网络营销在中国的发展研究

    Research on E-marketing Development in China , a New Form of Direct Marketing

  11. 顾客信任&直复营销成功的基石

    Customer Trust - The Foundation of Successful Direct Marketing

  12. 论直复营销在我国保险业中的应用

    Direct Marketing Application in the Chinese Insurance Industry

  13. 1872年,直复营销起源于美国。

    1872 , direct marketing comes of American .

  14. 戴尔模式与中国直复营销

    Dell Model and the Direct-Composite Marketing in China

  15. 直复营销作为一种新近兴起的行销方式,具有许多其他营销方式所不具备的特点和优势。

    Direct marketing acts as a newly-developed marketing method which has its characteristics and advantages compared to other methods .

  16. 从直复营销的特点和理论基础等方面来分析其对我国保险企业发展的启示。

    This author analyses the characteristics and fundamental theory of the direct marketing and its enlightening effect on the development of insurance industry .

  17. 接下来便在这5点优势竞争力上构建了中国邮政直复营销中心的运行模式,针对目前中国邮政直复营销中心在管理和业务上的不足进行改造。

    These five forces form the operation mode of the postal DM center in China and make reforms on its inefficient management and services .

  18. 直复营销、一对一营销和客户关系营销等营销方式的不断创新,一次次震撼了营销界。

    The continuous innovation in the marketing modes such as the Direct Mailing Marketing , the One-to-One Marketing and the Customer 's Relationship Oriented Marketing has shocked the marketing business .

  19. 在电子商务条件下,网络整合营销、软营销和网络直复营销等理论为网络营销渠道的建立和创新奠定了基础。

    Under electronic commerce , the theories , such as network integrated distribution , soft distribution and network direct distribution , are the foundation for establishing and creation of network distribution channels .

  20. 直复营销以其精准的目标指向性、营销效果的可衡量性、消费者反应速度的迅捷性以及顾客关系的持久性等优势,为困境中的企业提供了新的思路与出路。

    Direct Marketing offers a new door to these frustrated companies , base on its advantages such as precise orientation , measurability of marketing result , high-speed reaction of customers and long-lasting customer relationships .

  21. 直复营销作为一种全新的营销模式,以其具有的成本低、信息量大、即时传送和反馈、服务的连续性等特点,非常适合我们这种代理人队伍相对很少的小公司。

    Direct marketing , as a new marketing tool , which is low cost , large information , instant spread and feedback and continuous service , fits well to the small insurance company , since it has comparatively much fewer agents .

  22. 在市场启动的初期采取高价格与高促销的市场撇脂策略,应用数据库直复营销与目标顾客精确沟通、服务,采取资源广泛分销模式逐步扩大客户群。

    PZ company adopts Rapid skimming at a high price and a high promotion level in introduction stage on the market , uses the Direct Marketing to target consumer 's accurate communication , service directly and adopts " Resources Distributed " that the mode is expanded customer group progressively .