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  • target cost
  1. PSTN本地网目标成本分析

    The analysis of target cost of PSTN local telephone network

  2. 运用DEA原理对油气区块操作成本项目进行有效性评价,确定区块相对有效年度的操作目标成本;

    DEA-theory is utilized to evaluate the validity of operating cost control projects and ascertain operating target cost of relatively effective years in oil-gas sections .

  3. 利用Arena仿真工具建立仿真模型。通过模拟多产品,需求及运输费用随机变化的分销物流系统计算目标成本。

    Building the simulation model using Arena and compute the objective cost .

  4. 目标成本法是设计ERP(企业资源管理)系统成本决策子模块普遍采用的方法。

    Target-cost method is one of the popular ways when we desing the cost-decision branch system of ERP .

  5. BSC框架下:目标成本的平衡计算

    Balanced Target-costing under the BSC 's framework

  6. 针对Z公司成本管理中建筑材料费浪费严重的问题,本文提出了目标成本管理的方法进行解决。

    Z company for cost management company in charge of construction materials and waste remain serious problems , this paper , the goal of cost management methods to solve .

  7. 论ABCM与目标成本管理的耦合

    On ABCM Coupled with Target-based Cost Management

  8. 给出定单式生产企业目标成本管理体系,指出TCM的应用基础是ERP,它是ERP的进一步深化和扩展。

    Gives out the frame of TCM ( Target Cost Management ) in MTO ( Make to Order ) manufacture , and points out that TCM is the expansion of ERP on which it 's application is based .

  9. 在明确项目成本的含义、内容和控制原则等的前提下,阐述了ABC分类法、层次分析法、目标成本法等常用的成本控制的具体方法。

    Under the premise of the principle of cost of the project , content and control in a clear meaning . Expounds the ABC classification , APH analysis , target cost method and other commonly used specific methods of cost control .

  10. 模型中的目标成本包括:RDC的设立成本、RDC成本、RDC安全库存成本以及从RDC到分销商的配送成本四部分。

    The model incorporates fixed costs of locating RDCs , working inventory and safety stock inventory costs at RDCs and transport costs from the suppliers to the RDCs .

  11. 然后通过分析三亚LN公司设计阶段成本控制现状,对目前采用的引入价值工程、限额设计、目标成本约束等纯系统性的控制方法的效果进行分析,找出其不足之处。

    Then through analysis of cost control conditions happened in design period in Sanya LN real estate company , analyzes effects of pure systematic control methods often taken nowadays such as introducing value engineering , quota design , target cost constraint etc. and finds deficiencies .

  12. 本文针对CGM项目的成本管理问题提出了相关的解决措施,包括以目标成本为导向进行成本管理,并完善成本分解、分析、控制和考核环节。

    In this paper , the problem of cost management for the CGM project and puts forward relevant solving measures , including the target cost of cost management , and improve the cost decomposition , analysis , control and assessment .

  13. 通过对CTS公司的现状、发展前景及内外部竞争环境的分析,结合国内外先进的成本管理理论的方法,提出CTS公司应选择目标成本控制对策。

    Through the analysis of the present status , development foreground and internal and external competitive environment in CTS , and combining the methods of domestic and international advanced cost management theories , this thesis brings forward that CTS should choose Target Cost Control Countermeasure .

  14. 在平衡计分卡(BSC)综合绩效管理框架下,文章对应用于内部经营维度的目标成本平衡计算的内涵、角色及其战略作用进行一些有意义的理论探析。

    Under the BSC 's framework , that is a comprehensive system of the performance management , the article tries to develop some theoretic research of the balanced target-costing , applied to inside operation of corporation , in several aspects , such as its meaning , roles and strategic function .

  15. 管理工具发掘类研究方面,研究者们应用实地研究的方法发现并介绍了大量的方法、概念和工具,如TCO与VCA、跨组织成本管理与目标成本法、OBA等。

    In the research of explore management tools , researchers apply the field research methods to explored and introduced a number of methods , concepts and tools , such as TCO and VCA , inter-organizational cost management and target costing , OBA and so on .

  16. 热电总厂实施目标成本思考和探索

    Research and Analysis on Target Cost in Thermal Power General Plant

  17. 第四,借鉴成本企画作法,合理制定目标成本,实施目标成本管理;

    Fourth , use the experience of Target Costing for reference .

  18. 竞争性目标成本的确定和管理基于目标导向的竞争性评估方法

    Study of Competitive Evaluation Approach Based on the Direction of Objective

  19. 实行目标成本管理增强企业竞争力

    Implementing the Target Cost Management and Building up Enterprise Competition Ability

  20. 介绍了目标成本管理的内容。

    The content of cost management by planned target is presented .

  21. 规范基础工作,提高目标成本管理水平。

    Regulating basic work and improving level of target cost management .

  22. 电瓷产品目标成本的实施与控制

    The Enforcement and Control of the Objective Costs for Electroporcelain Products

  23. 目标成本管理方法在汽车企业新产品开发中的应用

    The Application of Target Costing Management in Automotive Enterprises New Products Development

  24. 船舶制造全过程目标成本动态控制体系研究

    Framework of whole process target cost dynamic control for shipbuilding

  25. 此文就如何界定目标成本进行了探讨。

    This paper makes a probe into how to define object cost .

  26. 现代企业目标成本设计与成本管理

    The Design and Management of the Target Cost in the Modern Enterprise

  27. 细化目标成本分解是强化成本管理的新途径

    Detailed Target Cost Decomposition & the new way of strengthened cost management

  28. 铁矿山机修系统目标成本的制定与控制

    Regularization and control of target cost for maintenance system of iron mine

  29. 目标成本管理在机械加工行业的应用

    The Application of Target Cost Management in Mechanical Processing Industry

  30. 以目标成本为导向的成本管理体系在机械制造业的应用

    The Application of Goal-oriented Cost Management System in the Machinery Manufacturing Industry