
mù biāo zhí
  • target value
  1. 根据不同施氨水平下番茄的产量效应及对氮素利用的情况,初步提出京郊保护地番茄生长的氮素供应目标值为535kg·hm~(-2)N。

    Based on tomato yields and N utilization with different N input levels , the nitrogen target value of 535 kg-hm-2N was estimated for the maintenance of protected tomato production in Beijing suburb .

  2. 由正交实验法安排模拟实验组合,采用SuperForge软件对进行型材挤压过程进行数值模拟,并以挤压时金属流出模口平面的z向质点流速的均方差作为模型目标值;

    Orthogonal test was arranged for numerical simulation to get z-velocity at the die land exit which was used as the target value of the model .

  3. 基于UG二次开发的CMM测量目标值数据自动提取

    Automatic Extracting of CMM Measuring Target Data with Secondary Development on UG

  4. 该GP模型的目标值可进一步用来检验区间判断矩阵的一致性。

    Meanwhile , consistency check is made by the optimal value of the GP model .

  5. 在PWMDC/DC变换器中,为了提高系统的目标值跟踪特性和干扰抑制特性,通常采用PID调节器。

    To improve the system 's command tracking and disturbance rejection of the PWM DC / DC converter , the PID regulator is usually used .

  6. 提出将重整C+5产品收率与产品辛烷值之积(K)的极大值作为最优重整反应状态的目标值,给出了重整反应条件的优化方法。

    Considering the maximum of the product ( K ) of C 5 yield and the octane number as desired value , the optimization method for reforming conditions were given .

  7. 仿真化运行时,基于BP神经网络的模型能对油罐故障的可信度值做出与目标值一致的诊断,而线性回归方法则存在一定偏差;

    Finally , according to the applications in Huangdao tank farm , it proves that the diagnostic system of the storage tank malfunction based on the BP network is effective and practical .

  8. PC计算机作为设定器将控制的目标值(加工轨迹)下载至数字控制器,数字控制器是控制系统的核心部件,它由硬件电路和程序两部分组成,控制规律以及控制算法由数字控制器完成。

    PC , the setting unit , downloads the setting value ( processing track ) to digital controller . Digital controller , the hardcore of the control system , is composed of hardware and software .

  9. 本文采用层次法和正交法相结合的方法,在同时考虑多个目标值的情况下,对SLS的工艺参数进行了优化。

    In this paper , through combining hierarchical and orthogonal and simultaneously taking into account several targets SLS process parameters optimization is made .

  10. KPI的目标值所表示的是企业经营的计划值,KPI的实际值反映了企业实际的运营状况。

    The target value of KPI denotes the plan of the enterprise ; the actual value of KPI reflects the running condition of enterprise .

  11. 然后再通过变速器NVH目标值测试对改进的变速器进行测试,并对测试结果做出分析判断,最终验证诊断结果正确。

    After that , the improved transmission is tested by NVH target testing and the new testing result is analyzed .

  12. 该方法检出限大大低于DBP、DOP的环境目标值,结果令人满意。

    The detection limit in this method is lower than the amount of environmental goal of DBP and DOP . The results are satisfying .

  13. 但其速度目标值应根据国际水平和我国国情慎重考虑,以300km/h为宜。

    However , the target speed of this line should be considered carefully according to world standard and national conditions , and with 300km / h as the most appropriate .

  14. 控制单元对加速度传感器送入的加速度信号进行FFT处理后,与设定的目标值相比较,得到电流的调节趋势,从而改变磁流变减振器的阻尼参数。

    The control unit made FFT processing to the acceleration signal which came from acceleration sensor and compared it with the target set , then the current regulation trend was given to change the damping parameters .

  15. 根据专家打分结论,结合灰色系统评价方法得出的结果,作为BP神经网络输入样本的目标值,进行网络的训练和检验。

    Combine the scores given by the experts with the results of the integration assessment of the grey system , we can get the target-value of the input samples of the BP neural network , then use it to train and test the network .

  16. 用新信息替代旧信息构造了新息GM(1,1)模型,并及时反映目标值的时变特性,更好地考虑实际数据的影响。

    This GM ( 1,1 ) model depends on new information theory which replaces old information by new information and reflects the character of the target value with the changing of time in time . It takes account the effect of actual data .

  17. 基于不同帧类型,提出了一种新的VBR视频传输复用策略,并以信元丢失率为目标值,通过仿真实验验证了新复用策略的实效性。

    A new type of VBR video multiplex strategy is proposed based on the identification of different frame types . The effectiveness is verified through simulations with respect to cell loss ratios .

  18. 并通过工程特性目标值的规范化,定义产品开发总成本函数、工程特性改进成本函数及改进成本系数等概念,建立了一个QFD规划模型。

    By normalizing values of engineering characteristics , introducing new concepts of total development cost function , and improving cost function and cost coefficient of engineering characteristic , a program model for QFD is proposed .

  19. 其中SPC主要利用控制图来探测和消除特殊原因的波动,EPC基于反馈控制原理,通过调整过程可控变量,来补偿过程输出与过程目标值的误差。

    SPC utilizes the control chart to detect and eliminate process variations caused by some special causes ; EPC can adjust the variables to compensate the errors between process target value and output value based on feed-back control principle .

  20. 通过一个平衡计分卡应用实例的讨论,阐述了如何在企业实践中应用各项评价指标之间的因果关系,设定评价指标的目标值,应用BSC体系的指标值进行分析及使用BSC进行战略资源分配。

    The paper describes the causality among evaluation indexes applied in enterprises , sets the objective value of evaluation indexes , applies the objective value of BSC system in analysis and applies BSC in strategic resources distribution .

  21. 在血液HbA1c检测(显示在过去两三个月内的平均血糖控制情况)中达到7%或更高的患者,被认为未能达到目标值。

    Those who got7 % or higher on a blood test called or HbA1c , which indicates average blood sugar control over the past two or three months , were considered above goal .

  22. 模型采用影响目标值的锅炉运行参数为输入量,以氮氧化物排放量、飞灰含碳量为输出量,用锅炉DCS下载的数据进行网络训练,并用测试样本验证模型的预测能力。

    This model , employing boiler operating parameter that influencing target value as input variable , NOx emission volume and carbon content of fly ash as output variable , uses data downloaded by boiler DCS for network training , and tests predictive ability by test sample .

  23. 研究结果表明:在等离子体条件下,30min内可以达到合锰目标值为12%~18%的还原合金化。

    The results of experiment showed that an aim level of alloying containing 12 % ~ 18 % Manganese can be achieved in 30 minutes by the use of plasma .

  24. 针对连杆机构轨迹优化问题,GA、QGA和RQGA所求得的最优解与目标值之间均存在较大的偏差,所以对目标函数进行了改进,但是这一问题仍未得到合理的解决。

    For connecting rod mechanism path optimization problem , there are large deviations between the optimal solutions and the targets . So the objective function is improved , but the problem is still not got reasonable solution .

  25. 当晶闸管触发角发生阶跃时,由于TCSC电路固有的电磁暂态特性,使得电容电压过零点发生偏移,因此导通角不会立刻达到预定目标值。

    When a step change in firing angle occurs the zero crossing of the capacitor voltage will change suddenly and the subsequent electromagnetic transients appearing in the TCSC will make the conduction angle not to reach the desired value instantaneously .

  26. 设定目标值和误差信号,通过误差系统方程和含有误差项和输入项的二次型评价函数导出系统最优状态反馈系数矩阵、目标值FR和干扰信号FD的前馈系数矩阵。

    Set the target value and signal error , the optimal state-feedback coefficient matrix and feed-forward coefficient matrix FR and FD of target signal and disturb signal are educed via error equation and quadric value function which includes error term and input term .

  27. 并将QFD应用到各需求的权重计算和最优目标值的选取过程中,为指挥自动化系统各个需求找到实现的工程措施进行详细设计提供了可靠的质量控制依据。

    In accordance with each requirement we applied QFD to the calculation of important level and to the course choosing of the most excellent objective value . Providing the reliable quality control basis for finding project measure and detailedly designing to each requirements of submarine commands automation system .

  28. 本文论述的是基于Duane模型[1],在装备目标值明确的前提下,利用综合评判法确定装备可靠性可能的增长潜力,科学、合理地确定门限值。

    This paper describes a methodology in which based on the Duane model , the possible reliability growth potential , therefore , the reliability threshold , is determined using the comprehensive evaluation technique , when a reliability target is given .

  29. 许多国家在争取一个更低的目标值,大概在350ppm,这将把全球升温幅度控制在1.5摄氏度以内。

    Many countries have been pushing for a lower target , perhaps 350ppm , that would limit the rise in global temperatures to no more than 1.5 degrees Celsius .

  30. 目标值不确定的协调多指标决策模型

    A Max-Harmonic Model of Multiple Attribute Decision Making with Uncertain Objectives