
pán jù
  • be entrenched;settle in;illegally or forcibly occupy
盘踞 [pán jù]
  • [be entrenched] 非法占据;霸占。也作盘据

盘踞[pán jù]
  1. 我军一举歼灭了盘踞海岛的敌人。

    At one stroke our troops overcome the enemy entrenched on the island .

  2. 它就会盘踞整个星球。

    It spreads over the entire planet .

  3. 一些诸如Citadel之类的对冲基金,冒险进入做市证券业这一华尔街盘踞的领域争夺市场。

    Some , such as Citadel , a hedge fund , have ventured into market-making in securities , an old Wall Street role .

  4. 作为过去二十五年来的常胜将军、福特的F系列皮卡一直成功地抵挡住了雪佛兰重新设计的西尔维拉多(Silverado)的挑战,盘踞着美国最畅销皮卡的宝座。

    Ford 's F-series pickup , the reigning champion for the last quarter-century , held off a strong challenge from Chevrolet 's redesigned Silverado to remain the nation 's No. 1 selling vehicle .

  5. 结果产生了“一种由可致癌柴油废气和黑碳组成的有毒混合物,长期盘踞在中国发展中的港口地区上空,”自然资源保护协会的亚洲项目主任芭芭拉·菲娜慕(BarbaraFinamore)在电子邮件中说。

    The result is " a toxic stew of cancer-causing diesel exhaust and black carbon that chronically plagues China 's growing port regions , " Barbara Finamore , the Asia director of the Natural Resources Defense Council , said in an email .

  6. 去游泰山的问题盘踞在他心头。

    The question of going to the Mount Tai preoccupied his mind .

  7. 帮会分子盘踞的窝点像个大金矿。

    That universal safe house was a gold mine .

  8. 西班牙和美国曾先后在菲律宾盘踞多年。

    Spain and the United States had ever occupied in Philippine for many years .

  9. 现在盘踞她心头的却是另一个更重要的问题。

    A more important subject now engrossed her .

  10. 盘踞在大家心中的是一种无法描写的不安。

    An indescribable uneasiness pervaded all minds .

  11. 五洲龙:盘踞粤地图谋国际

    Wuzhou Dragon : Occupies Guangdong scheme internationally

  12. 否则,攻击与反攻击的念头便会盘踞他及他整个周遭世界。

    Otherwise , thoughts of attack and counter-attack will preoccupy him and people his entire world .

  13. 这些都是本展在搜寻艺术家时盘踞脑海中的问题。

    These are all questions that occupied our minds as we sought artists for this exhibition .

  14. 你失去自我意识,不能自主地去想他&他一直盘踞在你脑中。

    You lose your sense of self . You can 't stop thinking about another human being .

  15. 洞穴里盘踞着一条恶蛇,它的头冠和身上的鳞片象金子似地熠熠发光。

    In the cave lurked a horrid serpent with a crested head and scales glittering like gold .

  16. 老旧的方式盘踞在二元模式中,仅仅在以它被允许的最大极限存在着。

    The old ways were entrenched in duality and only possible because of the extremes that it allowed .

  17. 你能想象华尔街被森林覆盖,而曼哈顿则盘踞着美洲狮的样子吗?

    Can you image Wall Street is covered by forest , and in Manhattan there are real cougars ?

  18. 在巴西的雨林中,一条年轻的垭拉拉卡蝰蛇正盘踞在长满苔藓的地上。

    A young jararaca snake lies coiled on a mossy piece of ground in the Brazilian rain forest .

  19. 尽管这位颇受欢迎的共和党人士(茶党拥护者)发表了这样的评论,但狭隘主义依然盘踞在国会山。

    Despite comments like those from a popular Republican tea partier , parochialism is settling in on Capitol Hill .

  20. 但截至周五上午,这两个酒店中仍盘踞着少数武装分子。

    But as of Friday morning , a small number of militants still remained in parts of both hotels .

  21. 在秘鲁的摩奴河附近,一条身上长着刷子似的吸管的刺毛虫正盘踞在一片叶子上。

    Brushlike suckers radiate from the body of a slug caterpillar resting on a leaf near Peru 's Manu River .

  22. 这路段盘踞着市民购物的华润万家超市,中科院西安分院也是隔路相望。

    This section of entrenched people shopping Vanguard , Xi'an Branch of Chinese Academy of Sciences is across the road .

  23. 其实,那男生说了多少漂亮的话并不重要,问题是你的美丽开始盘踞在男生的脑海中了。

    It doesn 't matter how many beautiful words the boy said , the point is that your beautifulness enters boys'minds .

  24. 周二,盘踞莫斯科达一周之久的烟雾稍有消散,但空气污染物浓度依然很高。

    The smog that has engulfed Moscow for a week eased a bit Tuesday , but the concentration of pollutants remained high .

  25. 拉加德表示,欧元区正从衰退迈向复苏,但失业率仍盘踞在令人担忧的高位。

    Ms Lagarde said that the eurozone is turning the corner from recession to recovery but that unemployment is still worryingly high .

  26. 即便在一个谷歌、微软和雅虎盘踞的市场上,也可能存在另类公司的空间。

    Even in a market where Google , Microsoft and Yahoo hog the headlines , there may be room for something different .

  27. 按照伊万尼克的构想,与曼联的合作将帮助雪佛兰成为一个全球品牌,而不是仅仅只是盘踞在北美市场。

    The Manchester United initiative was conceived to help Chevrolet become a global brand , rather than dominant in only North America .

  28. 两个月前,大家还以为普京很可能会在克里姆林宫继续盘踞12年。

    Two months ago it was assumed that the country was probably facing 12 more years of Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin .

  29. 6月,一座村子不得不从墓地移走了一条盘踞在那里的12英尺长巨蟒。

    The next month , a 12-foot python had to be removed from a village grave site where it had taken residence .

  30. 不断加剧的潮水正在使小海湾变得异常危险。危险的亡命之徒以前经常盘踞在这个小镇。

    The increasing strength of the wind makes the bay far too dangerous . Dangerous outlaws used to occupy this small western town .