
pén zāi zhí wù
  • potted plant;pot plant
  1. 探讨泥岩地区盆栽植物之微气候影响因素,并以蒸发散量模式量化这些因子。

    The influence factor of microclimate for potted plant at mudstone area is discussed .

  2. 把活性碳和盆栽植物结合在一起,一个活的空气清洁器就诞生了。

    A living air cleaner is created by combining activated carbon with a potted plant .

  3. 此混合肥料专门用于盆栽植物。

    The compost is specially formulated for pot plants .

  4. 经过15N同位素稀释法盆栽植物试验,与对照相比,该突变株由于存在其他缺陷,不能给植物提供更多的氮素营养。

    Potted crops were measured by the method of ~ ( 15 ) N isotope dilution techniques . Compared to the control , the mutant of Ac-92 could not supply more nitrogen nutrition to the potted plants due to some deficient property .

  5. 发酵容器不能靠近盆栽植物放置。

    Don 't put the fermentation container close to potting plants .

  6. 盆栽植物进行耐寒锻炼用什么办法最好?

    What 's the best way to hard off potted plants ?

  7. 这就是盆栽植物和花坛植物的情况。

    This is the situation for pot plant and bedding crops .

  8. 蓬莱蕉属的任何植物;常作为室内盆栽植物。

    Any plant of the genus Monstera ; often grown as houseplants .

  9. 感谢收看“怎样为盆栽植物浇水”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching video how to water house plants .

  10. 戈登:那些室内盆栽植物也很可爱。

    Gordon : And the houseplants are also very attractive .

  11. 在漫长的冬季他一直精心照料室内盆栽植物。

    He nursed the house plants through a long winter .

  12. 一种无茎植物,具有窄的坚硬的叶子,通常被作为室内盆栽植物来种植。

    Stemless plant having narrow rigid leaves often cultivated as a houseplant .

  13. 盆栽植物应经耐寒锻炼才能移植到室外。

    Potted plants should be hardened off before planting out .

  14. 我们办公室有很多盆栽植物。

    Our office has a lot of potted plants .

  15. 枝叶比较坚硬,茎秆比较强壮的盆栽植物需要从上面浇水。

    House plants with tough foliage and strong stems require watering from above .

  16. 窗台上摆着盆栽植物。

    There were potted plants on the windowsill .

  17. 由于其银色有条纹肉质叶子而作为室内盆栽植物种植;南美。

    Grown as a houseplant for its silvery striped fleshy foliage ; South America .

  18. 多年生常绿植物,有巨大的基生叶;主要作为室内盆栽植物种植。

    Evergreen perennial with large handsome basal leaves ; grown primarily as a foliage houseplant .

  19. 盆栽植物造景技艺

    Study on Landscape-Making Technique of Potted Plants

  20. 庭院艺术(一)&墙上的盆栽植物

    Garden Art & Potted Plant on the

  21. 亚洲热带一种高大的树,经常截矮成室内盆栽植物,;是阿萨姆邦橡胶的来源。

    Large tropical Asian tree frequently dwarfed as a houseplant ; source of Assam rubber .

  22. 我们在哪里买盆栽植物?

    Where do we buy pot plants ?

  23. 我们需要在房间里摆上一些室内盆栽植物就能使它的格调明快起来。

    We could do with one or two houseplants in this room to brighten it up .

  24. 布赖恩:给他们买一盆植物!买盆栽植物永远错不了!

    Brian : Buy them a plant ! You can never go wrong with a pot-plant !

  25. 常作为室内盆栽植物种植。

    Often grown as a houseplant .

  26. 我的盆栽植物总是活不了。我想,我是没有园艺技能。

    Potted plants always die with me . I 'm afraid I haven 't got green fingers .

  27. 回家的路上他注意到有些人家养了盆栽植物。

    On his way back home he noticed pot plants in front of some of the units .

  28. 其它建议还有:用盆栽植物取代花束;

    Other advice includes buying flowers planted in a pot instead of a bunch of cut ones .

  29. 或与家里的一盆盆栽植物或花卉可以给你带来些许凉意。

    Maybe a potted plant or flower at home can bring you a little bit of coolness .

  30. 作为一种室内盆栽植物,主要为欣赏其杂色的、多肉的剑形叶子;也是一种纤维的来源。

    Grown as a houseplant for its mottled fleshy sword-shaped leaves or as a source of fiber .