- basin;bowl;saucer

[basin] 为山或高地所包围的平地
The film begins with an aerial view of the Great Basin of Nevada .
The Turban Basin in Xinjiang is the world 's lowest-lying basin , the lowest point being 154 metres below sea level .
Many basins were formed by the subsidence of the earth 's crust .
Like humans , killer whales have colonized a range of different habitats across the globe , occupying every ocean basin on the planet , with an empire that extends from pole to pole .
It landed in a shallow basin fifty yards from the planetarium .
On the floor of the basins lie deserts , lakes and swamps .
Use of Rayleigh waves to study the layered crustal structure and q_r values of Tarim Basin in Xinjiang Province
Study on integrated DS-type prospecting model of sandstone-hosted uranium deposits in Ordos Basin
The Application of the K Ar Dating to the Determination of Diagenetic Ages of Sedimentary Rocks-A Case Study from the Ordos Basin
The Shanwang Basin is located at 36 ° N , 118 ° E , and is an interior lake basin of middle Miocene age which contains abundant plant and animal fossils .
While the Songpan-Ganzi Fold Belt was subjected to D_1-D_2 shortening , the adjacent Sichuan Basin remained undeformed .
Considering global climate change unusually in precipitation and temperature , the author simulated its influence on the Potential Evapotranspiration Rate ( PER ) in Sichuan Basin under five kinds of climate combinations in the future using information technology .
We found that sequence IV , which is Pliocene sediments , only exists in the slope and island arc slope and not distributes in the trough basin .
As strongly affected by the Human production activities , Hg , Cd and Pb concentrate in the city surroundings , the properties , some part of river banks , irrigating areas , etc.
The lateral and vertical variations of seismic velocity are examined quantitatively based on the VSP data from Su18 and Su20 wells in Hailaer Basin .
It is discovered by correlation of numeric modeling results of two models that the equilibration action of liquid pressure be - tween layers of sedimentary basin ( Biot wave ) can produce significant attenuation for P-wave in low-frequency scope ;
Petroleum geological characteristics and exploration potential analysis of Maranon Basin , Peru
The average geo-temperature gradients in different regions of Kuqa basin are between 18 ℃ / km and 28 ℃ / km , which is lower than those in other middle and large scale basins in China , implying the cold Kuqa foreland basin .
The faults in the Ek stage remained the same features of the late Mesozoic , i.e. , the NW trending faults controlled the basin pattern , and the NE ( ENE ) trending faults had little effect .
Based on analysis of the DSI logging data of clastic sequence in well D-2 in the Junggar Basin , the stratigraphic anisotropy and maximum horizontal crustal stress in the well was evaluated .
It is concluded that oil field brines can be effective carriers of metal elements and can effectively enhance the leaching , dissolving and transporting effects of gold , silver , lead and zinc in an oil - and gas-bearing basin and can attend actively ore deposition of sedimentary-reworked deposits .
From Cretaceous Period , the differential elevator movement of fault block in this area was strong and produced the tilted fault basin and tilted dislocated upwarping belt , the largest dislocation arrived more than 1 000 meter .
Controlled by the roll-back subduction belt of Pacific Plate during Oligocene , the NW-SE direction intracontinental spreading happened and a series of large intracontinental extensional basins and basalts derived from asthenosphere mantle were developed in this area .
The maximum horizontal direction NE60 ~ 65 ° of principal compressive stress on Jianghan basin was given by using analytic method of measured stratigraphic dip angle in addition to borehole log data
On the section , strong reflections in 1-4 s TWT correspond to the deformation of sedimentary layers produced by a set of normal faults , where Xinghe fault is the main boundary fault between Shulu basin and Xinghe uplift , and extends to 8 km deep .
This circular structure is mainly composed of circular faulted coal-bearing volcanic basins in margin belt , faulted coal-bearing volcanic basins and edifices in centre , and genetic series of granite distributed circularly . This structure occurs as the shape of a circle and has a diameter of 270 km .
Himalayan movement made the area developed as a para-foreland basin .
Structural Styles of the Tarim Basin , Xinjiang , Northwestern China
Many basins related to active margins locate on CircumPacific areas .
Research into soil formation from purple rock weathering in Sichuan Basin