
  • 网络Pinot;Pino;Pineau;François-Henri Pinault;Francois-Henri Pinault
  1. 2009年玛尔玛酒庄(MarimarEstate)产黑皮诺,26欧元雷司令

    and 2009 Marimar Estate Pinot Noir , EUR26

  2. 当品尝到红葡萄酒时,大家再次给予了肯定的评价,只有2010年的巍峨酒庄(WillaKenzieEstate)黑皮诺葡萄酒例外,大家觉得它有点平淡乏味。

    Positive commentary returned with the reds , save for the 2010 WillaKenzie Estate Pinot Noir Estate Cuv é e , which everyone found light and a bit innocuous .

  3. 漫画把部长描画成长鼻子皮诺曹。

    Cartoons showed the Minister as a long-nosed Pinocchio .

  4. 这款SantaRitaHills的黑皮诺外柔内刚,酒精度为12.5%,低于大多数葡萄酒。

    This Santa Rita Hills pinot is a titanium fist in a velvet glove . Lower alcohol than most : 12.5 % .

  5. 她向弗朗索瓦-昂利·皮诺(Fran-HenriPinault)抛去飞吻,与简·方达(JaneFonda)闲聊,兴奋地向埃德·拉斯查(EdRuscha)挥手。

    Air kisses with Fran-Henri Pinault . Chitchat with Jane Fonda . An excited wave to Ed Ruscha .

  6. 皮诺和卡地亚(cartier)的所有者历峰(richemont)等,一直在仿效阿尔诺积累品牌的做法。

    Mr Pinault and others such as the Cartier owner , Richemont , have followed his blueprint of accumulating brands .

  7. 接着,他便想到了答案:灰皮诺葡萄酒(PinotGrigio)&前一天晚上他喝了很多灰皮诺葡萄酒。

    Then he came up with the answer : Pinot Grigio a lot of it which he 'd drunk the night before .

  8. 意大利的上阿迪杰(AltoAdige)种植西万尼,但当地也有灰皮诺(PinotGrigio)等许多更抢眼的葡萄品种。

    It 's grown in Italy 's Alto Adige , but so are lots of more attention-grabbing grapes , like Pinot Grigio .

  9. 我把一些各不相同的葡萄酒堆放在一起,包括一些适合女性喝的(粉红莫斯卡托葡萄酒和灰皮诺葡萄酒)以及表面上看更“男性”的葡萄酒——解百纳(Cabernet)和西拉葡萄酒。

    I pulled together an appropriately disparate group of wines , including some that had been identified as fit for women ( Pink Moscato and Pinot Grigio ) and some that were ostensibly " male " - i.e. , Cabernets and Syrahs .

  10. 开云的首席执行官弗兰索瓦-亨利·皮诺(François-HenriPinault)说,王的日程提前一年就会被安排出来并且发送给同事们。

    Fran ç ois-Henri Pinault , chief executive of Kering , pointed out that the designer 's schedule is mapped out and shared " a year in advance . "

  11. 皮诺说他同意这一观点。他指出圣洛朗的创意总监艾迪·斯理曼(HediSlimane)同时也是个摄影家。

    Mr. Pinault , who pointed out that Hedi Slimane , the creative director of Saint Laurent , also has a career as a photographer , said he agreed .

  12. 由于皮诺的缘故我送你点小礼物。

    I brought you a little present for the Pino account .

  13. 你什么时候换日班了,皮诺?

    Since when do you work the day shift , pino ?

  14. 大狗说完,和皮诺奇道了别,就回家去了。

    Then they bid each other good-by and the dog went home .

  15. 不会凑巧你的爸爸也叫皮诺吧?

    Is your dad named Pino too , by chance ?

  16. 我点了一瓶黑皮诺葡萄酒。

    I took the liberty of ordering a bottle of Pinot noir .

  17. 史黛芬妮今天带我去种皮诺的地方,麦斯

    Stephanie took me out to the pinot fields today , Miles .

  18. 黑皮诺葡萄最早开始种植可能是从古代勃艮第。

    The pinot noir grapehas been cultivated perhaps since antiquity in Burgundy .

  19. 我把派皮诺带回来了,我把他忘在门口了。

    I brought pepinot back . I forgot him in the doorway .

  20. 有天早上,皮诺奇正走路去上学。

    One morning , Pinocchio was walking to school .

  21. 当他笑的时候,就像是皮诺曹变成了驴子。

    When he laughs , it 's like Pinocchio turning into a donkey .

  22. 是的,我们都知道儿童人物皮诺曹。

    Yes , all of us know Pinocchio , the children 's character .

  23. 同时,皮诺说巴黎世家的零售增长率也达到了两位数。

    Meanwhile , Balenciaga is also experiencing double-digit retail growth , Mr. Pinault said .

  24. 我可怜的仙女,皮诺奇想道。

    My poor fairy , @ thought Pinocchio .

  25. 木偶秀,皮诺奇想道。

    A puppet show , @ thought Pinocchio .

  26. “那赶车的就是他,他化装成了车夫。”庇皮诺答道。

    " It was he who drove , disguised as the coachman ," replied peppino .

  27. 皮诺是一种果皮非常薄的葡萄。

    Pinot 's a very thin-skinned grape .

  28. 她喜欢皮诺-太完美了

    She likes pinot . - Perfect !

  29. 你为什么那么喜欢皮诺?

    Why are you so into pinot ?

  30. 这次皮诺奇真的设法不惹麻烦,而且遵守承诺。

    This time Pinocchio really managed to stay out of trouble and keep his promise .