
pí náng
  • leather bag;human body
皮囊 [pí náng]
  • [human body] 皮袋,佛教比喻人体驱壳

  • 臭皮囊

  • 纵然生得好皮囊,腹为原来草莽。--《红楼梦》

皮囊[pí náng]
  1. 然后把我皮囊火化成灰!

    Then cremates my leather bag Cheng Hui !

  2. HP圆锥破碎机皮囊式锁紧缸的研制及应用

    Development of peltry type locking cylinder and its application to HP cone crusher

  3. 医用皮囊注塑模具的CAE优化设计

    Optimization Design of the Injection Mold for Medical Saccate Part with CAE

  4. 方法11例侧脑室非胶样神经上皮囊肿中,男7例,女4例,年龄4~29岁,平均17.8岁,均行常规MR检查。

    Methods 11 cases of NNC , including 7 males and 4 females , aging from 4 ~ 29 years , were all undergone plain MR scanning .

  5. 介绍了Nordberg公司HP系列破碎机皮囊式锁紧缸的研制及应用。

    The development and application of rubber-bag locking cylinder for Nordberg 's HP crushers are presented .

  6. 采用20MPa的充气压力,蓄能器皮囊在最大工作压力下体积变化小于公称体积的75%,仍有较大的补压余量。

    When precharge pressure is 20 MPa , bladder volume change is less than 75 % of nominal volume under maximum working pressure , while some compensation margin is still preserved .

  7. 计算了补偿泵曲轴箱压力所需要的补偿皮囊容积大小,并通过试验验证了该补偿方式的可用性。

    And calculated the volume size of the compensation needed bladder .

  8. 皮囊式采样器的调压原理与设计

    Principle of Pressure Adjustment and Design of Collapsible Bag Sampler

  9. 皮囊式蓄能器在管路系统中的应用

    The Application of Wallet Energy Storage Element in Pipeline System

  10. 你是不是想表达美貌只是皮囊

    Are you trying to say that beauty is only skin deep .

  11. 皮囊式蓄能器在管道加油系统水击控制中的应用研究

    Application of the Bladder Accumulator in the Surge Control of Pipeline Refueling System

  12. 自体红骨髓经皮囊内注射治疗孤立性骨囊肿

    Solitary bone cysts treated by percutaneous intracystic injection of autologous red bone marrow

  13. 除非你披着他的皮囊行走世间。”

    until you climb into his skin and walk around in it . "

  14. 皮囊式锁紧缸的研制及应用

    Development and Application of Rubber-bag Type Locking Cylinder

  15. 现在已是副臭皮囊了。

    He 's a Navajo mud toy now .

  16. 囊烟草放在系在腰带上的皮囊中。

    pouch He kept his tobacco in a leather pouch fastened to the belt .

  17. 衰减系统压力脉动用皮囊蓄能器的计算方法

    The Calculation Methods of the Bladder Accumulator Using to Damping Pressure Pulsation in Hydraulic Systems

  18. 皮囊之下我们都是相同的。

    We are kin under the skin .

  19. 试析皮囊式蓄能器的热力学状态及其对工作参数选择的影响

    Preliminary Study on Thermodynamic Conditions and their Influence on Selection of Operation Parameters for Bladder Accumulator

  20. 它是一种力量,在你的皮囊之下。

    It gets under your skin .

  21. 皮囊式蓄能器快速增压过程

    Quick plenum process of bladder accumulator

  22. 在举行葬礼时演奏舞曲就像旧皮囊与新酒一样不协调。

    To play dance music at a funeral is to put new wine into old bottles .

  23. 而且潜能储存系统的工作介质为自然物质,对环境友好;工作溶液蓄冷密度大;皮囊式蓄能器蓄能效率的理论和实验

    High energy storage density ; Theory and Experiment of Energy Storage Efficiency of A Rubber Bag Accumulator

  24. 失去幽灵真境界,幻来新就臭皮囊。

    The stone 's true sphere and spirit lost , It takes a new form stinking and debased .

  25. 你可能已熟知美剧《绯闻女孩》但你不一定知道英国热剧《皮囊》这部剧。

    You may know Gossip Girl in America but you may be a little unfamiliar with Skins in Britain .

  26. 就会明白,人不过是血肉皮囊,再就是有副骨架支撑着罢了。

    You realize we 're nothing but sacks of meat and blood and some bone to keep it all standing .

  27. 带皮囊式蓄能器的油压缓冲器仿真与试验抽水蓄能静止变频器用干式整流变压器的设计

    Oil Buffer Simulation and Testing with Air Accumulator Design of Dry-Type Rectifier Transformer for SFC In Pumped Storage Power Station

  28. 事实上,《骨肉之躯》触及了人物皮囊之下的内心世界,他们都有各自不堪回首的过往。

    Indeed , Flesh and Bone gets under the skin of its characters , who all have their own dark pasts .

  29. 对各种形式的蓄能器进行分析对比,选择皮囊式蓄能器作为能量回收装置,并对皮囊式蓄能器性能进行了研究。

    According to comparative analysis all forms of accumulator , we select accumulator airbag as energy recovery device and analyzed its principle .

  30. 应用热力学理论对用于深海微生物取样器保压的皮囊式蓄能器快速增压过程进行分析。

    Thermodynamics theory gastight was used to analyze the quick plenum process of bladder accumulator used for deep sea microbe gastight sampler .