
  1. 不幸的是,那张漂亮的灰色皱皮沙发也不见了。

    Unfortunately the smart grey crushed leather sofa wasn 't there .

  2. 这里没有床,只有一张宽大的让人动心的黑色皮沙发。

    There was no bed , only a wide and inviting black leather sofa .

  3. 橡木制镶板和皮沙发使房间看起来既豪华气派又古色古香。

    The rooms have a baronial feel , with oak paneling and leather sofas .

  4. 这个皮沙发看上去很昂贵。

    This leather couch looks expensive .

  5. 这是一张四千美元的意大利皮沙发!

    This is a $ 4,000 sofa , upholstered in Italian silk .

  6. 我喜欢那套黑色的皮沙发。

    I think I like the black leather suite .

  7. 我希望我们有一套皮沙发。

    I wish we could have a leather couch .

  8. 水牛皮沙发革加工工艺探讨

    Studies on the Processing of Buffalo Furniture Leather

  9. 阿谢尔郁郁不乐地叹了口气,颓然坐在斯鲁特身边的棕色皮沙发上。

    Ascher heavily sighed , and dropped on the brown leather sofa beside Slote .

  10. 深褐色和墨绿色比较适合你,尤其可以选择这种颜色的皮沙发和椅子。

    Dark browns and forest greens are the perfect colors to use , especially on a leather sofa or chair .

  11. 为什么,比方说,要把一张明明挺合用——当然颜色或许稍微暗淡了些——的灰色皱皮沙发换成一个好像小坦克的东西?

    Why , for instance , replace a perfectly serviceable if rather muted grey crushed leather sofa with what appeared to be a small tank ?

  12. 那时,我们经常泡在图书馆那个有着大皮沙发的阅读室里。

    We both put a lot of time in at the Sterling Library , in the reading room , where they have those big leather couches .

  13. 适用于各种汽车仪表板、木板、聚酯、防火胶板、大理石家具、家电电器、皮沙发、摩托车等。

    It is applicable for car meter board , board , polyester board , anti-fire veneer board , marble , household electrical equipments , leather sofa , motorbikes , etc.

  14. 有143个客房(其中有35个套房),风格华丽而舒适,有温暖的木制装饰、闪亮的织物和皮沙发。

    It has 143 rooms ( of which 35 are suites ) that feature a slick but cozy mix of warm wood accents and shimmery fabrics and leather upholstery .

  15. 我们在红色的皮沙发里坐了下来,面前是一张宽大的橡木桌,上面摆放着黄色的花束。他说桌子底下有一个隐蔽的按钮,可以呼唤隔壁厨房的服务生。

    We are seated in red leather chairs around a large oak table , decorated with yellow flowers , and he mentions there is a secret button underneath , to summon waiters from a nearby kitchen .

  16. 福特冲到总编办公室门口,紧紧地缩成一个球往门上撞。门吱嘎吱嘎地裂开,福特迅速滚了进去,直滚到那张漂亮的灰色皱皮沙发背后,并在那里设置起他的战略行动基地。

    Ford hurled himself at the door of the editor-in-chief 's office , tucked himself into a tight ball as the frame splintered and gave way once again , rolled rapidly across the floor to where the smart grey crushed leather sofa was and set up his strategic operational base behind it .

  17. 全皮&舒适的沙发。

    A fully leather & comfortable sofa .