
  1. 望着车窗外,一种朦胧感l令我拿起相机。

    Looking outside of the subway window , a kind of hazy feeling let me bring up camera .

  2. 在这一点上,爱丁顿的观点是主观的,而不是精确的,但他似乎很沉醉于这种朦胧感。

    At this point his argument becamesuggestive in character , rather than precise - and Eddington didtend to revel in the obscurity of the new theories .

  3. 灰烬在空气中飘着,制造出了一种朦胧感,黯淡了烧窑发出的火光,直到附着到任何它能够找到的物体表面上。

    Ash floated in the air , creating a haze that diffused the glow of the kiln , before settling on every surface it could find .

  4. 她的眼睛突然光芒灿烂,她的脸流露出喜悦,这使他朦胧产生犯罪感。

    The sudden brilliance of her eyes , the radiance of her face , made him feel vaguely guilty .

  5. 对卖空者的抱怨大致可分为两类:第一类是针对其动机的具体指控;第二类是对押注某公司失败这种念头本身的朦胧不安感。

    The complaints about short-sellers fall roughly into two camps : first , specific allegations about their motivations ; and , second , an inchoate unease about the very idea of betting against a company 's success .