
  • 网络peano;piano;Renzo Piano;G.Peano
  1. 一年后,1889年,意大利数学家G.皮亚诺对此给出了标准化的公理。

    A year later , in 1889 , the Italian mathematician G. Peano gave the axioms in what became the standard form .

  2. 带有皮亚诺(Peano)型余项的泰勒公式的推广与应用

    Promotion and Application of Formula Taylor with Surplus Item Peano

  3. 开发Shard的欧文•塞勒(IrvineSellar)最近在修改同一建筑师伦佐•皮亚诺(RenzoPiano)的另一个摩天大楼的相关计划。

    The Shard 's developer , Irvine Sellar , recently went back to the drawing board with plans by the same architect , Renzo Piano , for another super-tall tower .

  4. 在首尔市中心由意大利建筑师伦佐•皮亚诺(RenzoPiano)设计的未来主义风格的韩国电信新总部大楼,身穿深蓝色西装、白色衬衣,系着蓝色领带、带着银边眼镜的黄昌圭展现出一副整洁利落的形象。

    Clad in navy suit , white shirt , blue tie and silver-rimmed glasses , he cuts a neat figure at the company 's futuristic new HQ in downtown Seoul , designed by the Italian architect Renzo Piano .

  5. 杰出校友中包括诺贝尔化学奖得主居里奥·纳塔(GiulioNatta),建筑师阿尔多·罗西(AldoRossi)和伦佐·皮亚诺(RenzoPiano)。曼哈顿的纽约时报大楼就是皮亚诺设计的。

    Among the Politecnico 's distinguished alumni are the Nobel Prize-winning chemist Giulio Natta and the architects Aldo Rossi and Renzo Piano , the latter of whom designed the New York Times building in Manhattan .

  6. 围绕皮亚诺的Paddington项目的群情激奋似乎表明伦敦将出现转折点,就像此前人们对纽约摩天大楼遮挡中央公园阳光的担忧表明纽约出现转折点一样。

    The furore over the Piano project in Paddington seemed to indicate a turning point in London just as the concern over the shadows being cast over Central Park did in New York .

  7. 皮亚诺扫描分形基图像编码与压缩

    Image coding & compressing with Peano scan and fractal-based scheme

  8. 谈带皮亚诺余项的泰勒公式的应用

    Applications of the Taylor 's Formula with Peano 's Remainder

  9. 文章介绍了一种用于图象编码压缩的皮亚诺扫描分形基方法。

    An image compression technique that incorporates Peano scan with a fractal-based coding scheme is described .

  10. 他们现在正和马里西亚纳平行,还没到那平坦而荒芜的皮亚诺扎岛。

    They were just abreast of mareciana , and beyond the flat but verdant island of La pianosa .

  11. 本文描述用皮亚诺扫描结合分形基方法对图像信息进行压缩处理的技术。

    In this paper , we describe an image compression technique that incorporates Peano scan with a fractal-based coding scheme .

  12. 现在戈尔纳在他的右边,皮亚诺扎在他的左边,他正在向巴奥里和拿破仑的故乡前进。

    He left Gorgone on his right and La Pianosa on his left , and went towards the country of Paoli and Napoleon .

  13. 尽管如此,这个后来被作为“高技派”早期例子的建筑设计凸显了皮亚诺的性格。

    Still , the design was somewhat out of character for Piano : As an early example of what became known as " high-tech " architecture .

  14. 在这些问题中,第二个就是皮亚诺公理的相容性,他认为,数学的严格性皆取决于此。

    Of these , the second was that of proving the consistency of the ' Peano axioms " on which , as he had shown , the rigour of mathematics depended .

  15. 该文针对等腰直角三角形剖分问题给出了皮亚诺分形编码方法及相关性质,通过这些性质可快速查找三角形的顶点和邻接三角形。

    This paper introduces a Peano fractal encoding method and related properties for isoceles right triangulation problem . By these algorithms we can rapidly locate the vertex and neighborhoods of any given triangle .

  16. 他从皮亚诺的整数公理开始,经过集合层次理论的拓展,使这个系统可以代表整数的集合、整数的集合的集合,等等。

    He started with Peano 's axioms for the integers , but enlarged through a simple theory of types , so that the system was able to represent sets of integers , sets of sets of integers , and so on .