- 网络lie group

The G-Affine group on the Lie group H is a Lie group , so it has the characteristics of the Lie group .
The Maps into Infinite Dimensional Hilbert Lie Group
Let F_4 ~ 2 be a real form of F_4 with real rank one .
On the irreducible representations of the compact simple Lie groups of rank 2 ( ii )
Lie Algebra on The Poisson Manifold and Poisson Symplectic Lie Group
Searching for First Integrals of the n-th Order Autonomous System Based on n-1 Single-Parameter Lie Groups
This article proposes a non-decoupling three dimensional ( 3D ) robust guidance law by combining the advantages of the differential geometry control and Lie-group control methods .
Task-space is a typical configuration space of mechanical systems , whose geometrical correspondence is the Lie-group SE ( 3 ) .
The design procedure was based on the transverse function method , integrator backstepping , and Lyapunov redesign technique .
Generalizing a single involutive automorphism to a finite Abelian group of automorphisms of G , we obtain a homogeneous space called generalized symmetric space and some of its properties .
According to the decided configurations , a C 2 continuous uniform interpolating B spline positioning path is constructed in Lie Group SE ( 3 );
In this paper , the second linear ( partial or ordinary ) differential equation ( non-parabolic ) and its invariants defined in Lie group are discussed , the relations (?)
Representation Theory and Schubert Condition
The properties of superpositions of the SU ( 1,1 ) Barut - Girardell ( BG ) coherent states are discussed in this paper .
This paper presents a standardized natural gradient ICA ( Independent Component Analysis ) algorithm through improving the natural gradient ICA algorithm based on Lie Group Invariance .
When H.Hopf studied the homology of compact Lie group , he gave the concept of Hopf algebra .
In this paper , the cohomology endomorphisms of flag manifold G / T of compact simple Lie group G is completely classified , and the Lefschetz number of these endomorphisms are computed .
By identifying the configuration space of end-effector with the homogeneous space of SE ( 3 ), and transforming the kinematics problems into the optimization process with constraints , kinematics of these robots can be solved through iterative approach .
This paper treats the corresponding result for a nonholonomic conservative system described by Poincare 's equations which are constructed from the standpoint of the theory of Lie groups .
For a time dependent damped harmonic oscillator with a force quadratic in velocity , we use the direct approach developed by Lewis and Leach to obtain the invariants by means of a specific coordinate transformation .
The design procedure is based on Lie group , and the combination of the transverse function method with the Lyapunov redesign technique is utilized . The design is carried out on the perturbed kinematic model of the mobile robot .
Heisenberg type groups are significant kinds of nilpotent Lie groups of step two and attract attentions of many scholars ( [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 6 ] [ 22 ] etc. )
In this paper , we study the heat kernels , eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of Lie groups and compact symmetric spaces by means of the representation theory of groups . Especially , we discuss the complex Grassmannian manifolds and the manifolds Sp ( n ) / U ( n ) .
Nilpotent and solvable Lie groups with left-invariant Riemannian metrics play a remarkable role in Riemannian geometry .
Because the system has the Dn (?) Z2 symme-try , we could use Lie group to represent its symmetry and Lie group representation theory to explore the spatio-temporal pattern of the bifurcated periodic solutions from the trivial equilibrium .
Some models describing first or second order nonequilibrium phase transition under exteral Gaussian white noise are studied . The exact time-dependent solution of the probability density of the relevant Fokker-Planck equation , P ( x , t ), is obtained by using a method of Lie group .
Studied the actions of Lie groupoids on its Inner subgroupoids , proved the result that its Maurer-Cartan forms acting on left invariant vector field is a constant .
Lie Group Machine Learning ( LML ) inherit the advantages of manifold learning method and make full use of the Lie group 's structure of algebraic and geometry in mathematics .
And it gives the up-to-date progress on applying the wavelet , Lie group to migration algorithm . Chapter 5 analyzes the image formation theory of Range Migration Algorithm ( RMA ) and compares the image forming performance of PFA with that of RMA in detail .
We have taken exterior differential to Maurer-Cartan form of Lie Group as symplectic structure and given the definition of Symplectic Lie group , further we have discussed the special properties of Symplectic Lie group .