
  • 网络yum;Yum Brands
  1. 拥有塔可钟和必胜客的百胜餐饮集团的旗下品牌肯德基已经推出了一款售价约5美元的鸡肉三明治。

    RFC , a division of Yum ! Brands , which also owns Taco Bell and Pizza Hut , has launched a chicken sandwich that costs around $ 5 .

  2. 百胜餐饮集团(YumBrands)在中国患上的流感恐怕没这么容易好。

    Yum Brands ' China flu might be difficult to shake .

  3. 至6月14日为止的季度报告中,百胜餐饮集团旗下的塔可钟连锁餐厅(TacoBellchain)的业绩也好不到哪儿去。

    Its Taco Bell chain also had a disappointing showing in the quarter ending June 14 .

  4. 大卫•诺瓦克是百胜餐饮集团(Yum!Brands)总裁(我会在下面的段落里删掉惊叹号,免得不断反复提到这家公司引起的激动情绪干扰了我们的思路)。

    Brands ( I will henceforward omit the exclamation point , lest the constant excitement of mentioning the company become distracting ) .

  5. 赫德斯的观点是像百胜餐饮集团(Yum!Brands)、可口可乐这样的公司在新兴市场的成功故事让投资者变得盲目。

    Holderith 's point is that emerging market success stories from companies like Yum ! Brands and Coca-Cola ( KO ) have blinded investors .

  6. 几乎没人比百胜餐饮集团(YumBrands)更明白这一点。它曾是最受欢迎的快餐企业,旗下的炸鸡和披萨曾称霸于面条和饺子之上。

    Few know this better than Yum Brands , a former fast-food favourite whose fried chicken and pizzas once lorded it over noodles and dumplings .

  7. 中央电视台今年针对苹果公司(AppleInc.)和肯德基(KFC)母公司百胜餐饮集团(Yum!BrandsInc.,YUM)等西方企业的新闻报道促使这些公司道歉并采取整改等行动。

    CCTV news stories this year about Western corporations ranging from Apple Inc. to KFC parent Yum Brands Inc. prompted apologies and corrective actions by the companies .

  8. 百胜餐饮集团(YumBrands)同样受到了这起肉类供应商丑闻的影响。10月份,百胜估计,该区域业绩的恢复需要至少6到9个月的时间。

    Yum Brands , who was also affected by the meat supplier scandal , estimated in October that recovery in the region would take at least six to nine months .

  9. 去年年末,美国快餐企业百胜餐饮集团(YumBrandsInc.)和麦当劳(McDonald'sCorp.)遭中国媒体指责。媒体称这两家公司销售的鸡肉产品源自生长过程中使用了不安全剂量的抗生素的鸡。

    Late last year , U.S. fast-food groups Yum Brands Inc. and McDonald 's Corp. were accused by Chinese media of selling chicken that had been raised with unsafe levels of antibiotics .

  10. 百胜餐饮集团(YumBrands)出售中国特许权的交易在该集团与两家主要竞标者在价格上谈不拢之后陷入停滞。这笔剥离资产的交易一度预计将斩获逾100亿美元。

    The sale of Yum Brands " China franchise , a disposal once expected to fetch more than $ 10bn , has come to a standstill after clashes on price with the two main bidders .

  11. 在央视对两家肯德基(KFC)鸡肉供应商使用激素和抗生素行为的报道在媒体上引发强烈反响后,百胜餐饮集团(Yum!BrandsInc.,YUM)旗下这家快餐连锁店去年销售额大幅下滑。

    Yum Brands Inc. 's KFC chicken chain suffered slumping sales last year after CCTV spurred a widespread media backlash over the use of growth hormones and antibiotics by two KFC chicken suppliers .

  12. 麦当劳和美国同行百胜餐饮集团(YumBrandsInc),[旗下拥有肯德基(KFC)、必胜客(PizzaHut)、塔可钟(TacoBell)等]均立即采取措施,撇清与该供应商的关系。

    McDonald 's and U.S. - based peer Yum Brands Inc , which is the parent of KFC , Pizza Hut and Taco Bell , both immediately sought to distance themselves from the supplier .

  13. 百胜餐饮集团(YumBrandsInc.)全球140亿美元的收入中有大约一半来自中国。该公司将旗下肯德基(KFC)餐厅销售额下降归咎于消费者对鸡肉的担忧。

    Yum Brands Inc. , which counts on China for about half the company 's $ 14 billion in global revenue , blamed consumer concerns over chicken for weaker sales at Yum 's KFC outlets .

  14. 上述问题已令肯德基(KFC)母公司百胜餐饮集团以及麦当劳中国子公司周一停止向这家中国食品供应商购货。这一问题的影响周二扩散到了日本。

    The issue , which on Monday prompted KFC owner Yum Brands Inc. and McDonald 's Corp. 's China arm to cut ties with the China-based food supplier , on Tuesday spread to Japan .

  15. 周三,肯德基的母公司百胜餐饮集团(Yum!Brands)的发言人在一封邮件中表示,莱丁顿的遗嘱中包含的配方是不正确的。

    In an email on Wednesday , a spokeswoman for Yum ! Brands , the corporate parent of KFC , which is based in Louisville , Ky. , said the recipe contained in Ms. Ledington 's will was incorrect .

  16. 在中国内地,麦当劳和百胜餐饮集团(YumBrands)旗下的肯德基(KFC)等外国快餐品牌多年享有清洁、优质和安全的美誉。

    Foreign fast food brands such as McDonald 's and Yum 's KFC have long enjoyed a reputation for cleanliness , quality and safety on the mainland , which has faced a string of food quality scandals in recent years .

  17. 百胜餐饮集团是百事可乐公司(PepsiCo)1997年分拆餐馆业务后成立的餐饮企业,旗下有肯德基、必胜客和塔可钟(TacoBell)等品牌,诺瓦克从公司成立之初就开始担任首席执行官。

    Yum ( Yum ) is the restaurant business spun off from PepsiCo ( PEP ) in 1997 , comprising KFC , pizza hut , and Taco Bell , and Novak has run it from the beginning .

  18. 在百胜餐饮集团(Yum!BrandsInc.)和麦当劳(McDonald'sCorp.)分别以16.5%和7.5%的市场份额占据中国饮食企业排行榜第一、第二位的情况下,绝大多数中国本土餐饮公司都是市场份额不足2%的小企业。

    But almost all companies have less than 2 % market share of food-service sales , with the exception of foreign-based multinationals Yum Brands Inc. and McDonald 's Corp. , which are in the lead with 16.5 % and 7.5 % , respectively .

  19. 快餐巨头肯德基的销售额上月在中国下跌大约36%,根据母公司百胜餐饮集团,由于H7N9禽流感在人群中爆发,消费者避开了鸡肉。

    SALES of fast food giant KFC in China slumped an estimated 36 percent last month , according to parent Yum ! Brands , as consumers shunned chicken due to the H7N9 bird flu outbreak in humans .

  20. 必胜客母公司百胜餐饮集团(YumBrands)周三公布消息称,据ConsensusMetrix数据显示,营业一年以上的必胜客连锁店第二个季度销售额的跌幅达到了3%,分析师原本预计销售额能有0.1%的小幅增长,但结果却让人大跌眼镜。

    Parent company Yum Brands YUM - 0.57 % said on Wednesday that sales at Pizza Hut stores open at least a year fell 3 % in the second quarter , an unexpected drop as analysts were anticipating a small 0.1 % increase , according to Consensus Metrix ,

  21. 百胜餐饮集团也调整了业务经营方式,以反映中国业务对该公司的重要性。

    Yum Brands also has changed how it runs its business to reflect China 's clout .

  22. 由我公司承接的百胜餐饮集团北京肯德基餐厅仿真植物布置工程已完成15家餐厅。

    By my company to take the Beijing Yum Brands KFC restaurant simulation of plant layout have been completed and15 restaurants .

  23. 肯德基所在的中国百胜餐饮集团称,他们对本次负面报道十分重视,并将严肃对待。

    Yum China , parent of KFC , said it takes the reports very seriously and will look into the matter thoroughly .

  24. 据悉,春华资本公司将支付给百胜餐饮集团4.1亿美元(约合3.08亿英镑),而阿里巴巴旗下的蚂蚁金服则将投资5000万美元。

    Primavera Capital , will pay $ 410m ( 308m pound ) and Ant Financial , an affiliate of Alibaba , will invest $ 50m .

  25. 百胜餐饮集团旗下拥有快餐品牌必胜客和肯德基,是中国最大的快餐品牌,但是近些年来该公司的经营遇到了一些问题。

    Yum , the owner of Pizza Hut and KFC , is the largest fast food brand in China but has recently faced some trouble .

  26. 据福喜集团网站显示,该公司自1992年开始向麦当劳中国公司供应产品,自2008年开始向百胜餐饮集团供应产品。

    OSI began supplying the Chinese operations of McDonald 's in 1992 and those of Yum in 2008 , according to the meat processor 's website .

  27. 这一事件对百胜餐饮集团而言可能是一个较大的打击。百盛才刚刚开始从困扰其一年多的食品安全问题中恢复。

    The development could be a bigger setback for Yum , which has just begun to recover from food-safety issues that had dogged the company for more than a year .

  28. 百胜餐饮集团由于想要分离旗下中国业务,于是将其在中国的股份出售给了中国春华资本和蚂蚁金服。

    Yum Brands is selling a stake in its Chinese division to Primavera Capital and Ant Financial as the company prepares to separate the Chinese unit from the main business .

  29. 虽然百胜餐饮集团长达20年的在华经营史是大多数在中国开展业务的西方企业难以比肩的,但像该公司这样从中国市场获得丰厚收入的西方企业却有很多。

    Though Yum Brands , based in Louisville , Kentucky , has been in China for20 years , longer than most Western companies , it is no longer exceptional in reaping significant revenue there .

  30. 它与肯德基同属百胜餐饮集团旗下,将肯德基的商业模式与中国菜相融合,让顾客在舒适的餐厅环境内享用物美价廉的食物。

    It is playing on the same team as KFC , under Yum ! ` s banner . It is a fusion of the KFC business model with Chinese cuisine , offering cheap food in cheerful surroundings .