
  • 网络Pepsico;Pepsi;PepsiCo Inc;PepsiCo, Inc
  1. SodaStream、百事公司和DrPepper拒绝就任何潜在谈判事宜置评。

    SodaStream , PepsiCo and Dr Pepper declined to comment on any potential talks .

  2. 58岁的百事公司(PepsiCo)CEO卢英德在印度读大学期间是一名板球运动员。

    The PepsiCo PEP - 0.74 % CEOIndraNooyi , 58 , grew up playing cricket in college in India .

  3. 百事公司的前总裁来担任新CEO

    former president of PePsiCo to become the new CEO .

  4. 找到了百事公司的首席执行官JohnSculley

    and to John Sculley , President of the soft drinks company , Pepsi .

  5. 【IBM的罗睿兰和百事公司(Pepsico)卢英德过去也都得到过我的赞赏】

    ( Ginni rometti of IBM and Indra Nooyi of PepsiCo have both received kudos from me in the past )

  6. 执掌百事公司(Pepsi)的卢英德正面临着严峻的领导力考验。

    Indra Nooyi is in a leadership crucible .

  7. 同时,百事公司秋季时节更新了SierraMist青檬系列的配方,添加了甜叶菊,减少了20%的含糖量。

    Meanwhile , PepsiCo is reformulating Sierra Mist with stevia this fall , lowering the sugar content by 20 % .

  8. 比如百事公司的CEO英德拉(IndraNooyi)每天早上4点起床,7点前就会到办公室。

    PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi , for example , wakes at 4am and is in the office no later than 7am .

  9. Sculley来自百事公司那是一个党派化严重的团体

    Sculley came from PepsiCo , a very political organisation ,

  10. 这台设备造型时尚,看上去像是苹果公司(Apple)的产品。百事公司把它当作可口可乐公司(Coca-Cola)Freestyle可乐售卖机的直接竞争对手。

    The machine , which is sleek and resembles an Apple ( AAPL ) product more than anything else , situates itself as a direct competitor to Coca-Cola 's ( KO ) Freestyle .

  11. 随着美国与英国对瓶装水的反对日益强烈,可口可乐(coca-cola)和百事公司(pepsico)在塑料容器的回收利用方面正在逐步加大力度。

    Coca-Cola and PepsiCo are stepping up efforts to recycle plastic containers amid a growing backlash against the sale of bottled water in the US and the UK .

  12. 玛莎•斯图尔特自称每晚睡4小时,百事公司(PepsiCo)首席执行官卢英德也一样。

    Martha Stewart has claimed to sleep about four hours a night , as has Indra Nooyi , the CEO of PepsiCo ( PEP ) .

  13. 参照百事公司去年投产的重庆灌装工厂模式,所有新厂都将达到LEED的环保设计标准。

    All new plants will meet LEED standards for environmental design , following the model of the company 's Chongqing beverage plant , which opened last year .

  14. 百事公司表示,Spire是第一款可以个性化制作百事品牌饮料的数字冷饮售卖机,希望它能让消费者通过造型优美的数字触摸屏幕,探索新口味。

    The first digital fountain that lets you personalize your favorite Pepsi brands , Spire aims to let customers explore new taste territories from a sleek , digital touch screen , Pepsi said .

  15. 百事公司总裁英德拉•努伊位居第六。LadyGaga排名第七。在《财富》杂志上周推出的“美国商界最具权势女性榜”上,英德拉连续第五年高居榜首。

    PepsiCo Inc Chief Executive Indra Nooyi , who was last week named the most powerful woman in U.S. business for the fifth year in a row by Fortune , was in sixth place , while singer Lady Gaga came in at No. 7 .

  16. 英国酒业公司帝亚吉欧(diageo)正在就收购unitedspirits至多15%的股权与这家印度公司进行谈判,百事公司今年与almarai在亚洲、非洲和中东成立了合资公司。

    UK-based distiller Diageo is in talks with United spirits over acquiring up to 15 per cent of the Indian company , while PepsiCo this year formed a joint venture with almarai in Asia , Africa and the Middle East .

  17. 北京一家超市中码放的康师傅和统一企业方便面。作为“康师傅”方便面品牌的持有者以及百事公司(PepsiCoInc.,PEP)的合作伙伴,康师傅控股在提交给香港交易所的中期财报中列举了今年以来的部分重要营销活动,具体如下:

    Tingyi , owner of the ' Master Kong ' noodle brand and a partner with PepsiCo Inc. , lists some of its promotional highlights so far this year in its report to the Hong Kong stock exchange , including :

  18. 百事公司表示,Spire是第一款可以个性化制作百事品牌饮料的数字冷饮售卖机,希望它能让消费者“通过造型优美的数字触摸屏幕,探索新口味。”

    The " first digital fountain that lets you personalize your favorite Pepsi brands , " Spire aims to let customers " explore new taste territories from a sleek , digital touch screen , " Pepsi said .

  19. 但SodaStream当天股价也上涨7.2%,达到38.35美元,因为一些投资者押注自制冷饮有望形成趋势,他们还预计,SodaStream可能会与百事公司(PepsiCoInc.)或DrPepperSnappleGroupInc.结盟。

    But shares in SodaStream also rose Thursday , gaining 7.2 % to $ 38.35 , as some investors placed bets the at-home movement will gain momentum and that SodaStream could team up with PepsiCo Inc. or Dr Pepper Snapple Group Inc.

  20. 对百事公司(PepsiCo)健康项目历时7年的一项研究得出结论,该公司的员工医疗成本的确降低了,但节省的资金全部来自于健康项目中“疾病管理”的部分:即帮助原本就患有糖尿病等疾病的员工的那部分。

    A seven-year study of PepsiCo 's programme concluded that the company did reap lower healthcare costs but all the savings came from the " disease management " part of the programme : the bit that helped people with existing problems such as diabetes .

  21. 在百事公司谁最有发言权?

    so who influences the success of Pepsi co ?

  22. 有可能是时候肢解百事公司了。

    It may be time to crack open Pepsi .

  23. 英德拉·诺伊——百事公司(第43位)

    IndraNooyi - Pepsi Co ( No. 43 )

  24. 在2011年,美国财经杂志《福布斯》公布了全球最具影响力的100名女性名单,百事公司执行长努伊名列第四。

    In 2011 , Forbes named her as world 's fourth most powerful woman .

  25. 过去几十年来,领导层对百事公司一直很友好。

    Over the last few decades , the leadership has been very friendly to PepsiCo .

  26. 百事公司对本网站上发布的有关“佳得乐”的信息具有最终解释权。

    The right to interpret " Gatorade " related information published on the Site belongs to PepsiCo .

  27. 百事公司饮料业务的市场份额已经减少,同时还拖累了其快餐食品业务的价值。

    Its drinks business has lost market share and is dragging down the valueof its snacks operation .

  28. 百事公司有权修改使用条款而不需要事先通知您。

    PepsiCo reserves the right to update the Terms of Use at any time without notice to you .

  29. 在阿杜的首个商业广告中,百事公司让他和足球史上最优秀的球星贝利,同台竞技。

    In his first commercial Pepsi has paired Freddy with the best soccer player in history : Pele .

  30. 百事公司表示,这种做法提高了效率,而经理人的角色更像是在自我激励的团队中充当教练。

    That promotes efficiency , PepsiCo says , while letting managers function more as coaches of self-motivating teams .