
  • 网络Mirror Mirror;mirror;qmv;http dghaoli.com
  1. 《白雪公主之魔镜魔镜》视觉上养眼,形式盖过了内容。影片使用了大量色彩鲜艳的服装和奇幻的摄影布景,非但没有给故事本身增色添彩,反倒转移了观影者的注意力。

    Visually enchanting , Mirror Mirror is an example of style over substance , of the use of brightly colored costumes and fantastical sets to distract viewers rather than enhance the story .

  2. 在影片《白雪公主之魔镜魔镜》中,七个小矮人也一样救了白雪公主。这里,七个小矮人常常在森林里抢劫人们的财物,王子和皇后的收税员也都成了他们的猎物。

    Rescued by seven dwarfs , Mirror Mirror 's version of the story finds the dwarfs ( who have resorted to robbing anyone who travels through the forest , including the Prince and the Queen 's tax collector ) teaching the young beauty how to handle a knife and a sword .