
  • 网络cataract surgery
  1. 年龄并不是影响做白内障手术的因素。

    Age is not a factor in cataract surgery .

  2. 关于V形破囊术在白内障手术操作中的研究

    V Capsulotomy in the Cataract Surgery

  3. 成功率达到90%以上的白内障手术是现代外科学的杰出成果。

    Cataract operations are a triumph of modern surgery , with a success rate of more than 90 percent

  4. 他是一位曾经动过白内障手术的老人。

    He is an elderly gentleman who had had a cataract operation .

  5. 改良W型切口在特殊情况下白内障手术中的应用

    Modified W-shaped incision in special cataract surgeries

  6. 方法:用单细胞电泳测定白内障手术中取下的白内障病人晶状体上皮细胞DNA损伤的情况。

    Method : Anterior capsules were collected from 11 cataract patients during cataract operation , and DNA damage was detected with single cell gel assay .

  7. B组(DM组):有2型糖尿病,未发现增生性视网膜病变及虹膜新生血管等眼部并发症住院行白内障手术的患者25例;

    Group-B ( diabetic group ): 25 cases of type 2 diabetes without proliferative retinopathy and iris neovascularization selected in the same way ;

  8. 目的研究NdYAG激光乳化白内障手术后前房的炎症反应、角膜内皮细胞密度的变化及影响因素。

    Objective To investigate the postoperative inflammatory reaction and the changes of corneal endothelium cell density induced by Nd : YAG laser photolysis .

  9. Fuchs角膜内皮营养不良患者白内障手术疗效分析

    Surgery for treatment of senile cataract with Fuchs ′ endothelial dystrophy

  10. 目的了解农村防盲医疗队短期集中开展的白内障手术对患者视功能(visualfunction,VF)和生存质量(QualityofLife,QOL)的影响。

    Objective To study the visual function ( VF ) and quality of life ( QOL ) of the patients affected by the cataract extraction that was operated by blind prevention medical group in short time .

  11. 目的探讨利用超声生物显微镜(Ultrasoundbiomicroscope,UBM)检查的结果来指导在青光眼合并白内障手术中选择手术方法的应用。

    Objective To evaluate the use of ultrasound biomicroscope ( UBM ) in operative treatment of glaucoma combined with cataract .

  12. Fuchs综合征并发白内障手术后发性白内障临床观察

    Clinical observation on after-cataract after surgical treatment for Fuchs syndrome combined with cataract

  13. Blumenthal小切口白内障手术中玻璃体脱出的临床分析

    Vitreous detachment in Blumenthal 's minor incision cataract extraction

  14. IOL-Master为我们提供了生物学测量的新选择,对高度轴性近视白内障手术人工晶状体的选择有重要意义。

    And IOL-Master is another better choice to measure the axial length in high myopia with cataract .

  15. 术后角膜内皮细胞数量变化3组无明显差异(P0.05)。结论:小切口非超声乳化白内障手术中,在角膜最大屈光度径线上的巩膜隧道切口可以在一定程度上矫正术前散光。

    Postoperative corneal endothelial cells quantity change showed no significant difference between the three groups ( P 0.05 ) Conclusions : The straight scleral tunnel incision at the maximum curvature meridian can correct preoperative astigmatism in a certain extent during small incision non-phacoemulsification surgery .

  16. 本方法还具有算法稳定、对初值要求不高及收敛速度快、过量性质影响小等特点.河北省盐生植物特有现象无。1977.13.No.除白内障手术固有的并发症外,未见CTR引起的其他并发症。

    More-over , this method had a variety of distinguishing features such as good convergence , no special requirement for initial values and little influence caused by neglecting the excess properties during calculation .

  17. 目的探讨3.2mm和5.5mm透明角膜不缝合自闭式切口白内障手术术后散光情况,并对其手术效果进行对比。

    Objective To evaluate the surgical induced astigmatism and other surgical outcomes in 3.2 mm and 5.5 mm clear corneal sutureless self_sealing incision for cataract operation .

  18. 白内障手术服务快速评估法(RACSS)是WHO推出的用于评估一个国家或地区白内障盲情的一种简单方法。

    Rapid assessment of cataract surgical services ( RACSS ) is recommended by WHO for simple assessment of visual impairment caused by cataract in certain country or district .

  19. 目的对手法小切口白内障手术(MSICS),常规白内障囊外摘出术(ECCE),晶状体超声乳化术(Phacoe)3种手术方法进行效价比较。

    Objective To compare the efficacy and surgical cost after cataract surgery by manual small incision sutureless cataract surgery ( MSICS ), conventional extracapsular cataract extraction ( ECCE ) and phacoemulsification ( Phacoe ) .

  20. 眼轴长度与白内障手术年龄的相关分析

    Changes in axial length and age at cataract surgery in Chinese

  21. 不同切口白内障手术角膜散光变化的临床观察

    Clinical Observation of Corneal Astigmatism after Cataract Operation by Different Incision

  22. 肝素处理人工晶体在儿童白内障手术中的应用

    Heparin - Surface - Modified intraocular lens implantation in pediatric cataract

  23. 糖尿病患者小切口白内障手术后的角膜改变

    Corneal changes after small-incision cataract surgery in patients with diabetes mellitus

  24. 弧形刀片夹持器的设计及在白内障手术中的应用。

    Design of arc blade holder and application in cataract surgery .

  25. 白内障手术引起房水闪光值变化的相关因素

    Factors related to aqueous flare intensity in eyes after cataract surgery

  26. 小切口白内障手术580例临床回顾

    Small Incision Cataract Surgery : Clinical Retrospective Analysis of 580 Cases

  27. 小切口非超声乳化白内障手术900例的临床分析

    Clinical analysis of 900 cases of small incision non-phacoemulsification Cataract surgery

  28. 高度近视眼白内障手术中的后囊处理

    The Management of Posterior Capsular in Cataract Operations of High Myopia

  29. 颞侧巩膜隧道切口在小梁切除术后白内障手术中的应用

    Application of temple side sclera tunnel incision for cataract after trabeculectomy

  30. 麻风病患者白内障手术治疗效果的追踪观察

    Retrospective evaluation of the outcome of cataract surgical in leprosy patients