
  • 网络Silver Hand
  1. 在第二次战争期间,莫格莱尼曾是一名联盟军用的指挥官也是一名白银之手的圣骑士。

    During the Second War , Mograine was a commander in the Alliance military and a knight of the Silver Hand .

  2. 乌瑟尔?光明使者和白银之手骑士团试图阻止疾病的蔓延,但是没有成功。

    Uther Lightbringer and his Knights of the silver hand try to stem the tide of the disease , but fail .

  3. 这位强大神圣的圣职者,也是白银之手骑士团的主人,用那海洋暴风颜色的眼睛,带着坚定不动摇的眼神,扫视着与会者们。

    The mighty , holy patron of the Knights of the Silver Hand scanned the assembly with stern eyes the color of ocean storms .

  4. 银色黎明与白银之手骑士团合二为一!我们将完成无数先烈所没有完成的!

    Highlord Tirion Fordring says : The Argent Dawn and the Order of the Silver Hand will come together as one ! We will succeed where so many before us have failed !