
  • 网络Hills Like White Elephants
  1. 从语气看《白象似的群山》的人际意义

    Interpersonal meaning of mood in " Hills like White Elephants "

  2. 《白象似的群山》的系统功能分析

    The Systemic Functional Analysis on the Hills Like White Elephants

  3. 海明威《白象似的群山》礼貌解读

    A Politeness Approach to Hemingway 's Hills Like White Elephants

  4. 《白象似的群山》与冰山原则&海明威小说艺术特色探析

    Hills like White Elephant and the principle of iceberg

  5. 多义的魅力&《白象似的群山》叙述技巧分析

    The Glamour of Multi-meanings & On the Narratives Techniques of Hills Like White Elephants

  6. 探寻隐藏的冰山&语用学视角解读《白象似的群山》

    Seeking the Hidden Iceberg & An Interpretation of Hills Like White Elephant from Pragmatic Perspective ;

  7. 《白象似的群山》中的象征分析

    Symbols in Hills Like White Elephants

  8. 面对一扇烛光闪烁的关闭窗户&比较《白象似的群山》和《纸做的玫瑰花》的叙事艺术

    Feeling the Burning Candle from the Closed Windows & Comparing the narrative art in Mountains like White Elephants and Paper Roses

  9. 从《白象似的群山》看海明威小说创作的艺术风格

    Title of the Thesis : Views on the Artistic Style of Ernest Hemingway 's Novel From His Work : Hills Like White Elephants

  10. 海明威笔下之另类反英雄&评《白象似的群山》和《雨里的猫》中男性形象

    Antiheroes of Peculiar Type in Hemingways ′ Short Stories & on Male Characters in Hills Like White Elephant and Cat in the Rain

  11. 叙述视角的讨论是20世纪小说美学研究的一个重要方面,海明威的小说《白象似的群山》明显带有视角探索的倾向。

    Point of view has been one important aspect of the novel aesthetics research since the 20th century . Hemingway 's short story , Hills like White Elephants shows a clear tendency towards exploring narrative perspective .