
bái pái
  • people who belong to no political organization;white card
  1. 但行业专家表示,来自白牌手机制造商的需求,促成了IMEI号码分配的普遍滥用现象,让这一体系变得效率低下。

    But widespread abuse in the allocation of the codes , driven by demand from whitebox handset makers , has made that system inefficient , say industry experts .

  2. 白牌手机包括(但不限于)假冒品牌手机。

    Whitebox handsets include , but are not exclusively , counterfeits of branded handsets .

  3. 但分析人士怀疑此举是否会成功遏制白牌手机制造商。

    But analysts question if the move will succeed in stopping the Whitebox handset makers .

  4. 白牌手机制造商享有成本优势,因为它们不做任何产品安全测试,也不提供任何担保或售后服务。

    Whitebox manufacturers enjoy a cost advantage as they do not do any product safety tests and do not offer any guarantees or after-sales service .

  5. 他预计,白牌上网本今年会占据至多20%的全球上网本市场预测全球销量约为3500万台。

    He predicted that the whitebox segment would capture up to 20 per cent of the global netbook market forecast at about 35m units this year .

  6. 据分析师估计,中国山寨手机或“白牌手机”的出货量有40%出口,而印度已成为其最大的海外市场。

    According to analyst estimates , 40 per cent of Chinese replica or " Whitebox handset " shipments are exported , and India has become their biggest overseas market .

  7. 杰夫:这时,刘宏宇也挨了一张白牌,但她好像对自己的技术很有信心,反而走在了队伍的最前面。

    Jeff : at this time , Liu Hongyu got a white brand , too . howev-er , she seemed confident about her own skill , and instead she walked at the foremost front of the team .

  8. 欢迎世界各国用户选用“白月”牌小灯泡。

    Welcome the various countries user to select " Bai Yue " the sign miniature bulb .