
  1. 我这个星期真幸运,看了四次白戏。

    I have checked up four times this blessed week .

  2. 事情据说是这样的:开演的时候,有两三个兵不买票一定要进去看白戏。

    When the first play started , three soldiers tried to get in without buying tickets .

  3. 女孩的角色由莫妮巴饰演,另一位同学阿缇雅则充当我的助手,利用她的机智旁白帮戏添点作料,来提升趣味。

    The girl was played by Moniba , of course , and another classmate Attiya played the part of my assistant to add some salt , pepper and masala with her witty asides .

  4. 她技巧娴熟,能够出色地完成白天鹅的戏份;但在扮演相貌相同、生性邪恶的黑天鹅时,她身上却缺乏导演所要求的那种魅惑。

    While she has the technical expertise to pull off the White Swan portion of the role , she lacks the seductiveness he desires for the evil doppelganger Black Swan portion .

  5. 我和白幽灵的打戏与《幽灵的威胁》中的打戏有很大不同。

    RP : The fight scene that I 've done with Storm Shadow is a lot different than the fight scene in'The Phantom Menace .