
  • 网络White Sands;WHITE SAND BEACH;White beach
  1. 它以风光如画著称:白沙滩,摇摆的棕榈树,多彩的珊瑚,充足的阳光。

    It is best-known for its picturesque scenery : White beach , swaying palm trees , colorful corals and abundant sunshine .

  2. 数亿年来,海浪翻滚汹涌,形成了珊瑚礁。之后海浪拍打着珊瑚礁,珊瑚礁被打碎了,形成了几英里长的白沙滩。

    Wave action across endless eons of time created coral reefs , and then battered and broke them to create miles of white sand beach .

  3. 跳进了白沙滩上那片清澈透底的水里。

    In the shallow limpid water of the white sandbar .

  4. 澳大利亚石油泄漏已经导致白沙滩变黑。

    An oil spill in Australia blackens white sand beaches .

  5. 细软的白沙滩和天然的热带植物王国让游人流连忘返。

    Tourists are lingering on the soft sand and enjoying natural tropical plants .

  6. 夏威夷著名白沙滩正在萎缩。

    Hawaii 's famed white sandy beaches are shrinking .

  7. 长期以来,弯曲白沙滩曾经是用作背景为电视连续剧海滩护卫队夏威夷。

    Its long , curving white-sand beach was once used as a backdrop for the television series Baywatch Hawai'i.

  8. 观光者担心这可能是本季节享受该地区著名的白沙滩的最后机会。

    Tourists worry it may be a final chance to enjoy the area 's famous white sand beaches for the season .

  9. 有五星级酒店,赌场,白沙滩,世界一流的高尔夫球场,会议中心,及购物商场。

    It has five-star hotels , casinos , white sand beaches , world-class golf courses , convention centers , and shopping malls .

  10. 比基尼目的地下降与白沙滩,串比基尼,狂欢舞蹈和美丽的愿景后,数十人里约热内卢。

    Bikini Destinations descends upon Rio de Janeiro with visions of white-sand beaches , string bikinis , Carnival dancers and scores of beautiful people .

  11. 当你躺在墨西哥里维埃拉的白沙滩上时,你身上原来承受着世俗压力仿佛飞到了一百万英里之外。

    When you 're lying on the white sands of the Mexican Riviera , the stresses of the world seem a million miles away .

  12. 商界领袖说,他们把希望寄托在恢复斯里兰卡最有名的财富上。这个财富就是无边无际的、阳光明媚的白沙滩。

    Business leaders say they are pinning their hopes on a rediscovery of one of Sri Lanka 's most famous treasures : its endless sun-drenched , white-sand beaches .

  13. 三亚是中国最南端的海滨城市,也是海南岛的度假中心。长久以来,这里纯净的白沙滩和四季如春的气候吸引着中国各地的游客纷至沓来。

    Sanya , China & Sanya , the southernmost seaside city in China and holiday hub of the island of Hainan , has long drawn Chinese tourists to its clean white sand and year-round balmy conditions .

  14. 搭乘高铁与巴士向南只需四个小时就可来到占地70平方英里的垦丁国家公园,这里有美丽的湿地、白沙滩与小渔村,从今年起,游客还可以乘渡船去往海钓和潜水的天堂——兰屿。

    Four hours south by high-speed rail and bus , 70-square-mile Kenting National Park is home to wetlands , white sands , fishing villages and , starting this year , a ferry point for the deep sea fishing and diving paradise of Orchid Island .

  15. 在青岛以北150公里处的白沙滩,长长的海滩在最近几天出现了多条10米宽的绿藻带,向寥寥几位敢于走上沙滩的游客发出阵阵臭味,引发了旅游经营者的恐慌。

    The long stretch of beach at Baishatan , 150km north of Qingdao , has been lined in recent days with 10-metre - wide slicks of algae that gave out a noxious odour to the few tourists who braved the sand , causing panic among tourist operators .

  16. 外面,波涛拍打着白砂沙滩,热风鞭笞着海水。

    Outside , waves pound the white sand beach , a hot wind whips the water .

  17. 酒店简介地处亚龙湾国家旅游度假区内并拥有全中国最白晰绵软的沙滩和蔚蓝的海水。

    Hotel Inn Resort , Yalong Bay is located in Yalong Bay , one of most beautiful tropical seacoasts in the world .