
  • 网络Dolomite brick
  1. AOD炉用白云石砖的使用试验

    Application experiment of dolomite brick for AOD furnace

  2. 水泥窑用烧成富镁白云石砖抗热震性的研究

    Research on thermal shock resistance of fired magnesia enriched dolomite brick used in cement kiln

  3. 通过AOD炉用白云石残砖的化学分析和显微结构研究,分析了AOD炉用白云石砖衬炉龄不高的原因,并提出了改进措施。

    The wear reason of dolomite brick for AOD furnace is analyzed and the improving measure is put forward by analyzing the chemical composition and microstructure of the residual dolomite brick after used in AOD furnace .

  4. 含ZrO2耐火材料在水泥窑上的应用不断增加,水泥窑用含ZrO2耐火材料包括含锆白云石砖、含锆镁砖、含锆镁尖晶石砖、含锆高铝砖等。

    Zirconia containing refractories have been increasingly used for cement rotary kilns , including Zirconia containing dolomite bricks , zirconia containing magnesia bricks , zirconia containing magnesia spinel bricks and zirconia containing high alumina bricks .

  5. 研究表明,用白云石砖、尖晶石砖、镁锆钙砖代替镁铬砖,符合碱性砖无铬化的发展趋势。

    These chrome free bricks include dolomite bricks , magnesia spinel bricks and magnesia calcium zirconate bricks .

  6. 在烧成富镁白云石砖中加入含锆添加剂,能显著提高制品的抗热震性能。

    The additive containing zirconia has resulted in significant improvements in the thermal shock resistance to fired dolomite brick that contain rich magnesia .

  7. 高压浸渍系统把炼钢用石墨电极、白云石砖、耐火材料真空脱气后,注入沥青,进而在高压状态下使沥青完全浸渗到浸渍品的气孔中去。

    The high pressure impregnation system is used to fully impregnate pitch into pores of dolomite-bricks , refractory or graphite electrode used in steel making after vacuum degassing of the impregnated products .

  8. 消除铬公害和在水泥窑内应用代用燃料促使白云石砖、尖晶石砖和镁锆砖组成的系列无铬碱性砖成功地替代着镁铬砖。

    Elimination of chrome-pollution and utilization of substitute fuels in cement kilns have been causing successful substitution of magnesia chromite brick by chromite-free basic bricks consisted of dolomite brick , magnesia spinel brick and magnesia zirconia brick .