
  1. 文章第二部分为对登记对抗主义的分析。

    The second part analyzes deeply on registration confrontation doctrine .

  2. 论动产抵押的公示&以检讨登记对抗主义为中心

    On the Publication of Chattel Mortgage

  3. 形式性审查与登记对抗主义、实质性审查与登记要件主义之间没有必然联系。

    There is no essential connection between formal examination and registration counter doctrine as well as material examination and registration essential doctrine .

  4. 对于动产抵押的公示方式,书面成立.登记对抗主义颇为一种良好之方式。

    As for the demonstration of mortgage of chattels , this paper argues that registration is a good means for the doctrine of confrontation .

  5. 同时为弥补书面成立&登记对抗主义公示方法之缺陷,本文也提出了相应的立法建议。

    At the same time , in order to remedy the defects of this method of establishing in written form & antagonistic to registration , this article also puts forward some corresponding legislative suggestions .

  6. 通过对登记对抗主义模式和登记生效主义模式的价值取向、生成原因的比较,从必要性和可能性两个方面得出我国关于不动产登记的效力应采用登记生效主义。

    Through the comparison of the value orientations , the reasons , law economic foundations and the shortcomings of the opposing doctrine mode and coming into force doctrine mode , we think our country should take registration validity doctrine as the principle .

  7. 本文分析了光船租赁权登记对抗主义的法理基础,并澄清了司法实践中对《中华人民共和国船舶登记条例》第6条理解的误区。第三,相关制度环境的完善也至关重要。

    This paper studies the jurisprudential basis of the bareboat charterparty right about the meaning of " no registration no can act against a third party ", and points out the wrong understanding on the article 6 of the ship registration rule of PRC .

  8. 我国属大陆法系国家,而大陆法系在物权变动模式上,基本采取登记生效主义和登记对抗主义两种模式。

    Our country belongs to continent law system . There are two types of register in operation and register antagonism in the pattern of change of ownership .

  9. 登记的效力以登记对抗要件主义为通行做法。

    The efficacity of the registration is mainly about the proclaiming and defense to the public .

  10. 登记的效力分为登记对抗主义和登记要件主义。

    The effect of registration is divided into and registered the doctrine of confronting with each other and registered to want a doctrine .

  11. 机动车因其价值较大,使用时其社会影响较其他动产更为广泛,因此作为特殊动产也需要以物权登记作为公示方法,采取登记对抗主义。

    Motor vehicle because the value of the use of their social impact is broader than the other movable property , so as a special movable real rights registered as a publicity methods and take the registration of antagonism .

  12. 但是,因受被移植国家立法理念的影响,实务中对应收账款质押登记的效力认定存在登记生效主义和登记对抗主义两种模式。

    However , due to the influence of the idea of national legislation by transplantation , there are two kinds of modes on the validity of the registration on pledge receivables in practice that are registration and registration antagonism .

  13. 传统的物权登记制度有两个主要方式,一个是登记对抗主义,一个是登记生效主义。

    The traditional property right registration has two major types , one is registration confrontation doctrine , and the other one is registration effection doctrine .

  14. 从不动产登记的效力分析:我国采取登记要件主义与登记对抗主义两种立法,未以不动产变动的原因区分登记的效力。

    From the effect analysis of the real estates registration , our country adopts the registration important item doctrine and registration confrontation doctrine , without distinguishing effects of the reason of the real estates change .