
The second part analyzes deeply on registration confrontation doctrine .
On the Publication of Chattel Mortgage
There is no essential connection between formal examination and registration counter doctrine as well as material examination and registration essential doctrine .
As for the demonstration of mortgage of chattels , this paper argues that registration is a good means for the doctrine of confrontation .
At the same time , in order to remedy the defects of this method of establishing in written form & antagonistic to registration , this article also puts forward some corresponding legislative suggestions .
Through the comparison of the value orientations , the reasons , law economic foundations and the shortcomings of the opposing doctrine mode and coming into force doctrine mode , we think our country should take registration validity doctrine as the principle .
This paper studies the jurisprudential basis of the bareboat charterparty right about the meaning of " no registration no can act against a third party ", and points out the wrong understanding on the article 6 of the ship registration rule of PRC .
Our country belongs to continent law system . There are two types of register in operation and register antagonism in the pattern of change of ownership .
The efficacity of the registration is mainly about the proclaiming and defense to the public .
The effect of registration is divided into and registered the doctrine of confronting with each other and registered to want a doctrine .
Motor vehicle because the value of the use of their social impact is broader than the other movable property , so as a special movable real rights registered as a publicity methods and take the registration of antagonism .
However , due to the influence of the idea of national legislation by transplantation , there are two kinds of modes on the validity of the registration on pledge receivables in practice that are registration and registration antagonism .
The traditional property right registration has two major types , one is registration confrontation doctrine , and the other one is registration effection doctrine .
From the effect analysis of the real estates registration , our country adopts the registration important item doctrine and registration confrontation doctrine , without distinguishing effects of the reason of the real estates change .