
  1. 通过对玉米病叶病症、病原形态观察及鉴定分析,确定了在感病亲本P(25)上侵染的病害类型是细菌性褐斑病,病原是丁香假单胞菌丁香致病变种。

    According to the symptoms and morphology of pathogeny , determined that the disease infested on the susceptible inbred line P25 was bacterial brown spot disease , and the pathogeny was Pseudomonas syringae pv . syringae Van Holl .

  2. 另外对单叶相关光合指标测试结果表明,随着病叶严重度水平的升高,SPAD、荧光参数Fv/Fm和Yield以及净光合速率均有不同程度的下降。

    Measurements of several photosynthetic parameters ( SPAD , Fv / Fm , Yield and Pn ) have been shown to decrease as leaf severity increases .

  3. westernblot、对流免疫电泳和火箭免疫电泳可以定性检测病叶中的浙贝母花叶病毒,而免疫扩散和ELISA方法不适合该病毒的检测。

    Counterimmunoelectrophoresis , rocket immunoelectrophoresis and Western blot may be used as qualitative methods to detect the virus in infected leave . However , immunodiffusion and ELISA are not suitable for detection of the virus .

  4. 与应发病值相比,其相对抑制效果:病叶率减少74.23%,病情指数降低85.30%。单植的病害日侵染速率(r)比混植高一倍以上。

    The relative controlling effect on rate of laef disease and index of disease was reduced by 74.23 % and 85.30 % The rate parameter of disease ( r ) in mixtures was below as twice as pureline susceptible variety .

  5. RT-PCR和核酸杂交检测百合病叶总RNA的稀释限度分别为1:10~(-6)和1:10~(-2)。检测方法快速,灵敏。

    The sensitive level of RT-PCR and dot-blot hybridization detection of the total RNA of infected lily leaves by LSV was 1:10 ~ ( - 6 ) and 1:10 ~ ( - 2 ) respectively .

  6. 在侵染后的12,24和48h,大多数品种病叶的PO活性高于健叶,基本上是品种愈感病酶活性变化愈大;

    The level of PO activity in infected plants was higher than that in healthy ones in most cultivars at 12,24 , and 48 horus after infection , the more susceptible the cultivar .

  7. 病叶的TMV、CMV检出率分别为458%和278%,PVY和TEV检出率为278%。

    The positive ratio of TMV , CMV , PVY and TEV in infected leaves were 45.8 % , 27.8 % , 27.8 % and 27.8 % , respectively .

  8. 夏孢子存活期,在-15℃时不到5d,12~20℃时鲜病叶为10d,风干病为15~30d。

    The survial period was less than 5 days at - 15 ℃, 10 days for flesh and 15 ~ 30 days for dried diseased leaves at 12 ~ 20 ℃ .

  9. 研究结果如下:从湖北省建始县玄参种植基地的玄参病叶上分离得到Phomasp.菌株。

    The research results had been showed as follows : The strains of Phoma sp. were isolated from the diseased leaves of figwort in nursery of Jianshi county of Hubei province .

  10. 我们从安徽合肥市郊区的西瓜病叶上分离出一病毒分离物代号为HF-WX。

    One isolate , named as HF-WX , was isolated from infected watermelon leaves in Hefei suburbs .

  11. 对CFW进行预测,确定了案例相异阈值R的最优范围,得到病株率、病叶率的最优平均预测误差率分别达7.4%、9.3%。

    The optimal interval of case dissimilarity threshold R for CBR was determined by a CFW forecast test , and the best mean prediction error rate of the ill plant rate and the ill leaf rate were 7.4 % and 9.3 % respectively .

  12. 提纯的S-蛋白具有典型的蛋白紫外吸收曲线,提纯产量为28mg/100g病叶。

    The ultraviolet absorbed curve of purified specific protein ( SP ) was typical protein one . The yield of SP was about 28 mg per 100 g of infected leaves .

  13. 采用美国CI-301PS型便携式光合作用测定仪,对半干旱区大田春小麦的健康叶片和受条锈菌侵染后病叶的光合作用和蒸腾作用进行活体监测。

    Photosynthesis and transpiration of diseased wheat leaves in field were measured with CI-301PS ( CID , Inc , USA ) Photosynthetic System in the semi-arid region .

  14. 小麦病叶中观察到大小为50~55nm×330~450nm的病毒粒体,粒体大多为弹状,少数为两端削平的杆状;

    The virus particles with envelopes and 50 ~ 55nm × 330 ~ 450nm in size were observed in the cells of infected leaves of wheat . Most of the particles are bullet-shaped and with round ends ;

  15. 从中国武汉地区水稻白叶枯病叶上分离出一株真菌B-3543,它产生一种新的肽类抗生素,对多种革兰氏阳性和阴性细菌有抗菌活性。

    A fungus strain B-3543 isolated from a rice leaf with lesion caused by bacterial leaf blight in Wuhan , China was found to produce a new peptide antibiotic which exhibited antimicrobial activity against several Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria , most strongly against Xanthomonas campestris pv . oryzae .

  16. 小麦条锈病单片病叶特征光谱的初步研究

    Preliminary study on spectral characteristics of single leaf infected by Puccinia striiformis

  17. 柑桔黄龙病叶的细胞病变观察

    Observation on cytopathic effects of citrus yellow shoot diseased leaves

  18. 芫荽病叶细胞超微结构的观察与分析

    Observating and Analysing the Coriander Infected Leaves ' Ultrastructure

  19. 仙客来叶与患仙客来病毒病叶的比较解剖学研究

    Comparative anatomy study on normal leaves and virus disease leaves of Cyclamen persicum Mill

  20. 在病叶的超薄切片中见到了大量玩具风车状及束状包含体,显示HMMV是马铃薯Y病毒组成员。

    It was shown that HMMA is a member of potato Y virus group .

  21. 棉花黄萎病病叶解剖

    Anatomy of Cotton Leaf Infected with Verticillium

  22. 茶树荧光性绿斑病叶细胞中的晶体研究

    Studies on the Crystals in the Cells of Tea Foliage Suffering Fluorescent Green Spot Disease

  23. 同一病叶上近病斑的叶片组织过氧化物酶活性高于远离病斑的叶片组织。

    On the same leaf , Peroxidase activity was higher in the leaf tissue near to the lesions .

  24. 在病叶、茎及种子中,均未发现卵孢子。

    In the diseased , tissues of leaf , stem and seed , no oospore has been found .

  25. 茶树荧光性绿斑病叶膜结构及相关生理变化研究

    Studies on the Membrane Structure and Its Related Physiological Changes in the Tea Leaves with Fluorescent Green Spot Disease

  26. 早熟品种发病高峰出现在5~6月,病叶率高达100%。

    The attack peak on early cultivars appeared from May to June and the diseased leaf rate was100 % .

  27. 油菜脱落花器及病叶的分布与菌核病发生的关系几种蔬菜菌核病菌的生物学特性研究

    Distribution of Fallen Floral Organs and Disease Leaves on Rapeseed Plants in Relation to the Incidence of Sclerotium Blight

  28. 结果表明,不同严重度小麦病叶蒸腾作用的日变化明显不同。

    Leaves with low severity ( 5 % ) were similar to healthy leaves in diurnal changes of transpiration .

  29. 水稻齿叶矮缩病毒在水稻病叶及传毒媒介昆虫组织内的形态

    Rice ragged stunt virus in the phloem cells of diseased rice and in the salivary gland cells of infected vector

  30. 依据每7天的田间病叶率系统调查资料,绘制出了陕西渭北旱塬苹果黑星病的季节流行曲线,并建立了季节流行动态模型。

    Seasonal epidemic curve and function for apple scab were conducted according to the systematic data of the disease in orchard .