
jí bìnɡ bǎo xiǎn
  • Disease insurance;insurance during a period of illness
  1. 又叫做疾病保险,是人身保险中的一种。

    Call a disease insurance again , it is one of person insurance .

  2. 本章设计了两个案例&重大疾病保险和费用型医疗保险。

    The author designs two cases & dread disease insurance and reimbursement medical insurance .

  3. 前者称住院医疗保险,后者称重大疾病保险。

    Former call medical treatment of be in hospital insurance , latter calls major disease insurance .

  4. 基于分类风险模型的最优奖惩系统设计及在特定疾病保险中的应用

    Development and Application of an Optimal Bonus-malus System Based on Classified Risk Model in the Practices of Disease-specific Insurance

  5. 此类伴侣应带有充分的事故和疾病保险;船东应为海员获得这种保险给予一切帮助。

    Such partners should carry adequate insurance cover against accident and illness ; the shipowners should give every assistance to the seafarer to effect such insurance .

  6. 这些议员们已经通过了很多重大的举措,诸如,起诉废除失业保险法。也通过了很多小的办法,就像为预防疾病保险置出钱财。

    They have passed big measures , such as Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act , and small ones , such as barring money for preventive health care .

  7. 要确认自己需要的是什么:商业医疗保险、重大疾病保险,是长期丧失劳能力时需要的收入补偿。

    British will ask themselves if they want just private medical insurance , or also critical illness cover and income protection should they fall ill for an extended time .

  8. 住院医疗保险精算中预期住院费用和天数估计商业健康保险包括重大疾病保险、住院费用报销型保险及住院补贴型保险。

    Commercial health is sure to include charge of major disease insurance , be in hospital to submit an expense account model insurance and allowance of be in hospital insurance .

  9. 这部分首先分别介绍了国外三种有代表性的农村医疗保险制度,即日本农村的国民健康保险、德国的农业者疾病保险和巴西的全民医疗保险。

    It starts with the description of three representative foreign rural medical systems , namely , " citizens ' health insurance " in Japan , and rural medical insurance system in both Germany and Brazil .

  10. 文章包括:加速重大疾病保险的定价和趋势;英国重大疾病市场的趋势;重大疾病的简易核保及亚洲的重大疾病险市场。

    The articles included in this issue discuss pricing for trends in accelerated dread diseasae insurance , trends in UK critical illness experience , simplified underwriting in dread disease and dread disease insurance in asia .

  11. 在人身保险中,有的是短期保险,如疾病保险,其保险费的支付方式类似于财产保险,一般在签订保险合同中一次付清保险费。

    In person insurance , have a plenty of short-term insurance , if the disease is safe , the terms of payment of its insurance premium is similar to property insurance , be in commonly paid insurance premium in signing insurance contract .

  12. 目前市场上最畅销的是返还型重大疾病保险,被保险人享有重大疾病给付、身故给付、或者满期给付三项利益,我们来对比一下两个年龄段的缴费情况。

    At present best-selling is to return on the market still model major disease is safe , insurant enjoys major disease to give pay , die gives pay , time-expired perhaps to pay3 interests , we will contrast two ages paragraph capture expends a circumstance .

  13. 基于主要疾病健康保险,这保险系统由个人付费计划,集体财政支持,政府补贴组成。

    Based on major illness health insurance cover , the system follows a payment plan by the individual , financial support from the collective , and subsidies from the government .

  14. 本文主要从养老保险、疾病医疗保险、职业伤害保险和失业保险等几个方面来分析。

    The paper expounds it from the following aspects : social security , law of insurance for the aged , disease insurance law , industrial injury insurance law , and unemployment insurance law .

  15. 我建议你办个疾病和失业保险。

    I recommend you get insurance against sickness and unemployment .

  16. 这份新的保险单被认为是首个承保疾病风险的保险方案。

    The new policy is believed to be the first scheme to offer protection against an illness .

  17. (五)投保人、受益人故意造成被保险人死亡、伤残或者疾病,骗取保险金的。

    An applicant or a beneficiary defrauds insurance money by deliberately causing the death , disability or illness of the insured .

  18. 投保人、受益人故意造成被保险人死亡、伤残或者疾病的,保险人是否承担保险责任?

    Policy-holder , beneficiary beneficiary causes insurant intentionally death , disable or of the disease , whether does the underwriter assume insurance responsibility ?

  19. 打个比方,如果你患了某种疾病。有时保险公司会说,存在年度限制或终生限制。

    So , say you 've had some sort of illness . Sometimes the insurance company will say there 's a yearly cap or a lifetime cap .

  20. 这项医疗保险不保任何以前存在的身体疾病(美国保险开始前的身体状况)或任何精神治疗。

    The China ACES medical insurance does not cover any pre-existing medical condition ( a condition prior to the commencement of the insurance ) or any psychiatric care .

  21. 因此,《保险法》规定,投保人、受益人故意造成被保险人死亡、伤残或者疾病的,保险人不承担给付保险金的责任。

    Accordingly ," insurance law " regulation , policy-holder , beneficiary beneficiary causes insurant intentionally death , disable or of the disease , the underwriter does not assume the responsibility that pays insurance gold .

  22. 医疗保险又称健康保险,是保险人负责承担被保险人因意外伤害或疾病支出以保险医疗费用的人身保险。

    Medical treatment is sure to weigh healthy insurance again , it is the underwriter is in charge of because accident harm or disease defray are sure with the person of charge of insurance medical treatment , assuming insurant .

  23. 美国心脏协会(AmericanHeartAssociation,简称AHA)的数据显示,每年还有65万人被新诊断出患上该疾病。不过医疗保险计划的数据显示,新患者的数目比这个数字更高。

    An additional 650,000 new cases are diagnosed each year , according to the American Heart Association , though Medicare data suggest the number is higher .

  24. 联合国工作人员疾病和意外相互保险公司

    United Nations Staff Mutual Insurance Society against Sickness and Accident

  25. 高收入国家将非传染性疾病服务纳入医疗保险的可能性几乎是低收入国家的四倍。

    High-income countries are nearly four times more likely to have NCD services covered by health insurance than low-income countries .

  26. 如果任其发展,这些治疗费用昂贵、但可预防的疾病可能会压垮保险计划,并摧毁社会保障安全网。

    If left unchecked , these costly , yet preventable conditions can overwhelm insurance schemes and unravel safety nets for social protection .

  27. 保费的多少由一系列因素而定,包括承保的医疗、疾病范围;被保险人年龄;被保险人的健康状况;以及保单的征税程度。

    Of insurance cost more or less to decide by a series of elements , include range of the medical treatment of accept insurance , disease ; insurant age ; the healthy state of insurant ; and the levy degree of guarantee slip .

  28. 所以,如果你患有先发疾病,难以获得保险,本周你一定要多多关注,就像你说的,赶紧登录网站擦汗看。

    So if you have preexisting conditions and it 's been a difficult time for you to try to get insurance , you need to be paying attention this week -- and as you said , jump on that Web site right now to find out . Right now .

  29. 雇主责任险的赔付是:每次事故的补偿限额不低于500000美元;每次疾病补偿限额不低于500000美元;以及500000美元的疾病保险限额。

    Employer 's liability shall be provided with limits of not less than us $ 500000 each accident ; us $ 500000 each disease ; and us $ 500000 disease policy limit .