
  • 网络nosology;phenomenological nosology
  1. 原意是药理学、疾病分类学、病因学领域中的一个非常特别的意思。

    In its original application ," nocebo " had a very specific meaning in the medical domains of pharmacology , nosology , and etiology .

  2. 疾病分类学医学一支,主攻疾病分类。

    The branch of medicine that deals with the classification of diseases .

  3. 雅斯贝尔斯的精神病理学标志着精神病学理论从克雷佩林的疾病分类学概念进入到描述性症状学概念。

    Jaspers'psychopathology is a symbol of the transition of psychiatric theory from Kraepelins'nosological conception to descriptive-symptomatological conception .

  4. 疾病分类学医学一支,主攻疾病分类结果:腮腺囊肿可以分为4种组织病理学类型。

    The branch of medicine that deals with the classification of diseases . The histopathological types of the cysts of parotid gland were classified according to their histopathological features .