
  • Mad World;Rat Race
  1. 其实,我需要做的不过是成为这个疯狂世界的一员而已。

    Well , all I need to do is to become one of the crazy myself .

  2. 他的歌曲生活在疯狂世界中成为哥伦比亚唱片公司历史上销量最好的单曲。

    His song " Living La Vida Loca " is the biggest selling No. 1 single in the history of Columbia Records .

  3. 他们的纯真照亮了我们的生活,使我们因处理这个疯狂世界中的琐事而负载压力的思想得到些许的轻松。

    Their innocence brightens our lives and eases our minds of the stresses we encounter dealing with the crazy world around us .

  4. 一个发生在疯狂世界的动作游戏,主角是个化名哥特的地下特工。

    Took place in a crazy world of action games , the protagonist is a pseudonym agents on the ground floor of the Gothic .

  5. 在那个一片血腥、亡与战火的疯狂世界。天边绽出一小片红霞,血红、发亮。

    In that mad world of blood , death and fire . A patch of red cloudburst over the horizon , blood-red , and glowing .

  6. 一旦经历过这些困难,我们拥有的不仅是和他人以及这个疯狂世界的独特的经历,还有从中学到的教训。

    And once they pass , all we 're left with are our unique experiences with each other and this crazy world , and the lessons we 've learned along the way .

  7. 少安毋躁没有坏处&东部第四没有超我们太远,本赛季进行到四分之一又成了“疯狂世界”。

    There 's no drawback to waiting it out for a while-nobody is running away with fourth place in the East , which has become Bizarro World again one-quarter of the way into the season .

  8. 在疯狂的世界中,只有疯子才是正常的。

    In a mad world , only the mad are sane .

  9. 在这个疯狂的世界里很难保持精神正常。

    It 's hard to keep your sanity in this crazy world .

  10. 这个疯狂的世界可以到处飘散着疯狂传说的呀。

    This wide world is full of such mad tales .

  11. “谁爱谁呢,在这疯狂的世界上”

    " Who loves anybody in this madhouse . "

  12. 中型轿车显然是这个越来越疯狂的世界中最理性的选择。

    Midsize sedans are clearly the sanest choice in this increasingly insane world .

  13. 你对这个疯狂的世界非常敏感。

    You are sensitive to this crazy world .

  14. 在这疯狂的世界里谁会爱别人呢?

    Who loves anybody in this madhouse ?

  15. 给我一个疯狂的世界

    Giving me an insane world

  16. 在这个疯狂的世界。

    In this crazy world .

  17. 你生活在什么疯狂的世界让你觉得兔子可能是警察?

    What crazy world are you living in where you think a bunny could be a cop ?

  18. 在一个疯狂的世界,你永远都不会知道什么时候突然急需用钱。

    In a mad world , you never know when you 'll need a little mad money .

  19. 在这个疯狂的世界上,没有什么东西是永恒的,你的错误、失败和烦恼也不是挥之不去的。

    Nothing is permanent in this crazy world , not even your mistakes , failures , or troubles .

  20. 通过赋予这些元素堕落的生命和异化的人格,恩索尔为我们建构了一个疯狂的世界。

    Through these elements full of degenerate lives and dissimilation personality , Ensor built a crazy world for us .

  21. 如果在这个疯狂的世界上,约伯都被人啧啧称赞,那我想像不到,将来等候你的是什麽样的赞美了。

    If even on this crazy planet Job is honoured today , I can 't imagine the acclaim awaiting you when all is revealed .

  22. 这是一个对滑向法西斯主义的世界和即将疯狂的世界的浪漫告别。

    It 's a farewell romantic gesture for a passing era , of a world sliding towards fascism and the hell it will unleash .

  23. 他留着山羊胡子的脸深藏在运动衫的兜帽中,他说,“音乐是一种释放。它让我享受当下,让我的脑子远离外面那个疯狂的世界。”

    Music , he said , is " a release . It keeps me in the moment . It takes my mind off this crazy world . "

  24. 一位好友是连接生命的知己,衔接过去,通向未来,是在这个疯狂的世界保持理智的关键。

    A good friend is a connection to life-a tie to the past , a road to the future , the key to sanity in a totally insane world .

  25. 提到街头艺术,大家也许会认为这是对建筑物的一种肆意破坏。然而恰恰相反,街头艺术是一种自我表达,是对这个既深沉又疯狂的世界的一种领悟,我们从中可以得到诸多启发和思考。

    Street art , perhaps contrary to popular belief , isn 't about vandalizing buildings - it 's about self expression , and getting a message out to the world that can often be thoughtful and provoking .

  26. 你只是这疯狂的大世界中的一个人而已。

    You are but one person in this big , crazy world .

  27. crazy:疯狂的这个世界…乱套了。

    Blair : This world , it 's -- it 's , crazy . -

  28. 这是一个有点疯狂的梦幻世界。

    It 's a crazily dreamy world .

  29. 自从他成为诺莫瑞根的国王以来,他占用了自己大部分的时间在疯狂的征服世界的发明上。

    He keeps to himself most of his time since becoming king of Gnomeregan , working on insane world – conquering inventions .

  30. 当然,我不会很疯狂的满世界追他跑,但是我以后也会那么有几次的去韩国感受他所居住的国家。

    Of course , I won 't crazy world after he ran , but I later will then have a couple of times to South Korea feeling in his country .