
  1. 这个眼神在说,“按规矩办事”

    That look meant , " Get with the program . "

  2. 只要按规矩办事就能成功。

    You 'll only be a success if you play be the rules .

  3. 奶奶她们越会按规矩办事。

    They always strictly follow the rules .

  4. 虽然同意这一点,但有一个监管方的意义在于确保管理层按规矩办事。

    Agreed , but the point of having a regulator is to ensure management keep on the rails .

  5. 不过,我们必须确保那些按规矩办事却陷入经济困境的老百姓得到帮助。

    But we have to make sure that folks who have played by the rules and are struggling can get some help .

  6. 咱们是完全按规矩办事的。如果英国人硬要乱来,咱们也不必去纠正。

    We have proceeded in perfect order . If the English choose to put themselves in the wrong , it is not our business to put them in the right .

  7. 所有这些案件中涉及的电子邮件,呈现出了乔布斯好的一面和不好的一面&时而颇具魅力,时而横行霸道,而且并不总是按规矩办事。

    The emails in all these cases present the good and bad of Steve Jobs & charmer and bully , someone who may not always have played by the rules .

  8. 所有这些案件中涉及的电子邮件,呈现出了乔布斯好的一面和不好的一面——时而颇具魅力,时而横行霸道,而且并不总是按规矩办事。

    The emails in all these cases present the good and bad of Steve Jobs - charmer and bully , someone who may not always have played by the rules .

  9. 威尼斯政府对贡多拉收费有相关规定,然而,经验丰富的游客会告诉你,很多船夫不会老老实实按规矩办事。

    Gondola rides are offered at a fixed cost set by the city government , though experienced travelers will tell you that many gondoliers do not always adhere to these costs .

  10. 他按老规矩办事。

    He does everything according to old rules and regulations .

  11. 乘火车去旅行是,有人告诉她“行李事先运”她大不以为然,要求搬运工按老规矩办事,换来的却是绝望。

    During a railway journey the term " luggage in advance " meant nothing to her , so in desperation she asked the porter to do as he thought best .

  12. 你要按和约上的规矩办事。

    You are expected to go by the rules of your rental agreement .