
  • Crazy Woman;madwoman;crazy women;mad women bad women
  1. 《坐沃尔沃的疯女人:我的愤怒荷尔蒙年代》(TheMadwomanintheVolvo:MyYearofRagingHormones)。

    THE MADWOMAN IN THE VOLVO : My Year of Raging Hormones .

  2. 疯女人这一女性形象受到女性主义者的普遍青睐。

    The figure of a madwoman is popular among the feminists .

  3. 她像个疯女人似地追赶他。

    She made after him like a mad woman .

  4. 我一直在想那个商场里的疯女人。

    I keep thinking about that crazy lady in the market .

  5. 是的。我只是个醉了的疯女人。

    Yes , I am just a drunk woman 's crazy .

  6. 这些疯女人是谁?她们正在做什么?

    Who are these wild women and what are they doing ?

  7. 别去管这疯女人,她不伤人。

    Let the mad woman alone . She 's hurting nobody .

  8. 我想她是你所谓的疯女人的朋友。

    I think she 's friends with your so-called crazy chick .

  9. 我为什么喜欢这种疯女人?

    Why wouid I Iike a crazy woman Iike that ?

  10. 我们只听到一个疯女人的控诉。

    All we have is some crazy woman 's accusations .

  11. 她们不愿意跟这个疯女人拌嘴。

    They did not want to affront this mad woman .

  12. 但是如果能让那个疯女人远离我们的生活。

    But if it keeps that crazy woman out of our life .

  13. 《茫茫藻海》:对阁楼上疯女人故土的再想象

    Wide Sargasso Sea : Re-imagination of Homeland of Lunatic Woman in Attic

  14. 而且窗外还有个疯女人

    Agh ! And there 's a crazy woman outside my window .

  15. 她知道别人会把她看作疯女人。

    She knew that others would see her as a crazed woman .

  16. 你可知道,跟一个疯女人摔角是怎么一回事吗?

    Do you know what it is to wrestle with a madwoman ?

  17. 桑菲尔德阁楼上的是一个“疯女人”吗?

    A mad woman in the attic of thornfield ?

  18. 你看到的是一个疯女人要跳楼。

    You saw a crazy person out on a iedge trying to jump .

  19. 那个疯女人因为“暴露癖”而被捕了。

    The delirious woman was arrested for baring all .

  20. 谁知道那个疯女人能做出些什么

    Who knows what that woman 's capable of ?

  21. 就好像我不想被看成疯女人一样。

    Just as long as I don 't look like a crazy cunt .

  22. 我不是鞭打疯女人的管家。

    I 'm not your master of flogging madwomen .

  23. 你就是那疯女人。

    You are the crazy woman on four .

  24. 我们要把这些归咎于那个疯女人。

    We 're gonna blame that lunatic woman .

  25. 杰夫:老兄,有个疯女人刚对我的脸挥了一拳!

    Jeff : Dude , some crazy chick just punched me in the face !

  26. 和一个象你这样的疯女人同住呢?

    To live with a nutcase like you ?

  27. 他们像疯女人似地撕扯自己的衣服。

    They tore at their clothes like madwomen .

  28. 维克多:你看《疯女人》,对吗?

    Victor : You watch Madwomen , right ?

  29. 你是个疯女人!

    You 're a god damn crazy woman !

  30. 你在干嘛?疯女人,你会毁了我的公寓的。

    What are you doing , you madwoman ? You 're destroying my apartment .