
liáo yǎng yuàn
  • sanatorium;sanitarium;convalescent home;convalescent hospital;vest home
疗养院 [liáo yǎng yuàn]
  • [sanatorium;convalescent home; sanitarium; convalescent hospital] 提供物理治疗(如水疗,光疗),并配合饮食、体操等疗法以帮助病人恢复健康的医疗机构

疗养院[liáo yǎng yuàn]
  1. 我得了肺结核,被告知要在疗养院呆两年。

    I had tuberculosis and was told I 'd be in the sanatorium for two years .

  2. 疗养院靠海。

    The sanatorium stands by the sea .

  3. 那家旅馆将被改建成私人疗养院。

    The hotel is going to be converted into a nursing home .

  4. 她的家人把她送进了一家疗养院。

    Her family put her into a nursing home .

  5. 她自告奋勇到士兵疗养院当护士。

    She volunteered as a nurse in a soldiers ' rest-home

  6. 她开始绞尽脑汁地回忆在疗养院发生的事。

    She began to rack her brains to remember what had happened at the nursing home .

  7. 如果你不能去疗养院看望奶奶,你可以用远程呈现机器人陪她出去玩。

    If you can 't get to the nursing home to visit grandma , you can use a telepresence robot to hang out with her .

  8. 运用WEBService技术搭建疗养院财经管理信息系统

    Construction of Sanatorium Financial Management Information System Using Web Service Technology

  9. 运用WEBService技术解决疗养院内部系统整合

    Using Web Service Technology to Achieve the Internal Integration of Sanatorium

  10. 住在Living学院,以前被称作哈特福特疗养院。

    to the Institute of Living , which used to be called the Hartford Retreat .

  11. 该疗养院的有些记录保存在萨里历史中心(SurreyHistoryCenter)。

    Some records were preserved at the Surrey History Center .

  12. 霍洛威疗养院最初是一家民营机构,第二次世界大战后成为英国国民健康服务(NationalHealthService)系统中的精神病院,一直到1981年才停业。

    Run initially as a private institution , the Holloway Sanatorium became a mental hospital within Britain 's National Health Service after World War II . It was not closed until 1981 .

  13. 介绍了检验信息系统(LIS)在疗养院的实践与改进。

    Describes the practice and improvement of laboratory information system in our sanatorium .

  14. 工作增加最多的单一案例是southerncross疗养院,在一系列收购之后,这家疗养院的员工数量增加到了3万人,相比之下,3年前只有8000人。

    The biggest single gain was at Southern Cross nursing homes which , following after a series of purchases , has lifted staff levels to 30000 compared with just 8000 three years ago .

  15. Dosa是罗得岛州布朗大学WarrenAlpert医学院的内科教授,也是该疗养院的老年医学顾问医生。

    Dosa is professor of medicine at Warren Alpert Medical School at Brown University , Rhode Island , and a geriatric consultant at the nursing home .

  16. X17没有向外报导在疗养院的探望是因为我们不想凭空捏造出那些问题和忧虑,这些问题和忧虑没有任何东西可以证明是真的。

    X17 did not report on the paramedics'visit because we didn 't want to create questions or concerns where none were warranted .

  17. 据说她现在在东海岸的一家精神疗养院,并且正在接受DBT(辩证行为疗法),这是一种用于各种心理疾病状况的治疗方法。

    She 's now said to be at a psychiatric facility on the East Coast , and is receiving DBT ( Dialectical Behavior Therapy ) , a treatment used for various mental health conditions .

  18. 1958年,我的母亲住进了霍洛威疗养院(HollowaySanatorium),那是一座庞大的建筑,是19世纪大亨托马斯·霍洛威(ThomasHolloway)的维多利亚哥特式幻想,此人通过出售可疑的药用配剂积累了财富。

    In 1958 , my mother was admitted to the Holloway Sanatorium , the sprawling Victorian Gothic fantasy of a 19th-century tycoon , Thomas Holloway , who amassed a fortune through the sale of dubious medicinal concoctions .

  19. 现年96岁的香贯静枝(ShizueKatsura,音)是在一个出人意料的地方度过人生最后时光的19名日本妇女之一:一家韩国疗养院。在那里,徘徊不去的反日情绪令这些妇女一直无人问津。

    Shizue Katsura , 96 , is among 19 Japanese women who are spending their final days in an unlikely place : a nursing home in South Korea , where lingering anti-Japanese sentiment has helped keep the women in obscurity .

  20. 人们在海边建造了新的疗养院和宾馆。

    New health resorts ( 2 ) and hotels were built .

  21. 新世纪疗养院院务保障工作效率的提高

    Increasing Work Efficiency of Hospital Guarantee on Sanatorium in New Century

  22. 军队疗养院心理学科的发展优势;

    The development of the psychics faculty in the military sanatorium .

  23. 山顶上有一座疗养院。

    At the top of the hill was a nursing home .

  24. 军队疗养院质量管理评价指标体系的研究

    Study on Evaluating Indicator System of Quality Management in Military Sanatorium

  25. 疗养院健康教育的现状与改进措施

    Present situation of health education in sanatoriums and measures for Improvement

  26. 疗养院是建立在星级服务基础上的现代化疗养院。

    The sanatorium is a modern sanatorium based on star-level service .

  27. 欢迎光临荫园疗养院有什么可以效劳

    Welcome to Shady Hills . How can I help you ?

  28. 它被用于疗养院来陪伴老年痴呆症患者。

    It 's used in nursing homes and with dementia patients .

  29. 浅谈新时期军队疗养院的建设与发展

    Elementary Discussing Construction and Development of Military Sanatorium in New Era

  30. 每座作围绕之状的佳山都是疗养院。

    Every good mountain with an enclosing gesture is a sanatorium .