
  1. 笔者利用数据包络分析(DEA)方法,对我国各地区廉租房制度的运行效率进行了评价。

    This paper evaluates the execution efficiency of Cheap Rent Housing System in China by the method of DEA ( Data envelopment analysis ) .

  2. 建立城市廉租房制度的模式与方法

    Establishment Mode and Method for Low-rent Housing System in City

  3. 中央政府面临的问题是,廉租房制度应该怎样选择和实施。

    Government faces the problem is how low-rent housing system selection and implementation .

  4. 我国城镇廉租房制度建设中的问题及对策研究

    Study on the Problems and Countermeasure of the Low-rent Housing System in China

  5. 廉租房制度是住房保障的核心内容之一。

    Low-rent housing system is one of the core elements of housing security .

  6. 城镇廉租房制度建设中的政府职能定位

    Location of government s function in the construction of city low-rental house system

  7. 其次,介绍了廉租房制度的政策背景及基本理论知识。

    Secondly , introduce the low-rent housing system which policy background and basic theoretical knowledge .

  8. 第一部分廉租房制度的概况。住房问题是在城市化及工业化的过程中产生的住房短缺问题,是住房保障制度产生的直接原因。

    The housing problem is problem of lack of housing in the process of city-turn and industrialization ;

  9. 但是直到目前为止,我国的廉租房制度仍然很不完善,尤其跟西方发达国家相比更显落后。

    However , our low-rent housing is still not perfect comparing with that of western developed countries .

  10. 文章首先对廉租房制度的理论基础新公共服务理论进行了概述。

    This article first low-rent housing system , the theoretical basis of new public service is outlined .

  11. 经济适用房制度和廉租房制度具有保证社会公平和稳定社会秩序的功能。

    The economical and applicable room system and low-rent housing can guarantee social equity and be stable social order .

  12. 完善廉租房制度建设构建和谐社会生活&河北省廉租房建设研究

    Improving Low-rent Housing System and Creating Harmonious Social Life & Investigation of the low-rent housing system in Hebei province

  13. 廉租房制度的建立是为了满足城镇最低收入家庭的住房需求。

    The establishment of low-rent housing system is to meet the minimum income of urban families ' needs of housing .

  14. 上海廉租房制度自1999年开始实施以来,已经成功地解决了2万多户低收入家庭的住房保障问题。

    After its implementation since 1999 in shanghai , it has successfully resolved housing problems of more than 20,000 low-income households .

  15. 廉租房制度正是解决城镇最低收入家庭居住问题的制度安排。

    The system of low-rent house is proper to resolve the housing problem of the low-income family in the urban area .

  16. 我国已经初步建立起了以经济适用房制度、廉租房制度、住房公积金制度为主要内容的住房保障制度。

    China has established the primary housing guarantee system that includes affordable house , subsidiary rental houses , and housing accumulation fund .

  17. 另一方面,完善住房保障制度,主要从经济适用房、廉租房制度方面作出规制。

    On the other hand , from improving the housing guarantee system , mainly from economy applicable houses , low-rent housing making regulation .

  18. 廉租房制度作为解决低收入家庭住房保障的一项重要举措,已经受到越来越多城市的重视。

    As an important measure to resolve low-income families ' housing problem , low-rent housing system has been paid more and more attention .

  19. 上海市廉租房制度的建立不仅仅解决了上海市低收入家庭的住房保障问题,也对其它城市廉租房制度的建设有着重大的借鉴意义。

    The low-rent housing system not only solves the problem of low-income families in shanghai , but also it is an example to other cities .

  20. 加快建立健全以廉租房制度为重点、多渠道解决城镇低收入家庭住房困难的保障体系是住房制度改革的一项重要内容。

    Housing security with focus on low-rent housing system for the urban low-income families has been an important part of China 's housing system reform .

  21. 廉租房制度是住房保障体系的重要组成部分,是当前解决低收入家庭住房的重要途径。

    The low-rent housing system is an important part of the housing security system , it is an important way to solve the low-income family ' housing problem .

  22. 同时,本文也希望能够对推动成都市廉租房制度的发展做出一定贡献,为政府制定相关政策提供参考。

    Meanwhile , I hope to make some contributions for the low-cost housing system in Chengdu which may give some references to the government for their policy making .

  23. 实证结果表明,廉租房制度效率低下的原因不能仅归咎于投入不足,而是资金配置不合理所造成的。

    The demonstration results show that the low execution efficiency of Cheap Rent Housing System not only because insufficient investment , but also reason from deploy funds irrationality .

  24. 针对城镇住房弱势群体而展开探讨,在分析其现有住房保障政策的基础上得出了推行廉租房制度的结论。

    This paper analyzes the urban vulnerable groups in house needs , as well as housing security policy ; the conclusion is to carry out low-rent house system .

  25. 对问题提出的背景以及意义进行了分析,指出廉租房制度是实现居民最基本生活权利的一个重要举措。

    It analyses the background and significance of the problem and points out that the low-rent housing system is an important measure to realize the basic rights of residents .

  26. 对廉租房制度的相关理论以及上海市廉租房制度的研究进行了综述,在此基础上提出了本文的主要研究方法以及研究框架。

    On the base of the relative theories and the study on the low-rent housing system in shanghai , it puts out the main study methods and the main frame .

  27. 而现今国内学者对于住房保障以及廉租房制度的研究,主要还局限于经济学、社会学、管理学等层面,从法学角度对廉租房制度的研究,则较为零星且尚未形成体系。

    Many research of the low-rent housing system is from science of economics , sociology and management , but it is a lack of the research from the angle of jurisprudence .

  28. 如何保证这个目标的有效实施对上海市来说是一个巨大的挑战,如何完善现有的廉租房制度将成为其成功实施的关键,这也是本文的出发点。

    How to ensure the effective implementation of this goal is a great challenge to Shanghai . How to improve the existing low-rent housing system will be the key to its success .

  29. 从而提出完善北京市廉租房制度实施的建议方案,为进一步推进北京市廉租房制度实施提供一定的借鉴意义。

    To put forward a sound implementation of low-rent housing system proposals in Beijing , in order to further promote the implementation of Beijing , to provide a low-rent housing system for reference .

  30. 自1997年实施廉租房制度至今,南昌市形成了以租金配租为主,实物配租为辅的较为完善的廉租房保障制度。

    Since 1997 , the implementation of low-rent housing system , Nanchang formed a rent relatively perfect system for low-rent housing guarantee that rent subsidizing was dominate format combined house subsidizing as a subordinate format .