
diàn fēng shàn
  • electric fan;punkah
电风扇 [diàn fēng shàn]
  • [electric fan] 电扇

电风扇[diàn fēng shàn]
  1. 电风扇生产自动化控制及MIS的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of the Electric Fan ′ s Manufacture Automatic Control and MIS

  2. 电风扇下离合器压模的设计

    A design of die for compacting lower clutch in electric fan

  3. MEMS微型燃料电池及其基于压电风扇的换气方法

    MEMS-based micro fuel cell and its air supplying method by piezoelectric fan

  4. 基于MCS-51电风扇智能调速器的设计

    Design of Fanner Intelligence Speed Regulator Based-on MCS-51

  5. 广泛用于家庭影院、AV系统、电脑、日光灯、电风扇等电器设备。

    It is widely used in the home theatres , AV systems , computers , daylight stamps , electric fans and other electric equipments .

  6. 嘎拉瓦丁解释说,典型的T3生物气候建筑内的自然温度比室外温度低41华氏度(22摄氏度),只需要自然通风和几个吊顶电风扇就能保持凉爽。

    Gallavardin explains that a typical bioclimatic T3 building is naturally about 41 Fahrenheit ( 22 Celsius ) cooler than the outside temperature , with natural ventilation and the odd ceiling fan doing the rest of the work .

  7. 位于米兰的Ma-Vib是一家家族式的制造电风扇和加热设备的公司。

    Ma-Vib , which is based near Milan , is a family-owned business making electric fans and heating equipment .

  8. 电风扇多功能数字电子自动定时器

    A multi-functional digital electronic automatic timer for an electric fan

  9. 这是我刚在你们店里买的电风扇。

    This is the electric fan I just bought from your shop .

  10. 夏天过去了,让我们把电风扇收起来吧。

    Summer is gone ; let 's put away the electric fans .

  11. 作为电机工程师,我改进了电风扇的装配线。

    I improved our assembly line of the electric fans .

  12. 请将电风扇按发票金额的120%保险。

    Please insure the electric fans at120 % of the invoice value .

  13. 我必须将电风扇之插头插在墙上的插座。

    I need to plug the fan into the wall .

  14. 基于单片机的无线温控电风扇调速器设计

    The Design of Wireless Temperature Controlled Electric Fan Governor Based on MCU

  15. 他建议安装一台吊顶电风扇。

    He suggested having a ceiling electric fan installed in the room .

  16. 哪一个季节我们用电风扇?

    In which season do we use an electric fan ?

  17. 松开空调电风扇上的紧固螺钉。

    Loosen fastening screws on electric fan for air conditioning .

  18. 电风扇智能控制模块的设计

    Design of the Controlling Model of the Intelligent Electric Fan

  19. WS&350型无刷电风扇简介

    Brief Introduction of Brushless Electric Fan Type WS 350

  20. 商店橱窗里现在摆着各种牌号的电风扇。

    Various brands of electric fans are now on display in the shopwindows .

  21. 变速电风扇,带给您逍遥清凉。

    The variaBle-speed electric fan makes you feel carefree , cool and refreshed .

  22. 电风扇灯罩注塑模具设计

    Design of injection mould for lampshade of electric fan

  23. 只有你,电风扇和一个抱枕,没人来打搅你。

    You are left in peace with your box fan and body pillow .

  24. 把面条电风扇放在你的筷子上。

    You put the noodle fan on you chopsticks .

  25. 把电风扇打开,好吗?

    Turn on the electric fan , will you ?

  26. 他常常直接坐在电风扇前吹风。

    He would sit directly in front of the fan to cool down .

  27. 你们班有几个电风扇?

    How many fans are there in your class ?

  28. 她把电风扇转了个方向朝着我们,就凉快多了。

    She shifted the electric fan so that it played more upon us .

  29. 朋友很热,你为他打开电风扇,你说。

    Let me turn on the fan for you .

  30. 你看,这里有电风扇,还有留声机。

    Look , there 's an electric fan .