
shēnɡ nénɡ
  • Acoustic energy;sonic (or sound) energy
声能 [shēng néng]
  • [sound energy]媒质的总能量与无声波存在时的能量之差;声波所具有的能量

  1. 解析声能流Capon空间谱估计

    Capon spatial spectrum estimation based on analytic acoustic energy flux

  2. 本文利用混响声场吸声系数α、立体角、平均自由程及壁面吸收声能等统计声学概念,用简单方法导出混响声场吸声系数α与统计能量分析(SEA)损耗因子η之间的关系。

    Relation between acoustical absorption coefficient α and loss factor η in reverberant field with statistical energy analysis ( SEA ) was derived using concise statistical acoustical concepts , such as acoustical absorption coefficient α, three-dimension angle , mean free path and surface absorption energy .

  3. 讨论声能流检测器的增益以及方位估计DOA(directionofarrival)的克拉美罗界CRB(Cramer&RaoBound)。给出了计算机的仿真结果和浅海试验的结果。

    The gain of acoustic energy flux detector and Cramer-Rao Bound ( CRB ) of Direction of Arrival ( DOA ) estimation are discussed , and the results of computer simulations and the shallow sea trial are given .

  4. 本文提出一种利用微计算机测量声能比的方法.采用特制的A/D转换接口与MIC-80型微计算机联接,可对声场内的每一个脉冲响应同时测得多种定义的声能比值。

    A measurement method of acoustic ratio with aid of microcomputer is presented in this paper .

  5. 证明了海面噪声场条件下水平方向声能流检测器是极大似然检测器和极大似然方位估计器,并给出方位估计的CRB。

    The contents of the thesis is : ( 1 ) Horizontal acoustic energy flux detector is maximum likelihood detector and maximum likelihood estimator in the sea surface noise field .

  6. 研究了不同Fenton试剂的用量、不同初始pH值、不同初始COD(cr)质量浓度、不同声能密度条件下,超声空化与Fenton试剂联合作用降解废水中有机物的效果。

    The different degradation efficiency of ultrasonic cavitation combined with Fenton reagent is studied affected by such factors as the different Fenton reagent dosage , the initial pH value , the different initial COD_ ( cr ) concentration , and the different sound energy density .

  7. 无规入射散射系数测量中的声能衰减分析

    Analysis of Sound Energy Decay in Measurement of Random-Incidence Scattering Coefficient

  8. 文中给出了测量得的和原声场的声能方向分布间的关系。

    The relations between measured and original distributions are derived .

  9. 水下复合层吸声结构中反向声能与振动能量传输的研究

    Investigation of inverse energy transmission in composite sound absorption structures in water

  10. 我们都知道声能在空气中传播。

    We all know that sound can travel through air .

  11. 巨人的大笑声能让龙的咆哮都相形见绌。

    A giant 's laughter could put to shame a dragon 's roar .

  12. 杓状软骨拨动后各项声学参数均下降,声谱图中高频区声能有所恢复,噪声成分减少。

    The acoustic parameters were significantly decreased after the treatment of arytenoid motion .

  13. 室内界面声能扩散系数测量方法

    A mean for measuring the surface sound energy diffusion coefficient in a room

  14. 煤炭在声能作用下的燃烧与传统的燃烧方式有很大的区别。

    Coal burning in effect of sound energy is different from traditional burning .

  15. 利用上述理论结果推导了矢量水听器阵列的声能流阵增益。

    Array gain of acoustic energy flux is also derived using above theoretical results .

  16. 对能流密度的探讨矩形水池中声能的衰变

    A Study of Energy Density Sound decay in an acoustically treated rectangular water pool

  17. 一个好的游戏原声能怎样增加玩游戏的体验?

    How does a good soundtrack add to the experience of playing a game ?

  18. 用微计算机测量声能比参量

    Acoustic Ratio Measurement with Aid of Microcomputer

  19. 环绕声能创造出真实的音响环境,营造出符合视频画面意境的声音空间。

    Surround sound can create a real sound environment , and Create a sound space .

  20. 声能通过空气、水、木材、钢材和任何其他弹性材料。

    Sound will travel through air , water , wood , steel or any other elastic material .

  21. 热声效应是热能与声能之间相互转换的现象,其重要应用领域之一是热声热机(包括热声发动机和热声制冷机)。

    Thermoacoustic heat engine and refrigerator use thermoacoustic effect to realize conversion between heat and sound energy .

  22. 从结构振动声能辐射的一般规律、自由声场的能量分布及传送方式和结构振动模态原理入手,对结构振动模态的声能辐射与外加激励,模态参数间的关系进行了理论推导和研究。

    The present paper presents the relation between sound radiation of physical construction and its modal vibration .

  23. 声致发光中气泡的运动将低能量密度的声能转化为高能量密度的光能。

    In the sonoluminescence , the movement of the bubbles converts low-energy of sound to high-energy of luminous .

  24. 声能,声音在水中,明显地受到温度、压力和矿化度影响。

    Acoustic energy , sound through the water , is greatly affected by temperature , pressure and salinity .

  25. 热声发动机是一种通过热声效应实现热能与声能转化的装置。

    Thermoacoustic engine is a kind of machine , which converts thermal energy into acoustic power by thermoacoustic effect .

  26. 在本文中对这一分析进行了简要介绍,并命名为声能面积法。

    In the dissertation , I introduce this analyse in brief , and name it " energy-area method " .

  27. 随着声能密度增加,超声机械剪切力和羟基自由基效应逐渐增强(92%以上)。

    The effects of cavitation and hydroxyl radical became stronger ( over 92 % ) with an increasing ultrasound intensity .

  28. 热声发动机工作频率关系到与负载的匹配情况,是热声发动机声能输出的重要评价指标。

    The working frequency of a thermoacoustic engine has effect on the matching mode of engine with the acoustic load .

  29. 另一方面,设想在实际测液位过程中采用弯管代替油井的端口,以减小发射端口处的声能损失,达到减小整个过程的传播损失的目的。

    On the other hand , we use the elbow pieces instead of complex ports to reduce acoustic propagation loss .

  30. 在理想情况下,若噪声场为各向同性噪声场,则通过声能流长时间积分,单个矢量水听器便可获得无限大的增益。

    Usually , single vector sensor will obtain infinite gain if noise energy flow can be counteracted in whole space .