
  • TV transmission;telecasting
  1. 广播和IP相结合,提供可靠的电视传送服务

    The Interoperability of Broadcast and IP Infrastructures for Reliable Delivery of Television

  2. 本文研究了网络传输协议、数字电视传送流及业务信息,设计并实现了SI引擎。

    Studing the transfer protocol , DTV transport stream ( TS ) and SI , a SI Engine is designed and implemented .

  3. 北京通信与重大国际赛事中的电视传送

    Beijing Telecom and TV Broadcasting of Major International Contests in Beijing

  4. 但你能通过电视传送吗?

    But could you send it by TV if you wanted to ?

  5. 数字电视传送流丢包和丢包率研究

    Study on Packet Loss and Packet Loss Rate of DTV Transport Stream

  6. 不播出(电视传送的事件或节目)。

    To withhold ( a televised event or program ) from a broadcast area .

  7. 电视传送的可视部分。

    The visible part of a television transmission .

  8. 谈我国卫星电视传送

    Introduction to satellite TV transmission in our country

  9. 同时他还找到了别人写的一些代码,这些代码可以向电视传送红外信号,

    he found some code written by somebody else that generates infrared signals for the TV ,

  10. 透过电视传送到另一端

    to the other by television .

  11. 不过谢丽·斯内夫还是对能够通过电视传送印第安人的声音和故事心存感激。

    But for now , Sneve is thankful to be able to bring Native voices and stories to television .

  12. 作为市场中新的增长点,数字地面电视传送服务越来越广泛地应用于各种各样的消费电子产品中。

    As a new growth point in the market , terrestrial digital television broadcasting services are used in various consumer electric products .

  13. 视频会议、内容分发、互动媒体等组播应用对QoS有严格要求,光网络组播可以保证QoS,因此适用于电视频道传送,电视频道传送是自动交换光网的一个重要增值应用。

    Multi-cast applications such as video conference , content distribution and interactive multi-media have stringent QoS requirements , and since optical multi-cast can ensure QoS , it is suitable for television channel transport . Television channel transport is an important profitable application of ASON .

  14. 自动交换光网络高效电视频道传送技术研究

    High Efficiency Television Channel Transport on ASON

  15. GB/T7402-1987利用电视信号传送标准时间频率

    Time and frequency dissemination via television signals

  16. 构思一种利用有线电视系统传送计算机输出串行控制信号的特殊方法。

    A special method is proposed , by which the control string pulses out of computers are transmitted through a cable TV system .

  17. 到本世纪中叶,无线电和电视作为传送声音和/或图像的方式已经得到确立。

    By the middle of the century , both radio and television had become established means of transmitting sound and / or pictures .

  18. 它们可以通过专线宽带将多频道高画质电视讯号传送到消费者客厅内专门的电视机顶盒中。

    They can deliver multiple channels of high-quality television and video content over dedicated broadband links to specialised television set-top boxes in consumers ' living rooms .

  19. 经过2a的实施,完成了该项目的开发,抄表和监控用户数超过4000。实用效果表明,使用有线电视网络来传送电力用户的各种数据先进可行。

    The research development of this project was completed through implementation of 2 years , the numbers of user exceed 4 000.The practical effect shows that it is feasible and advanced to use cable television network for delivering the various data of power user .

  20. 电视电话能传送和接收图象和声音。

    A videophone can transmit and receive pictures as well as sound .

  21. 数字电视的有线传送技术

    The Wire Transmission Technology of Digital Video Broadcasting

  22. 使用现有的有线电视网来传送电力用户的各种数据,是一种先进、可靠、低成本的方案。

    The scheme using existing cable television network to deliver the various data of power user is advanced , reliable and with low cost .

  23. 我还有洗碗机、手机、无线上网、有线电视(卫星传送)服务,这一切先进得很,要是万一不小心坐在了遥控器上,恐怕整个空中交通控制系统都得重启。

    I also have a dishwasher , a cell phone , wireless Internet and satellite cable service that 's so advanced that accidentally sitting on the remote can cause entire air traffic control systems to reset .

  24. 商品信息的渠道是令人眼花缭乱的各类广告。这些广告通过报纸、电视、电台传送进入千千万万人的眼睛耳朵。大减价大拍卖信息最引人注意。

    The main channel through which customers get merchandise information is advertisement or comme rcials , and nowadays advertisements are almost everywhere , newspapers , TVs , radios , etc. , where the sales information is the most attractive .

  25. IPTV将运营商的电视信号通过Internet传送给多个接收者,接收者可以是机顶盒、电脑、手持式移动电子设备。

    IPTV send television signals of operators to multiple recipients through the Internet , and users receive messages by set-top boxes , computers , hand-held mobile electronic devices .

  26. GB/T16812-1997NICAM-728卫星电视信道副载波传送数字声技术规范

    Technical specification for NICAM-728 digital audio signal transmission with satellite TV channel subcarrier

  27. 譬如说,在美国,光纤电缆首先可以传送高清晰度电视,还可以传送全色连续动作电视电话。

    In the United States , for example , fiber-optic cables may first deliver high-definition television , as well as full-motion , full-color video-telephone reception .

  28. 王的脸谱经由电视固定的转播传送到全岛各地,只要有他的比赛和许多他在赛后的访问相关动作都经现场转播和不断重播。

    Wang 's face has become a fixture on television throughout the island , with his games and many of his off-field antics broadcast and rebroadcast .

  29. 而对电视系统来说,传送静止图象所需的比特率最低,而且随着图象静止时间的增加而趋近于零。

    In the TV transmission case , the necessary bit rate is minimal for a static image , and tend to zero when the static time increased .

  30. 县级以上广播电视行政部门负责本行政区域内广播电视节目传送业务的管理。

    The radio and TV administrative departments at or above the county level shall be responsible for the business of transmission of radio and TV programs within their respective administrative areas .