
  • 网络computer repair;repair services
  1. 服务类型:笔记本电脑维修、IT外包、数据恢复、数码相机维修、投影机维修、GPS维修。

    Service Type : Notebook computer repair , IT outsourcing , data recovery , digital camera repair , projector repair , GPS service .

  2. 他刚开了家自己的电脑维修公司。

    He just opened his own computer repair business .

  3. 电脑维修人员说我的电脑运作正常,问题是由GIGO引起的。

    Ex : The help desk told me that my computer was working fine and the problem was caused by GIGO !

  4. 微机室:电脑维修人员自己的兴趣空前高涨!

    Microcomputer room : the computer maintenance staff oneself interest unprecedented upsurge !

  5. 可调电源在笔记本电脑维修中的应用研究

    Adjustable Power Source in Notebook Computer Service Applied Research

  6. 我们公司的电脑维修人员工作压力一直很大,因为电脑太旧了。

    Ex : The help desk staff in our company are always stressed out because the computers are old .

  7. 如果能够尽快提供电脑维修和兼容性的手册就更好了。

    It will be better if a handbook is provided on maintenance and compatibility of the computer as soon as possible .

  8. 有一些技能比较热门,比如电脑维修、外语学习、乐器学习、运动技能等。

    Some skills are in great need , for example , computer repair , foreign languages , musical instruments and motor skills .

  9. 十二年来,我们矢志不渝从事硬件维修及相关的维修培训工作,在中国电脑维修界,享有极高的声誉。

    Twelve years , we have unshaken in hardware maintenance and related maintenance training , computer maintenance industry in China , enjoying high reputation .

  10. 在以后的工作中我们将继往开来的遵循我们的服务理念,专注与我们的电脑维修事业,让电脑维修行业呈现出一片蓝蓝的天空。

    In future work , we will follow the past with the future of our service concept , focus and our computer repair business , computer repair industry has shown a blue sky .

  11. 在黄河边上的郑州,学校要求男孩子们签署保证书,行为举止要像“真正的男人”。在上海,校长们在尝试开设专门的男生班,教武术、电脑维修和物理之类课程。

    In Zhengzhou , a city on the Yellow River , schools have asked boys to sign pledges to act like " real men . " In Shanghai , principals are trying boys-only classes with courses like martial arts , computer repair and physics .

  12. 公司告诉用户应联系苹果支持中心。一名苹果电脑维修专家表示这并非是常见问题。但是受影响的用户担心,一旦超出保修期,将面临高昂的维修费用。

    The firm told the users should contact its Apple support centre.One Macbook repair specialist indicated that this was not a common problem.But users who have been affected are concerned they will face expensive service fees once their warranties and / or extended AppleCare protection plans expire 。

  13. 今天下午,我把电脑拿去维修了。

    I took my computer to be repaired this afternoon .

  14. 联想电脑长春维修站服务经营转型研究

    The Transition Research about Service Operation of Lenovo Computer of Changchun Customer Center

  15. 我对电脑的维修保养很在行。

    Maintenance of PC is in my element .

  16. 我的专长是电脑硬件维修。

    My specialty is the computer hardware service .

  17. 本公司主要销售电脑锣以及维修。

    The company sells computer gongs and maintenance .

  18. 消费者应该在将他们的电脑送去维修前与维修者签订一份协议来保护自身的隐私和权利。

    Consumers are being warned to sign a contract to protect their privacy and their rights before sending their computers off to be repaired .

  19. 1998年,马化腾创办了腾讯,推出即时通讯服务QQ,不是像硅谷公司那样在车库创办,而是在深圳的一个科技园,那里满是销售山寨手机的贩子和个人电脑(PC)维修商。

    Mr Ma started Tencent in 1998 as the messaging service QQ - not in a garage , Silicon Valley-style , but in a high-tech park in Shenzhen , jammed between hustlers selling pirated phones and PC repairs .

  20. 我把电脑拿到一家维修店。

    I took it to a computer repair shop .

  21. 科卫总站配合本地的电脑商家,特制了电脑维修员配套,目的是训练有潜质的年轻人将来投入社会,成为出色的电脑维修员。

    CowieStation with cooperation from local computer shops has established computer technician package , aim to train potential teenagers to become a successful computer technician .