
  1. 抗日战争时期,国民政府召集了第三次全国教育会议。

    During the Anti-Japanese War , the National Government convened the Third National Conference on Education .

  2. 南京国民政府初建时期,国民政府连续召开第一次全国教育会议和第二次全国教育会议,并进行了宪法草案的制定。

    During its early days , the Nanking National government convened the First National Conference on Education and the Second National Conference on Education and established the constitution draft .

  3. 南京国民政府建立伊始,即召开全国教育会议商讨教育事业的发展途径,在小学教师待遇方面也给予关注并制定了相关法律。

    The Nanjing National Government held national education conference once it established , to discuss the pathways developing the education , to care for the salary of the primary school teachers and to commit relevant laws .

  4. 全面推进素质教育的新阶段&学习全国教育工作会议文件的几点体会

    A New Stage to Promote Quality Education in an All-round Way

  5. 第三次全国教育工作会议对培养具有创新素质的高级专门人才提出了明确要求。

    The Third National Education Conference proposed definite demand for training advanced specialized personnel with creative quality .

  6. 结合贯彻落实第三次全国教育工作会议精神,就实施素质教育、发展职业技术教育等问题作了论述。

    In combination with the implementation of the spirit of the 3rd National Education Meeting , such problems are discussed as how to carry out quality education and develop vocational education , and so on .

  7. 20多年来,先后召开了三次全国教育工作会议,出台了两决定一纲要三个重要政策性文件,推进教育改革的不断深化和升华。

    The past twenty years , three conferences have been held successively on the nationwide educational work and issued " two decisions and one programme ", thus gradually deepened and upgraded the reform in education .

  8. 自1999年第三次全国教育工作会议召开之后,为扩大招生规模,在满足社会需要的同时拓宽学校收入来源渠道,江苏、浙江两省的部分普通高校相继进行了举办民办二级学院的尝试。

    Since the third China educational meeting held in 1999 , in order to expand admission scale and broaden sources of revenue channels , some higher institutions in zhejiang and jiangsu province have tried to establish secondary colleges .

  9. 特别是第三次全国教育工作会议之后,如何正确认识和具体实施好素质教育,已经成为当前各级教育管理部门和全体教育工作者亟需解决的现实课题和不可推卸的历史责任。

    Especially after the third time national educational working conference , how correct understanding and quality-oriented education of implementing , have already become realistic subject and bounden historical responsibility that present educational administrative department and all educators have needed badly solving .

  10. 全国职业教育会议和中国国际职业教育论坛分别于2005年11月7日至8日和10日在北京和重庆举行,可见职业教育已成为当前教育发展的热点问题。

    The Nationwide Vocational Education Conference and the China International Vocational Education Forum had been hold on in Beijing from November 7th , 2005 to 8th and on 10th in Chongqing separately . Obviously , the vocational education has become a hot topic in current education development .

  11. 1980年,全国师范教育工作会议以后,恢复了中师培养小学教师的任务。

    After the standard meeting of national teacher-training education in 1980 , the task was restored for the secondary normal school to foster the primary school teachers .

  12. 从2002年全国职业教育工作会议开始,中等职业教育受到了国务院的高度重视,发展环境得以改善。

    Since the national vocational education congress held in 2002 , secondary vocational education has been highly valued by the State Council , and its development environment has been improving .

  13. 全国基础教育工作会议和上海基础教育工作会议的召开,对全面推进素质教育提出了十分明确的要求。

    The convocation of the national basic education working conference and Shanghai basic education working conference , has raised a very clear request in advancing quality-oriented education in an all-round way .

  14. 2002年全国职业教育工作会议,为中职学校的改革与发展明确了任务和方向,中职学校的发展已经从规模效益型向创新质量型转变。

    In 2002 , the national professional education conference defined the task and the direction for the reformation and development of the secondary professional school , which had transformed from the scale-benefit type to the type of the new-trail-blazed quality .

  15. 2003年9月,全国农村教育工作会议在京召开,国务院发布了《进一步加强农村教育工作的决定》,农村教育成为党和政府工作的重中之重。

    In September of 2003 , the national rural educational working conference is held in Beijing , the State Council issues " the decision of strengthening rural educational work further ", rural educational becomes the most important thing of the party and government work .

  16. 全国职业教育工作会议和《国务院关于大力发展职业教育的决定》创造了中等职业教育新的发展机遇,明确了中等职业教育重点发展和优先发展的战略。

    The national conference of the national vocational education and " decision about vigorous support to vocational education by the State Council " have created new opportunities to the development of vocational academy 's education and formulated the strategies for its key and priority development .

  17. 第二届全国司法警官教育论坛会议综述

    Summary on the second All-China Forum of Judicial Police Officers

  18. 第一届全国司法警官教育论坛会议综述司法警官院校普体、警体课程改革的调查研究

    Summary of the Firs National Education Forum on Correctional Officers Investigation on the Curriculum Reforming of Common P.E.and Police P.E. in Judical Policemen Speciality School

  19. 在1995年全国背通高中教育会议上,原国家教委正式部署了在全国创建1000所左右的实验性、示范性普通高中的工作。

    In 1995 , at the Meeting on the National Ordinary Senior High School Education , the State Education Commission formally carried out the programme of developing 1,000 or so demonstrative senior high schools around China .