
  1. 最先进的电脑特技与最古老的东方艺术完美融合在一起,为您带来超乎想像的视觉冲击。

    The most advanced CG combined with oriental arts will bring you an incredible experience .

  2. 这部片有很多模仿动物的动作,也有大量的电脑特技和真人特技。

    It offers lots of animal action as well as great stunts both CGI and physical .

  3. 他指出,好莱坞靠的是电脑特技,而我要靠真人表演。

    He pointed out that Hollywood is relying on computer graphics , and I must live performance .

  4. 电视制作过程相当流畅,采用了高速摄影、电脑特技等先进技术,制造出一个近乎真实的视觉体验。

    The productions are sleek and use advanced technologies such as high-speed photography and computer-generated effects , creating a real-life visual impact .

  5. 近期一些水准高而又卖座的电影,都运用了大量电脑特技。我们对科技的整体投资,将大大提升电影业在这方面的应用能力。

    Some of the most successful films of recent times have relied greatly on computer graphics , and our overall investment in technology will also greatly enhance our capabilities in this area .

  6. 导演肖恩利维(两部《博物馆奇妙夜》的导演)在此证明,他不用电脑特技时更加成功。

    The director , Shawn Levy , who committed the two Night at the Museum movies , here shows that he is much more successful when he stays far away from CGI .

  7. 电视制作过程相当流畅,采用了高速摄影、电脑特技等先进技术,制造出一个近乎真实的视觉体验。而且,韩剧往往在剧本刚创作三分之一时就开拍。

    The productions are sleek and use advanced technologies such as high-speed photography and computer-generated effects , creating a real-life visual impact . Moreover , the shooting for South Korean productions generally starts when the scripts are just one-third ready .

  8. 大量的实景和电脑特技把僵尸和它们对人类的进攻都很好地呈现了出来:这些怪物移动速度很快,对人肉贪得无厌。

    The zombies and their attack scenes were very well-executed target = _blank class = infotextkey > executed with a combination of practical and computer-generated effects . These monsters were very fast-moving and relentless in their quest for human flesh .

  9. 这部科幻大片以其电脑制作的特技和令人眼花缭乱、接连不断的动作镜头而闻名。

    The science-fiction blockbuster is known for its computer-generated special effects and dazzling , non-stop action sequences .

  10. 一些人认为电脑图像合成的特技,使影片更象电脑游戏。

    Some think that CGI stunts make movies look like video games .

  11. 烟雾和云的模拟广泛应用于电脑游戏、影视特技、科学计算可视化以及军事模拟和训练等领域,是计算机图形学的一个热点问题。

    Smoke and cloud simulation is a hotspot in Computer Graphics . It is widely used in computer games , film and TV special effects , scientific computing visualization and military simulating .

  12. 它在计算机动画、电脑游戏、影视特技、文化宗教、军事仿真、建筑景观设计、休闲旅游、虚拟现实等领域都有非常广泛的应用。

    It has been found wide application in many domains such as computer animation , computer games , special effects of movie , culture , religion , battlefield simulation , landscaping , architecture , virtual reality , etc.