
  • 网络Underground drainage;Subsurface Drainage;subdrainage;SSD
  1. 水管理策略对土壤水盐动态和区域地下排水影响的模拟评价

    Effects of water management strategies on soil water-salt movement and subsurface drainage

  2. 现状灌溉用水量减少25%时,作物根区没有产生明显的积盐,地下排水量减少31.4%。

    However , when irrigation application decreased by 25 % the salt accumulation in root zone will not be obvious and the subsurface drainage flow will decrease by 31.4 % .

  3. 城市规划者决定建造一个地下排水系统,但是地面高度和水位之间的差别太小了。

    The city planner decided to build an underground drainagesystem , but there simply wasn 't enough difference between the height of the ground level and the water level .

  4. 为保证校区E道路的正常运行及拟建科技中心的安全,本文提出了采用抗滑桩及挡土墙为主,辅以地表、地下排水工程等综合治理方案。

    In order to ensure the safety of the road and the proposed Science and Technology Center , the authors recommend a comprehensive control program , which combines glide-resisting stake and earth-retaining walls .

  5. 1978年,本研究所在国内首次埋设塑料暗管,就地下排水标准与间距计算进行了研究。得出地下水头高0.5m,排水宰12mm/天为稳定流地下排水标准。

    We initiated applying the technology of laying underground drainage and space calculation in 1978 . The results indicated that 0.5m height for underground water head and 12mm / day for drainage rate were the stable flow for underground drainage standard .

  6. 地下排水拱涵的共同作用分析

    Analysis of Concurrent Action of Underground Arch Culvert and Soil Mass

  7. 浅谈公路中央分隔带地下排水渗沟的设置

    A Brief Talk on Installation of the Blind Drain under Highway Median

  8. 除臭技术在海河工程地下排水泵站中的应用

    Application of Deodorization Technology in Underground Drainage Pump Station of Haihe Engineering

  9. 半干旱灌溉地区采用地下排水控制土地盐化的效果评价

    Subsurface drainage for salinity control in semi-arid irrigation region : performance assessment

  10. 西安地裂缝对地下排水管道的破坏及防治

    The Damages to Underground Drainage Pipelines Caused by Ground Fissures in Xi'an

  11. 地下排水管道流量检测技术进展

    Development of flow measurement technology for underground sewer system

  12. 地下排水和渗灌条件下麦田土壤水分变化模拟

    Simulation of Soil Moisture Fluctuation in Winter Wheat Fields under Subdrainage and Seepage Irrigation

  13. 地下排水管道的特殊保护方法

    A Special Protection Method for Underground Drainage Pipeline

  14. 田间结果表明,地下排水系统对控制土壤盐碱化具有积极意义。

    Field data / information revealed that SSD has positive impacts on soil salinity control .

  15. 建造一个长的地下排水系统不会是一个容易的决定。

    That does not make it an easy decision to go ahead with the long tunnel .

  16. 火电厂地下排水箱涵变形缝及接头的止水

    Expansion Joint and Joint Seal of Underground Box Culvert for Water Drainage in Thermal Power Plant

  17. 地下排水的特殊功能

    Special Function of underground Drainage

  18. 在遥远的他国,由于简陋的地下排水系统导致的一些比如水传播疾病的环境灾难不属于此类别。

    Environmental disasters like endemic waterborne disease due to inadequate sewage treatment in faraway nations do not fit this category .

  19. 科学设计城市地下排水管道口径和最小口径已成为城市发展的迫切需求。

    The scientific design of urban underground drain ' caliber and minimum diameter has become the urgent needs of urban development .

  20. 急流瘫痪了公用线路,冲破地下排水管道,弄翻陷入泥坑的汽车。

    The rush of water downed utility lines , broke underground drainage pipes and flipped cars that remain mired in mud .

  21. 雨季通过地下排水系统淋洗排出的盐分数量大于灌溉季节引入的盐分数量。

    The salts leached through the SSD system during the monsoon season was larger than the salt input to the soil through irrigation .

  22. 独辟蹊径,一只小野兔和一只鼪鼠巧妙的利用地下排水通道过街。

    Instead , a rabbit and a stoat are cleverly using an underground network of drains to make it to the other side .

  23. 二是采用地下排水,恢复补偿疏空区用水,解决回灌问题。

    And the second is to adopt under drainage technique to renew and compensate using water , it could solve issue of water recharging to some extent .

  24. 博尼斯推测,热带风暴阿加莎带来的强降雨,同时也加重了地下排水管道的负担,致使不断变大的地下洞穴最终塌陷。

    Heavy rains from tropical storm Agatha may also have overloaded underground sewage or drainage pipes , leading to a growing cavity that eventually collapsed , Bonis speculated .

  25. 在对滑坡成因机理深入研究的基础上,制定了相应的地表和地下排水工程措施。

    On the basis of the thorough research on the formation mechanism of the landslide , the relevant engineering measures of the surface and the underground drainages are framed .

  26. 基于工程滑坡实例研究,利用数值模拟,揭示了滑坡治理工程中地下排水洞的排水效果,分析了地表水集中入渗和设置抗滑桩后地下水渗流场的变化特征。

    A numerical simulation case study is used to demonstrate the drainage effects on underground tunnel , the groundwater table changes caused by surface water infiltration and anti-sliding piles settings .

  27. 采用一维非恒定流方程模拟地下排水管网内的水流,并给出泵站、闸门、淹没出流管道等排水系统的处理方法。

    The flow in the drainage pipe network is simulated by one-dimensional unsteady flow theory , and the calculation of the pumping stations , the water gates and submersed pipes is indicated .

  28. 市政整体排水系统程序如下:路面雨水→雨水井→沉泥井→过街排水管→排水检查井→地下排水主干线。

    The whole city drainage system program is as follows : rain water wells road , clay and drain well across the street and drainage inspection wells and underground drainage main lines .

  29. 下雨时,该系统保持尽可能多的水供灌溉用,当地下排水沟形成径流时,雨洪经各渗井流入深埋排水竖井,流出团城。

    In rainy days , the system keeps as much water as possible for irrigation , and the surplus water is drained out through deep drainage wells when stream forms in the underground drain .

  30. 农田地下排水暗管的间距与埋深,直接关系到排水效果、农田基建投资和经济效益。

    The effect of drainage , investment funds of field basic construction and economical efficiency would be directly influenced with the space and layout depth of underground plastic pipe for drainage in the field .