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The result of operation indicated that pH value automatic control of refined brine ran more stable , electrolytic efficiency was improved and electricity consumption was reduced .
The voltage of unit cell decreased from 3.177 V to 3.116 V , the electricity consumption decreased by 42.5 kW · h / ( t · NaOH ) .
Relation between the Energy Intensity and Electricity Intensity of GDP
Electricity efficiency for secondary electrolysis was 100 % , with the power consumption being 0.19kwh/Kg . In .
After structure innovation of refrigerating kettle and centrifuge , quality of refining hydrazine hydrate was improved and power consumption in AC production were decreased .
On Power Consumption of Catalyse Electrolytic Removal of COD and NH_3-N from Refuse Leachate
Higher the original COD in wastewater is , higher the Faradic current efficiency is , whereas smaller the maximum electrical consumption is .
At the room temperature , when the electric energy consumption of AMT decompose poll was 90-100 kw .
Process measures for reduction on electric consumption of 10-T electric arc furnace
Analysis of power consumption on 100 t AC shaft electric arc furnace
In order to comply with the secondary discharge standard , the electrolysis time was about 82 minutes and the energy consumption was about 37.33 kWh / T.
Although the energy consumption index of generalized predictive control is a little less than that of fuzzy adaptive PID control , the generalized predictive control is energy saving in the long run .
NH3 , the consumption of electricity will drop from 850KWh / t.
It includes temperature-power consumption relationship analysis , space requirements of CAD model establishment , mathematics model establishment of power balance , data acquisition means , probability statistics of user ′ s driving and probability distribution of engine speed .
For which , orthogonal test can be employed to examine the effect upon the electric consumption in the process of electrolysis brought by the current density , PH value of electrolytic solution , electrolytic temperature and sodium chloride content .
The influences of P 2O 5 , Fe 2O 3 , CO 2 in the mixed raw materials on power consumption are analyzed .
Effect of Charging Structure on Electric Power Consumption of a 50 t Arc furnace at Shijiazhuang Iron and Steel
It is demonstrated that impurities of Fe , Ni and Sn have influence on the electrorefining results such as current efficiency , direct current ( DC ) consumption , impurities content in cathodic zinc and the cathodic zinc appearance .
Electrocatalysis performance of black Sn-Ni alloy was studied to reduce the energy loss and increase the economic effect in hydrogen production by electrolysis in NaOH solution .
Analysis of electricity cost between general wet process and CT-121 FGD
Base on the definition of electricity elasticity coefficient , the correlation formula between the electricity elasticity coefficient and electricity intensity of GDP is derived , and a Introduce a new method of load forecast using electricity elasticity coefficient is put forward .
The results show that the once-through absorption rate of 2 % H2S containing gas can reach 99 % and electricity consumption for hydrogen production can be reduced to 2.0 kWh / Nm3 H2 under the condition of 80 ℃, nounal atmosphere and using the bubbling bed absorption unit .
Discussion on Reduction of Power Consumption of 60 KA Aluminium Electrolytic Cell with side-inserted Self-baking Anode
After improving the salt separation system , the capacity of evaporators increased by 30 % , the electricity consumption decreased by 35 kW · h / ( t · NaOH ) and steam consumption decreased by 0.4 t / ( t · NaOH ) .
A good result in power saving of flotation machine has been brought since replacing 80 JO_2 motors of low-performance by the energy-saving motor .
A 2m3 / h test project for desalination of shoal water by seawater desalination technique was carried out . The mutual relationship between water temperature , power consumption per m3 product water , influent TDS , product water TDS etc.
It discusses the operation condition and keys in melting silicomanganese with low slag ratio . It also expresses the mutual relation of Al2O3 in charging with technological parameter of furnace , coke particle size and its effect on index , such as electricity consumption and so on .
Soft asphalt-oxygen-lance technology has been applied into a 50 t electric arc furnace . Results show that the tap to tap cycle for the EAF has been shortened ; energy consumption per ton steel reduced ;
Output was increased around 30 % and the unit power consumption was 2270kWh / t on conditon with cool charge to produce charge FeCr
This process can decrease power consumption of 55 3kWh / t , reduce reduction period time of 4 min / heat , decrease row material consumption and labour strength and enhance furnace life from 53 heats to 70 heats compared with old process method .