
  • 网络Electromagnetic Shielding;emi;EMC;ems
  1. 当导电纤维含量达到5wt%时,此时复合材料的体积电阻率为0.43Ω·cm,具有较好的电磁屏蔽能力。

    When conductive fiber content reaches 5 wt % , the volume resistivity of composite is 0.43 Ω· cm and have good effectiveness for shielding EMI .

  2. 从电磁屏蔽材料的研究现状与发展趋势来看,导电聚吡咯(PPy)以电导率高、环境稳定性好、易于掺杂等特点可成为理想的电磁屏蔽材料。

    According to the status and development trend of EMI shielding materials , polypyrrole ( PPy ) shows a favorable application in EMI shielding because of its high electrical conductivity , outstanding stability and easy doping .

  3. 产品最终可用于LED封装及电磁屏蔽等领域,具有较高的实际应用价值。

    The product can be used for LED packaging , electromagnetic shielding and other fields .

  4. 微米级电气石表面包覆ZnO及其电磁屏蔽性能研究

    Micron-Tourmaline Coated with ZnO : Preparation and Its Electromagnetism Shield Capability Study

  5. 结果表明,采用金属丝网与PET膜复合结构可以制备可见光透明的屏蔽性能优良的电磁屏蔽层;

    The results show that the structure can be used as electromagnetic shielding layer .

  6. PAN/Cu/Ni纤维及复合材料的电磁屏蔽性能

    PAN / Cu / Ni Fibers and Electromagnetic Shielding Performance of Its Composite Material

  7. 涂料涂覆的ABS板的电磁屏蔽性能较好。

    The painted ABS plate had good electromagnetic shielding effectiveness .

  8. EM改性聚丙烯纤维的电磁屏蔽性能研究

    Study on Electromagnetic Shielding Property of Inorganic Particle Modified PP Fibers

  9. 稀土La对电沉积Ni-P电磁屏蔽镀层组织结构的影响

    Effect of Lanthanum on Structure of Electrodeposition Ni-P Electromagnetic Shielding Coating

  10. 基于FDTD法的连接器电磁屏蔽性的研究

    Study of Shielding Effectiveness of Connector Enclosure Based on FDTD Method

  11. 低温沉积ITO膜的透光率及电磁屏蔽特性的研究

    Transmittance and Electromagnetic Shielding of ITO Films Deposited at Low Temperature

  12. 缝隙结构电磁屏蔽特性数值仿真建模方法研究基片集成波导X型缝隙结构行波圆极化天线及阵列

    Study on Modeling Method for Electromagnetic Shielding Simulation of Aperture Substrate Integrated Waveguide ( SIW ) Traveling Wave Circular Polarized Antenna

  13. Al-Si闭孔泡沫铝电磁屏蔽效能

    Electromagnetic shielding effectiveness of Al - Si closed - cell aluminum foam

  14. 研究了杨木单板表面化学镀镍过程中pH值和温度变化对镀层的电磁屏蔽性能和表面导电性能影响。

    The effect of pH and temperature on electromagnetic shielding and surface conductance of nickel-plate was studied in the course of processing electroless nickel-plated poplar veneers .

  15. 以杨木单板为原料,利用化学镀法在其表面镀覆Ni-P合金镀层,以此来制备具有电磁屏蔽功能的木材-金属复合材料。

    Electromagnetic shielding wood-metal composite was prepared by electroless plating of Ni-P alloy on poplar veneer .

  16. QFN封装电磁屏蔽用化学镀Cu的研究

    Studying on the Coatings of QFN EMI Shielding by Using Electroless Cu Plating

  17. 研究了添加稀土La电沉积电磁屏蔽Ni-P合金镀层的工艺。

    The plating process of rare earth element lanthanum doped amorphous Ni-P alloy electromagnetic shielding coating electrodeposition was studied .

  18. 采用镀金属炭毡与环氧树脂、聚丙烯(PP)、ABS、聚苯乙烯(PS)、聚乙烯(PE)复合制备电磁屏蔽(EMS)复合材料。

    EMS ( Electromagnetic shielding ) composites were manufactured by respectively laminating metal-coated carbon fiber felt with epoxy , PP , ABS , PS , and PE .

  19. 研究结果还表明,随着镀层中P含量的降低,镀层的微结构向晶态结构转变,且导电性和电磁屏蔽性能逐渐提高。

    At the same time , the results showed that with the decreasing of the phosphorous content in the layer , the microstructure of Ni-P alloy layer transformed to be microcrystalline and electro-conductivity and electromagnetic shielding effectiveness were improved .

  20. 本文分析了干扰对某CAT系统的影响,从电磁屏蔽、电源系统、传输线路和接地系统等进行了硬件抗干扰设计。

    The paper analyzes interference of jam in the CAT system , and accomplishes anti-jamming hardware design based on design of electromagnetism shield , power supply , transmit lines and grounding system .

  21. 在电路实现中,DAC的选择、电源去耦及电磁屏蔽需要特别注意。

    The DAC performance , decoupling of power supply and shield should be paid close attention in the implementation of system .

  22. 水热法制备PDP纳米荧光材料及其表征PDP电磁屏蔽膜的特性测试及其研究

    Preparation and characterization of PDP nano luminous materials by hydrothermal synthesis Performance Evaluation of Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Films of Plasma Display Panel

  23. 以不锈钢纤维为导电填料,分别与ABS和PP复合,制得了电磁屏蔽用导电高分子复合材料。

    In this paper , electrical conductive polymer composites for shielding electromagnetic interference have been prepared with ABS and PP as matrix resins and stainless steel fiber as conductive filler .

  24. 结果表明,pH值和温度升高,电磁屏蔽性能和表面导电性提高,但达到一定值后,电磁屏蔽性能和表面导电性又有所下降。

    The results show that the electromagnetic shielding and surface conductance of electroless nickel-plated poplar veneers increase with pH and temperature . However , those will decrease when pH and temperature are up to a certain value .

  25. 结果表明,三明治型电磁屏蔽材料的屏蔽效能增量(△SE)随电磁波频率的增加而增大,可以实现结构优化;

    Results show that the sandwich-type electromagnetic shielding materials can be used to achieve structural optimization , and the increment of shielding effectiveness ( SE ) increases with the electromagnetic wave frequency ;

  26. 笔者重点研究了不同目数的铜丝网和木材纤维压制具有电磁屏蔽效能的复合MDF的生产工艺。

    The manufacturing technology of wood fiber-copper wire net composite MDF , which have electromagnetic shielding effectiveness ( ESE ), was studied in this paper .

  27. 最后对滤波器屏蔽体的电磁屏蔽效能仿真分析,并实际搭建了一个滤波器,测试结果显示,EMI信号线滤波器的插入损耗能够达到预期的目标。

    As well as the actual filter is set up , the test results show that the insertion loss of EMI signal line filter have achieved the expected goal .

  28. 为了制造具有导电性和电磁屏蔽性能的木质材料,使用了化学镀镍的方法在木材表面获得Ni-P合金镀层。

    The method of electroless nickel plating was used to produce wooden material with electrical and effective electromagnetic shielding properties . Ni-P alloy layer was obtained on wood surface .

  29. Mg-Li合金具有比强度、比刚度高和减震性能好,以及电磁屏蔽性能优良,抗高能粒子穿透能力强等优点;

    It has high Specific strength and stiffness , good shock absorption property , and electromagnetic shielding , can antis penetrate of high-energy particles .

  30. 涂料三明治型电磁屏蔽材料的SE值比普通型高,当入射电磁波的频率为1GHz时,三明治型比普通型高18dB。

    The SE of coating-sandwich-type electromagnetic shielding materials is higher than that of coating-normal-type . When the frequency point is 1 GHz , the SE of coating-sandwich-type is 18 dB higher than that of coating-normal-type .