
diàn hōng xiāng
  • Electric oven;electric dry oven
电烘箱[diàn hōng xiāng]
  1. 用电烘箱可将样品保持在任何所需的、上下浮动不超过2°C的温度上。

    The sample could be maintained at any desired temperature with a variation of + / - 2 c by an electric furnace .

  2. 结果表明,利用微波照射替代电烘箱加热,可使沉淀物的干燥时间由12h缩短为12min。

    The drying time of the sediment decreased from 12 h of the traditional heating method to 12 min of the microwave radiation .

  3. 粮油检验中如何正确使用电烘箱

    How to use the electro store in the inspection of grain and oilseeds

  4. 低温电烘箱的安装功率按照常规算法与实际需求有较大的差距,因而直接影响炉温均匀性和车间电力负荷的分配与平衡。

    There is a difference between reality and calculated value of the installation power of low temperature electric baking oven , so it has a influence on furnace temperature uniformity and balance and distribution of electric loading in the workshop .

  5. 它采用输入输出接线形式,可以控制路灯、灯箱、电热水器、烘箱等各种安装位置固定的电器设备。

    It uses the form of input and output wiring , you can control the lights , light box , electric water heaters , ovens and other electrical equipment to install a fixed location .